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City of Dallas still in talks with Delta about Love Field

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They compete head to head with WN and give them no advantage. Also still have options for those of us that are more inclined to to be in Fort Worth.Something WN doesnt offer.
That's what I thought. That means DL's customers and aircraft will come second to whatever Expressjet is dealing with on their own flights.
unlike some airlines, DL actually does have quality control procedures for its contractors.

that might be why DCI carriers have the best on-time and completion data of the big 3 US carriers.

further, as with most of your pulled out of your backside hypotheses, there really is no information that you have that ExpressJet doesn't provide good performance for DL, now is there?

btw, I mentioned a long time ago that DL could choose to have blurred lines between the rest of ExpressJet's operations and access to DAL.

Like you, I have no proof of that but at least there isn't any public proof that is available while your hypothesis can be readily tested based on public data - and shown to be not substantiated.

DL is at DAL AND DFW for the same reason that DL serves both MDW and ORD - because both cities have two airports and which are also joined as a common market. there is a benefit in being able to serve both. DL's performance in every market it serves from ORD and MDW in common as well as HOU/IAH show it.

DL is simply not willing to allow any competitor to serve DL hubs w/o being willing to fight despite the inability of some people here to understand the concept of defending one's key markets.

and the 717s are more than twice the size of the 50 seaters that DL previously used. It isn't just a slight increase in seats which is also why DL's boardings at DAL for Nov were up by over 100% - a greater increase than UA and WN.
swamt said:
This is true.  However, Express doesn't have hardly any flights out of LF just like Delta, probably the same amount or less...
Not quite.

UAX is operating 7 trips a day, DL is operating 5.

Looking at the schedule, they do manage to get everything in and out of one gate, but there's not a lot of room for error:
Inbound	Arrive	Depart	Outbound
           ORIG   06:30   DL2574
           ORIG   07:00   UA4682
UA4331     8:25   08:55   UA4331
DL2037    09:28   10:04   DL2037
UA6015    10:17   10:47   UA6015
UA4317    11:23   11:53   UA4317
DL1303    12:12   12:47   DL1303
DL2500    14:57   15:35   DL2500
UA3267    15:07   15:37   UA3267
UA4180    16:40   17:10   UA4180
DL0932    17:25   18:01   DL2515
UA4315    18:39   19:09   UA4315
DL1292    22:07   RON
UA4350    22:15   RON
WorldTraveler said:
 DL's boardings at DAL for Nov were up by over 100% - a greater increase than UA and WN.
I'm waiting for WT to change their moniker to
"Delta Flights Matter" and I'm sure he'll lead the organizations in picketing if they ever lose the gates at DAL.
Kev3188 said:
Looks like there's an over lap between DL 2500 and UA 3267?
That's gonna be one crowded jetbridge with 2 a/c at the same time.   I'm sure they will need someone on the jetbridge to direct passengers to the correct a/c.  Just added expense.
im sure DL boarding is 100% up bec Im sure theyre siphoning the traffic right out of WN   Yep  anything DL does is beautiful and everything else any other airline does is flat out wrong..  
If Delta wasn't flying the route WN would have 100% . So I guess your right.
eolesen said:
Not quite.

UAX is operating 7 trips a day, DL is operating 5.

Looking at the schedule, they do manage to get everything in and out of one gate, but there's not a lot of room for error:

Inbound Arrive Depart Outbound
ORIG 06:30 DL2574
ORIG 07:00 UA4682
UA4331 8:25 08:55 UA4331
DL2037 09:28 10:04 DL2037
UA6015 10:17 10:47 UA6015
UA4317 11:23 11:53 UA4317
DL1303 12:12 12:47 DL1303
DL2500 14:57 15:35 DL2500
UA3267 15:07 15:37 UA3267
UA4180 16:40 17:10 UA4180
DL0932 17:25 18:01 DL2515
UA4315 18:39 19:09 UA4315
DL1292 22:07 RON
UA4350 22:15 RON
Wow.  Did not know that.  I actually thought Express was running the fewest amount of flights out of LF, but apparently it is Delta running the fewest.  Thx for the correction...
Kev3188 said:
Looks like there's an over lap between DL 2500 and UA 3267?
Yep, missed that. Good thing UA has two gates, eh?

WN is still using one or both at different times of the day according to FlightStats.
Isnt one of UA's gates leased to WN?
yes it is   and WN is making good use of it   for the Bay Area
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