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Clt Observer On Cwa - Company Meeting


ahh, I read your post all toooo well.....

Then I ask, why did you put grocery clerk in your post to make some kind of a point?

My take is that you're trying to "sell an idea" that ..... even a grocery clerk gets training.....

Its called "sublineal messaging".

How about using an analogy of a parametic who needs speicalized training, or someone who gets trained to be an "air marshall"?

No...you use a grocery clerk.... :angry:
PITbull said:
Then I ask, why did you put grocery clerk in your post to make some kind of a point?
The point is "special training" is far too general to be a useful term.
ktflyhome said:
Welcome Bestservedcold. I appreciate your post. I believe not offering a respectable early out to the Senior force here, just shows the company's true feelings for the employees who have dedicated their lives to U. I have spoken with many who would leave tomorrow if given the right and proper send off.
Sister, you got THAT right!

The topic was on a debate of what is considered a profession vs. career...or vs. one in the same as terms being interchangable.
Um. Yes. So I was trying to further the discussion by digging deeper into where FAs sit on the continuum between burger flippers and neurosurgeons. To that end, I'm suggesting that the definition used ("special training") isn't really a good distinction, since it would include such people as grocery clerks.

This was why I asked the followup to ktflyhome regarding the number of people who don't make it through training. That tends to give a degree of indication as to the level of difficulty involved.

I believe an economy that offered a more equal access to opportunities would be a big win. Americans are not interested in equal results - they just want to see a fair game.

Capitalism, as generally discussed, is about money, property, facilities, etc.

Far too narrow a view. Money, property and facilities are the results of ideas - the true driving force of history.

As the gifts of intellect and drive are randomly distributed across the population, access for all is the only true way to maximize intellectual capital.

A young girl in a Houston ghetto may have the gifts to be the greatest healer since Salk. A farm boy could become the greatest lawgiver since Jefferson.

But, if they don't get a break opportunity-wise, all they may amount to is a dental hygienist and a state trooper. At best, as things currently stand, they have an opportunity to be the exception to the rule. We do not risk capital on such long shots, except in Vegas.

And we will all be the poorer for it.

And I greatly object to Hoover II's march back to the 20's for just those reasons.
PITbull said:
PITbull replies: A grocery clerk who gets training for bagging groceries and the use of a cash register is in no way even close to being equated with 6 weeks of f/a training on safety/emergency procedures.

I think you misunderstood. What you are saying is also Michael's point. You two may actually be on the same side with this one, to a degree.

You really should back off being on constant "automatic attack mode" against everyone who doesn't swallow your union PC line 100% of the time. It makes you look silly on occassion.

Michael is actually one of the good ones, if you take a breath long enough to really understand what he is saying.
PITbull said:

You have your nerve to come on here and dictate what and who you think are fat and happyl...
Yes, I do have nerve and it seems I struck yours. I'm in no way an employee want to be. I stand by my opinion and you can stand by your bullish posts. In my opinion, that's really all I get from yours anyway!
RowUnderDCA said:
Another example:

Nursing is a job that became a career, because it was professionalized. Perhaps orderlies and what used to be called candy-strippers are becoming professionalized because of the changing structure of health-care, I don't know.

F/A and CSA are jobs that became 'careers' because people never did anything else. I mean career in the Def #2 sense. (with the prior stated caveats excepted)

I am very sad and disappointed that labor unions have failed so miserably in dealing with the injustice in our political culture that continues to make the prospective 'careers' of our children so shaky. If we are going to have to deal with a new global economy with new dynamics, seniority isn't going to work. We need something new. And it can't be handed down from corporate America.
Row: I have done many things in my life and #1 and most importanly was raising my children. That in it self is, and was, a CAREER. I dare anyone on here to defy me.!!!!!!!
ktflyhome said:
...raising my children. That in it self is, and was, a CAREER.
No argument here. The pay isn't much, but the rewards are immense.
4merresrat said:
Where did plainjane go? I guess there is no way to defend the undefensible. I guess she has nothing left to say.
Unlike some, I do not spend endless hours on this board. I read, post and continue my day earning a living. Oh, yes, I do work on average 50 - 60 hours per week, some unpaid as in volunteer work with people from all walks of life. I fly U, WN, etc.... I consider U to be one of the best and talk frequently within the ranks. I truly don't hear what I always seemingly read on the posts, but then again, whenever new posters post, the same come on and kill the messenger. This board is a great case study.........
Bear96 said:

I think you misunderstood. What you are saying is also Michael's point. You two may actually be on the same side with this one, to a degree.

You really should back off being on constant "automatic attack mode" against everyone who doesn't swallow your union PC line 100% of the time. It makes you look silly on occassion.

Michael is actually one of the good ones, if you take a breath long enough to really understand what he is saying.

I know more about the guy that meets these posts. I'm a preety good judge of character, myself.

YOU are on our US board...don't like the heat, go where its luke warm at UAL. 🙄

Whatever crap rolls down U, will surely catch UAL f/as in about 6- 8 months. You've been about that far behind us on all fronts.
planejane said:
Yes, I do have nerve and it seems I struck yours. I'm in no way an employee want to be. I stand by my opinion and you can stand by your bullish posts. In my opinion, that's really all I get from yours anyway!
mega ditto! 😛 and obviously, I'm not the only one that thinks that.

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