Kev3188 said:
Actually you did. "Strikingly identical," was the term you used.
You gonna wring another half dozen posts out of explaining what you really meant and/or how none of us can "grasp" the intent of your posts?
then you should be able to tell me what you have access to as an active employee on a remote basis than what a retiree has on the same basis.
go ahead.
and while you make a production about internal access, you fail to acknowledge that most of the detailed information about airlines becomes public knowledge at some point anyway.
operational performance, market share, and revenue information ALL become public information at some point.
Some of us know where to find that information via public channels while many airline employees never will find out what is available or where to find it.
eolesen said:
It's a bit silly to even be going down this road, but does anyone really believe that DL's interpretation of SEC guidelines on inside information comes even close to allowing retirees access to sensitive or proprietary information?...
My friends in CorpComm at various airlines and companies treat anything released to employees or retirees (be it in a letter, email, webpage, or conveyed verbally in an engagement session) on the same level of confidentiality as would be given a press release, because it's inevitable that someone's going to post it to the internet...
For the most part, if the investment community doesn't have access to it, separated and retired employees shouldn't have access to it. Period.
then you should realize that the vast majority of employees at ANY company do not have access to sensitive or proprietary information even on the job.
Kev can tell you the load on as many flights as he bothers to post today but he has no more access to any of the confidential, strategic information than I do.
and companies consider information released to employees as public information. There is nothing proprietary about what DL releases to its entire workforce.
Sensitive, proprietary information is known by a relative handful of employees and is not available to the larger employee workforce. And eventually most of that information will become public knowledge at some point.
and, again, all of the hoopla on data information is merely an attempt to divert from the reality that we are now well past a year when the DOJ provided access to VX at DAL, I said that DL would be there, and we are now at the point when dozens of people including the OP, indicated that DL would not remain at DAL.
In fact, despite not having access to DL's proprietary information for many years, I have a far better idea of what DL is doing and is going to do than those who post here acting as if they have some privileged position.
IN fact, those who have argued the loudest that I don't have access and they have it have been the ones who have been most wrong about what is actually going on at DL, including access to DAL.