church is promoting a conference that promises to convert gays

Tech....I'm pointing out here on this one from the left has looked beyond their nose into their guy Biden anything near what they have Palin.

we do not need to vet Biden to the point of Palin, he has 26 yrs of public record and he is publicly known. If he were a nobody that no one had ever heard of then I am sure you would be vetting him properly. Big difference.
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  • #17
In order to convert homosexuals into heterosexuals wouldn’t the Wasilla Bible Church need to have homosexuals in attendances at said conference in order for God’s will to be done? As this conference has been locally advertised, if homosexuals were to attend, wouldn’t that be an expression of their desire to be converted? Just thought I’d ask since you appear to be an authority on the homosexual lifestyle.

I fail to see the concern over this gay conversion conference.

You proclaim to be an advocate of the homosexual lifestyle, professing to support gay rights. What I don’t understand is why you are so concerned, paranoid of gays that you have a “gaydarâ€. Is your “gaydar†used to identify homosexuals so as to avoid them or are you actively trying to engage them? Remember, “Denial, it ain't just a riverâ€.

I am not sure what type of gay person would go to one of these conferences. All of my gay friends accept the fact that they are gay, are comfortable with them selves and have no illusions about the ability of some right wing loon conferences being able to change what they believe is a genetic predisposition to be gay.

Judging from the one guy I used to work with and that Haggerty guy I would guess that the type of people who go to these things are not comfortable with who they are. Possibly due to societal influences, religion, family or other reasons. The general consensus among my friends is that being gay is similar to being an alcoholic in that of you are gay you will (in most cases) always be gay. While these conferences may teach/scare/repress an individuals homosexuality, the person will always be gay. Their belief is that being gay is genetic or environmental and consequently cannot be changed. The churches/organizations who profess to 'cure' someone of their homosexuality believe that being gay is a choice and therefore curable.

Not sure where I gave the indication of being concerned/paranoid. I merely stated that I am usually not able to tell if someone is gay right away or even after knowing someone for a while. I believe that is because I do not care if someone is gay or not. I just care if they are a nice person and if I believe they would be a good friend. But if you like you answer better you go right ahead and stick with yours. Considering I have more gay friends than straight I would assume negates your 'avoidance' theory. I have even been to gay bars with friends on various occasions. Two of my friends got married in Canada (this country still does not treat them as equals) and I went to their wedding (it might have been a civil union but I am not sure).

Judging from your lack of understanding, you really need to get out more.
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  • #18
Tech....I'm pointing out here on this one from the left has looked beyond their nose into their guy Biden anything near what they have Palin.

As Coop said, Biden has been in the Senate for over 20 years. He has also made several POTUS runs. He has been on at least 1 or 2 TV interviews as well. Ms Palin has been in the2 0public eye for all of 2 weeks now? You want to argue that Biden has not been vetted as much as Palin?

REALLY? Two weeks on the national political front verses over 20 years and Biden has not been vetted like Palin is? Ummmmmmm .... OK .... sure.
All of my gay friends accept the fact that they are gay, . . . . The general consensus among my friends is that being gay is similar to being an alcoholic in that of you are gay you will (in most cases) always be gay.

I am not "backing" this conference, Cosworth. But it should be noted that many alcoholics go to conference/mettings (AA) to abstain from the behavior caused by the self-proclaimed disease. Would you feel better if the Alaska Convention simply wanted to have attendees abstain from such behavior (presumably, as with AA, the attendees would be attending in order to change such behavior)?
I'll point out that most conservatives on any board are hailing Palin as the second coming of Maggie Thatcher.

And what were the Obot's proclaiming their Obamessiah at the Obamacropolis in Denver a few weeks ago?...


Every wedge that the mainstream media continues to drive between the silent/redneck majority in the country will be more votes for McCain/Palin.

Every comparison between Palin & Obama just points out how inexperienced the D's #1 pick really is.

So, bring it on. Letting the media flay Palin was one of the best strategic moves I've seen in 25 years of watching politics....

As for the topic at hand..... Cosworth, you were duped in to believing MSM spin.

Frequently Asked Questions (from

* Are you here to "cure" gays?
* But your goal is still to make gays straight, right?
* Do you believe homosexuality is a choice?
* Doesn’t God love everyone? Even homosexuals?

Are you here to "cure" gays?

Absolutely not. The only time you’ll ever hear the word “cure†used in relation to our event is by those who oppose Love Won Out. They also like to claim we want to “fix†or “convert†gays and lesbians and that we believe people can “pray away the gay.†Such glib characterizations ignore the complex series of factors that can lead to same-sex attractions; they also mischaracterize our mission. We exist to help men and women dissatisfied with living homosexually understand that same-sex attractions can be overcome. It is not easy, but it is possible, as evidenced by the thousands of men and women who have walked this difficult road successfully.

But your goal is still to make gays straight, right?

That is a gross and narrow oversimplification. We aren’t here to “make†anybody do or become anything; we are here to offer a biblical and experiential perspective on the issue of homosexuality that is, sadly, underreported in the mainstream media. Our goals include aiding parents who want to learn how to better love their sons or daughters without compromising their faith; helping people who want to better understand the many factors that can lead to someone adopting a homosexual identity; and assisting those who struggle with unwanted same-sex attractions and want to discover how they might also start upon the path ― a difficult path, as noted above ― to overcoming those desires.

Do you believe homosexuality is a choice?

We do not believe anyone chooses his or her same-sex attractions. We concur with the American Psychological Association’s position that homosexuality is likely developmental in nature and caused by a “complex interaction of environmental, cognitive and biological factors†( We would also agree with the American Psychiatric Association when it states “some people believe that sexual orientation is innate and fixed; however, sexual orientation develops across a person’s lifetime.†If you ever hear us use the word “choice,†it is in relation to men and women who struggle with unwanted same-sex attractions choosing to steward their impulses in a way that aligns with their faith convictions.

Doesn’t God love everyone? Even homosexuals?

Absolutely. Jesus died every bit as much for those who protest our conference as for those who speak at it. You have never heard, and will never hear, any Love Won Out speaker say that God doesn’t love gays and lesbians. What you will hear is that God designed human sexuality to be enjoyed solely within the bounds of one-man, one-woman marriage. Any sexual relationship outside of that design – heterosexual or homosexual – falls short of God’s standard.

I don't necessarily agree with their approach, but at the same time, if they can help create an environment where gays are more openly welcomed into more fundamentalist communities of faith, it's probably worthwhile.


To continue on the themes above...

Every inquiry into Palin's church is yet another invitation to start re-examining Rev. Wright. Note that Palin's church isn't sponsoring the event -- they're making people aware of it. Subtle difference to pounding on the pulpit & blaming the Man for unleashing AIDS on the black community....

I "think" I know what your comparison is, and if I'm correct, I think it's not a good one.

Meaning that AA(for 1 reason,) tries to get alcoholics AWAY from a substance that can KILL you, via deadly toxins(Liver).

I respectfully don't see where that has any significance to gay individuals .

You know Lily,....I LAUGH myself into a state of Hysteria at these Wacko JESUS FREAKS, who "think" that they have a "leg up" being closer to God than other people.(If they only knew how FAR away from God they were they'd be shocked) !!!

In my entire life, I have Never known a "people" closer to their CREATOR than the Indigenous peoples of the Americas(In Our case the American Indian)

They DIDN'T need Jesus,..........they DIDN'T need the "BOOK" to be VERY close to our CREATOR ! They DIDN'T abuse their children, they didn't abuse there elders, they ultra rarely practiced abortion, and they DIDN'T discriminate against Gays.
They believed that Gay Indians were put on this earth by CREATOR, and therefore it was NOT their place to undue CREATORS will.

And what makes it even MORE "sweeter", unlike these 2000+ year "rookie" religions, or even the older 5000+ year religions(think jews), their's has been around since time Immemorial !!

BEWARE....Religious FANATICS/BLIND Patriots !!!!!!!!!!!

(PS, Lily I'm NOT suggesting that YOU subscribe to gay bashing/"helping" like others on here do) !!!
I don't necessarily agree with their approach, but at the same time, if they can help create an environment where gays are more openly welcomed into more fundamentalist communities of faith, it's probably worthwhile.
The only way a gay person would be openly welcomed into a fundamentalist communities is to be "cured" of their gayness...and I suppose have sex in public with a member of the opposite sex to prove they have been cured. Short of that, they will have to go back into the closet if they want to be accepted there. Simply attending a conference only to find that one has a condition that cannot be cured won't make them welcome.
BEWARE....Religious FANATICS/BLIND Patriots !!!!!!!!!!!


Consider me a Fanatic for GOD


Much conversation has been bantered about concerning what God has to say about homosexuality. The Word of God is very clear about the cause, the punishment and the solution for homosexuality. GOD SAID homosexual activity is an abomination -- God's word for it -- and I'll show you the verses in the Bible where God says this. It also says God's punishment for the act is death. But don't stop your ears after these few short sentences. There is also a sure way of escape.

Leviticus, Chapter 20, Verse 13 reads:

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

(Also read Leviticus, Chapter 18, Verse 22 and Deuteronomy Chapter 23, Verses 17-18)

In the New Testament God declares that those who cling to homosexual behavior will be judged and cast into hell. Read the following excerpts from the Word of God:

Romans Chapter 1, Verses 21-32:

21. Because that when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

22. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

23. And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four footed beasts, and creeping things.

24. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their bodies between themselves:

25. Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

26. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27. And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.

28. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.

29. Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30. Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31. Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32. Who knowing the judgement of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Here are just two other examples of the Biblical truth concerning homosexuality:

I Corinthians 6:9-10:

9. Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

10. Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

And Jude 1:7:

7. Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

As terrible as this evil is, God has given a way of escape for those who are bound by this evil. The way of escape is forgiveness, deliverance and salvation through the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ, God's only begotten son. (A little later I'll outline the way of escape more completely.)

Now for what man has to say…

"MAN SAID" homosexuality is a natural desire. The new mantra is that homosexuals are genetically programmed to be the way they are and their lifestyle should be welcomed -- as it currently is -- as an alternative lifestyle. Man promotes it politically, scientifically, socially and religiously.

Pseudo science, in the form of evolution, promotes it as a natural animal tendency. Some evolutionists contend that most of the animal kingdom has some record of homosexual conduct, therefore it is natural for man to participate in homosexuality because man is simply an animal at the highest level of the evolutionary chain.

Let's consider it…

Are homosexuals born that way?

The question arises concerning whether homosexuals are born homosexual, and if so, then the blame for homosexual deeds is not on the individual but on genetics, and ultimately on God (for those who believe in God). This blame-shifting exercise is being effectively used by Satan throughout the homosexual community and their affected "straight" loved ones, to sanitize and normalize homosexual behavior. The Satanic purpose of this position is to mainstream this wickedness.

Concerning "genetic" homosexuality, the homosexual camp's argument has proved to be a "straw man." The following published articles lend proof:

1. An article in Scientific American, Nov. 1995, was titled "Gay Genes Revisited: Doubts Arise over Research on the Biology of Homosexuality."

2. The following is an excerpt from the Archives of Genetic Psychiatry in an article titled "Human Sexual Orientation: The Biologic Theories Reappraised." In this article, William Byne, a psychiatrist with a doctorate in biology, and Bruce Parsons carefully analyzed all the major biological studies of homosexuality. They found none that definitively supported a biological theory of causation.

3. Author sociologist Steven Goldberg, Ph. D., writes:

"Virtually all of the evidence argues against there being a determinative physiological causal factor and I know of no researcher who believes that such a determinative factor exists…such factors play a predisposing, not a determinative role…I know of no one in the field who argues that homosexuality can be explained without reference to environmental factors."

Goldberg continues:

"Gay criticism has not addressed the classic family configuration"; it has merely "asserted away the considerable evidence" for the existence of family factors. Studies which attempt to disprove the existence of the classic family pattern in homosexuality are "convincing only to those with a need to believe."

4. In the Journal of Human Sexuality (1996), J. Satinover, M.D., writes:

There is no evidence that shows that homosexuality is genetic…and none of the research itself claims there is. Only the press and certain researchers do, when speaking in soundbites to the public.

5. The following quote is from Dr. Joel Gelernter of Yale University concerning the various studies attempting to link genes with complex human behavior. He says:
All were announced with great fanfare; all were greeted unskeptically in the popular press; all are now in disrepute.

One of the studies in "disrepute" was conducted by Salk Institute researcher Simon LeVay. He studied the brains of 35 male cadavers and reported that the cluster of neurons called INAH3 in the hypothalamus was generally smaller in 19 of the 35 cadavers. Those 19 were known to be homosexuals. The remaining 16 cadavers, who were reported as heterosexual, displayed a larger neuron cluster. Mainstream media touted this research as a genetic link to homosexuality. Upon closer scrutiny, Mr. LeVay's research had at least three major flaws. One, the sample was too small. Two, the sexual orientation of the 16 classified as heterosexual was highly suspect. Six died of AIDS. And three, it has never been proven that the hypothalamus has anything to do with sexual orientation.

6. In 1993, another study was conducted by Dean Hamer of the National Cancer Institute. He studied 40 pairs of homosexual brothers. He discovered that 33 pairs had DNA markers in the same chromosome region known as Xq28. This study was heralded by a liberal media eager for this kind of "scientific" support that homosexuals are born that way, therefore legitimizing the lifestyle. The Hamer study has since been discredited. Besides the sample size being too small there was no heterosexual control group where markers might or might not have been found. A later like study was conducted by George Ebers of the University of Western Ontario. His study was of a much larger sample and it contradicted Hamer's conclusions. Eber reported his results and said they "do not support an X-linked gene underlying male homosexuality."

Finally there is no science that homosexuality is genetic. However, I should note that the unborn child can be affected in the mother's womb by a spirit (Mt. 1:18, 20; Lk. 1:15, 39-44), but the solution, outlined later in this information, is still the same.

You've heard what GOD SAID and you've heard what MAN SAID.

Now consider THE RECORD:

Homosexuality, by the fruit it bears, readily condemns itself to any truth-seeking mind. The U.S. Presidency under the oversight of Bill Clinton, swung the doors wide open for the unclean spirit of homosexuality to possess the minds of the unsuspecting. Clinton appointed at least 22 known homosexuals to public office, thus endorsing this behavior. He has foisted this evil upon the U.S. military and he and the Democratic party have pushed aggressively for gay adoption of children, same-sex "marriages," full, marriage-benefit packages in the work force, etc.

The homosexuals have organized and have a very real political and social agenda. One of their chants at a recent San Francisco rally was…"We're young, we're queer, we're going to rule the world."

They're making specific legislative demands such as: the repeal of sodomy laws, legalization of same-sex marriages, legalization for the adoption of children by sodomites, lowering the age of consent laws, which allow queer sex with young people, etc., etc.

The homosexual community lives a very loose and immoral lifestyle.

According to USA Today, the average homosexual has 50 different partners a year. Forty-three percent of white male homosexuals claim to have had 500 different sex partners. Twenty-eight percent claim more than 1000.

The average lifespan of a homosexual is 41 years old. Now compare that with the heterosexual whose lifespan is 74. The homosexual community is 5000 times more likely to get AIDS. Why is this horrible curse being legalized and promoted?

The Advocate, a gay publication, reported that depression among gay men and women (32% of men and 35% of women) is roughly twice that of the heterosexual community. Homosexual youths are 23 times more likely to contract sexually transmitted diseases. Lesbians are 19 times more likely to contract syphilis and an estimated 50% of all gay men are HIV positive.

The Washington Times reported on a study of court martials by the Army's judge advocate general. The study found that eight of every ten homosexuals the Army court-martialed for sexual misconduct in the previous four years had been involved in a sexual assault. Moreover, nearly half the 102 assault cases had involved child molestation. Now you know why they want to lower the age of consent.

GOD SAID homosexuality is a wicked abomination which will have its end in the Lake of Fire.

MAN SAID God's Word is "all wet" and homosexual activity is an acceptable alternative lifestyle because it is a natural animal instinct, which is genetically engineered.

Now you know THE RECORD.


Let's consider THE CAUSE. The Word of God is the authority on the subject of homosexuality, as you should expect. Homosexuality is a spiritual uncleanness.

Romans 1:24

24. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves:

The term "unclean" in the Old Testament indicated one who was contaminated with contagious germs or disease or a running issue of bodily fluids, etc. Those who were unclean were quarantined until they were cleansed of the contamination in order to protect others from infection. In the New Testament the Bible speaks of evil spirits called "unclean spirits," which possessed humans. Jesus Christ cast unclean spirits out by the power of his Word.

Mark 7:25-26

25. For a certain woman, whose young daughter had an unclean spirit, heard of him, and came and fell at his feet:

26. The woman was a Greek, a Syrophenician by nation; and she besought him that he would cast forth the devil out of her daughter.

An unclean spirit is a devil and they can and must be cast out, if the affected individual wants to be set free from its bondage. Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary defines unclean:

Morally or spiritually impure
Infected with a harmful supernatural contagion.
An unclean spirit is a harmful supernatural contagion. God calls the homosexual condition an uncleanness. Therefore the unclean spirit of homosexuality is a demonic supernatural contagion. Others can be, and are, infected with it. As it continues to be more and more promoted it will continue to spiritually infect larger and larger shares of society. The spiritually infected part of the community will take on the same traits (symptoms) of the infected parties…desires, attitudes, talk, walk, actions, etc. This possession takes place as all spiritual possession takes place: by opening oneself and yielding to the unclean spirit. Please note that God and Satan are spirits. Words and ideas are the concepts and conduits of the spirit world. Contaminated words and ideas are Satan's stronghold. This was his plan of attack with our great great grandmother Eve in the Garden of Eden, when he challenged and contradicted God's Words, and he has not changed his game plan since.

Homosexuals are bound by a common unclean contagious spirit. They can and are being set free. Homosexuality is a terrible Satanic bondage. If you are bound by an unclean homosexual spirit, it is important to know with certainty that God calls it an abomination and that you are doomed unless you turn from this evil. You will reap the fruit of your sowing. God loves you but hates the unclean spirit of homosexuality. Deliverance is yours if you want it with all your heart. You must repent and disavow this evil and believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ, God's only begotten son, as your Savior and King.

The Lord Jesus gave his disciples power to cast out unclean spirits (Mt. 10:1). Just before his ascension into Heaven, Jesus said in the 16th chapter of Mark, verse 17,

And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils…

A minister who ministers through the power of the Holy Ghost can bind the spirit of homosexuality and cast it out. He can then lead you in the way of a righteous life through God's written word. If you don't know a Holy Ghost minister, contact us by e-mail and we will attempt to connect you to a minister in your area. Click on to "Further with Jesus."

May the face of God's deliverance and salvation shine on you. At God Said--Man we know that Jesus Christ is the Lord of Glory and all power in Heaven and Earth has been delivered into his hand. If you are bound…be assured He can set you free.


King James Bible

A.P. Bell and M.S. Weinberg, Homosexualities, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1978.

USA Today, Nov. 1984.

The Advocate, Friday, April 28, 2000.

Paul H. Harvey, "A Bestiary of Chaos & Biodiversity" Nature, 397, Feb. 4, 1999.

"Homosexualities" A Study of Diversity Among Men and Women, 1978.

American Medical Association, 1990.

American Journal of Public Health, 1981.

Dr. Robert Renfield and the Center for Disease Control.

World Magazine, March 1993.

The Homosexual Lifespan, June 1993.

Scientific American, Nov. 1995, P. 26, "Gay Genes Revisited."

Archives of General Psychiatry, 50, no. 3, "Human Sexual Orientation: the Biologic Theories Reappraised."

S. Goldberg, When Wish Replaces Thought: Why So Much of What You Believe is False, Buffalo, New York, Prometheus Books, 1994.

J. Satimover, M.D., The Journal of Human Sexuality, 1996, p.8.

L. Bowles, "Refuting the Lie of the 'Gay Gene,'" National Liberty Journal, Sept., 1999.

Websters' New Collegiate Dictionary
A homosexual act is a sin, so sayeth the Lord. As a Christians, we generally adhere to a policy of "love the sinner, hate the sin" and, as such, I love homosexuals and people who act on their homosexual tendencies. I just want to save souls and that has nothing to do with who someone is sleeping with.

We are all sinners in the eyes of the Lord. Jesus Christ gave his life for our sins.
BEWARE....Religious FANATICS/BLIND Patriots !!!!!!!!!!!


Consider me a Fanatic for GOD


King James Bible

A.P. Bell and M.S. Weinberg, Homosexualities, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1978.

USA Today, Nov. 1984.

The Advocate, Friday, April 28, 2000.

Paul H. Harvey, "A Bestiary of Chaos & Biodiversity" Nature, 397, Feb. 4, 1999.

"Homosexualities" A Study of Diversity Among Men and Women, 1978.

American Medical Association, 1990.

American Journal of Public Health, 1981.

Dr. Robert Renfield and the Center for Disease Control.

World Magazine, March 1993.

The Homosexual Lifespan, June 1993.

Scientific American, Nov. 1995, P. 26, "Gay Genes Revisited."

Archives of General Psychiatry, 50, no. 3, "Human Sexual Orientation: the Biologic Theories Reappraised."

S. Goldberg, When Wish Replaces Thought: Why So Much of What You Believe is False, Buffalo, New York, Prometheus Books, 1994.

J. Satimover, M.D., The Journal of Human Sexuality, 1996, p.8.

L. Bowles, "Refuting the Lie of the 'Gay Gene,'" National Liberty Journal, Sept., 1999.

Websters' New Collegiate Dictionary

You did not use end notes to identify where the references apply.
Well 700IAM, I've been known on these boards, to "give credit, when credit is due" !

You can save ALL the......Jesus,............New Testament,..........saving souls BULL CRAP !!!


You are CORRECT about the passages in THE Bible, meaning Leviticus and Deuteronomy !

(You can NOW pick yourself UP off the floor) !
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  • #30
I am not "backing" this conference, Cosworth. But it should be noted that many alcoholics go to conference/mettings (AA) to abstain from the behavior caused by the self-proclaimed disease. Would you feel better if the Alaska Convention simply wanted to have attendees abstain from such behavior (presumably, as with AA, the attendees would be attending in order to change such behavior)?

I am not comfortable with equating homosexuality with alcoholism. I do not think the cause is the same. I believe being gay is usually genetic/environmental as opposed to alcoholism which I think in most cases is just a plain addiction.

Secondly, lets just play the what if game. What if gays were the majority and heteros were the minority. Do you think there is anything that could cure you?

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