robbedagain said:should dl be forced out it wont be against the will esp if wn waits til the temporary lease is expired come july but only time will tell Id also be willing to bet DFW does better for DL and UA compared to DAL which could also help explain UA departure in addition to WN paying them to leave... DAL and move it to DFW....
Kev3188 said:I'm sure DL has plans A/B/C in place for whatever may come. JMHO, but I doubt they will take it as far through the courts as some on here think. As for Capitol Hill, they may get a sympathetic ear or two, but it's simply not a hot button issue for the nation (or any given constituency, for that matter)...
If they can't stay at DAL, they'll simply redeploy those assets elsewhere. That may mean further "optimizing" DFW to an extent, or elsewhere on the system.
All 3 of you make very good points and I agree with them. Robbed says that UAL and Delta would probably do better at DFW, I agree. Kev said Delta more than likely has a plan and can redeploy assets elsewhere, I agree. E says keep things as they are and keep Delta pigeon-holed where they are, I agree. With all that said, it is in the works to add more gates at LF. It would be wise for SWA, Virgin, UAL,Delta and even AA to all get together and use all resources to fight for the cap of 20 gates to be lifted and going with the original 32 that was planned. At least this way all airlines could have a small pc of LF. There are some subtle hints to something in the works by GK in the articles being circulated by the media, and at the same time he is still not saying point blank. Here's one of the articles:eolesen said:swaamt, I don't know that DL's days are numbered. If they're smart, WN will maintain the status quo. No more, no less. DL will be pigeon-holed into their five flights a day, and that reduces their ability to go crying to a judge.
Since it appears Expressjet/Skywest/ASA/UnitedExpress or whoever was doing the ground handling leaving, does this mean DL will have to pay WN to handle its flights? Will DL be able to find a ground handler to handle five flights a day?
Perhaps it's time for DL to admit they've been outmaneuvered.
Southwest Airlines gaining two Dallas Love Field gates
PS: Wondering what the other 6 new cities are? Any guesses?