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Christmas Gift for Doug?

Don't you remember the government-backed loan that if we didn't receive said loan we would all be with different employers??? I remember that. We were close to being history with the likes of Braniff and PanAm. That is NOT "relatively untouched".

We remained relatively untouched. I stand by that statement. Yes we came close, but close only counts in horseshoes and handgranades. Point about the loan...we were the 1st airline to get it. The loan guarantee was not easy to get. Ask United. DP pulled it off. Without it, we would have been history back in 2002 and this merger would have never happened.
No I am not his "self-appointed protector", and no I am not in management. As stated, the increases in benefits or pay, or both was ill timed, but why is it so hard to believe that a company employee likes their CEO? DP has made himself available numerous times, has communicated to us openly and he is liked by many employees. Many are grateful for what DP has been able to accomplish at AWA. Think about it. AWA remained relatively untouched by 911 and high fuel prices while much of the industry went into a tailspin. DP communicated to us and gave us reassurance while at the same time giving us the reality of the situation. How many CEOs bother to personally communicate to their employees? How many CEOs actually implement ideas that are presented by an employee at a townhall meeting? The man has earned my respect and the respect of many AWA employees. Now that we have merged he has a much larger job at hand. It will take time to earn the respect of US East and turn the new US Airways into a profitable airline....that's a given. Give it time. And if you get the chance, do yourself a favor and go to one of the townhalls schedule for this winter.

I went to his many town meeting, and I remember that the famous Franke appointed him. He is a smooth talker, promises many things, but not always delivers. Yes, many employees used to like him, however, this time the case is different. Lots, of them really do not understand how he can just go from pleasant demeanor in split second to angry , hostile outburst. Even, some of his neighbors are surprise: no more nice guy. The respect, that many people had for him is erroding by leaps and bound the last 6 month.

We are all entitled to our opinion, we agree to disagree.
I went to his many town meeting, and I remember that the famous Franke appointed him. He is a smooth talker, promises many things, but not always delivers. Yes, many employees used to like him, however, this time the case is different. Lots, of them really do not understand how he can just go from pleasant demeanor in split second to angry , hostile outburst. Even, some of his neighbors are surprise: no more nice guy. The respect, that many people had for him is erroding by leaps and bound the last 6 month.

We are all entitled to our opinion, we agree to disagree.

Way back before fleet had a union, we used to receive annual merit pay increases based on performance. One guy at a station didn't receive his increase on his paycheck so he calls payroll. Ne help there. He calls payroll's supervisor. No help there. He goes all the way up the chain of command to a new and young CFO named Doug. E-mail. Faxes. Telephone calls. Letters in co-mail. Nothing. Finally, he gets a call from a young Doug. To paraphrase, he said something to the tune of "your increase will show up on your next paycheck so you can shut the fudge up about it, already". :huh:
I don't pay attention to most of the crap on here. This is a forum to voice opinions and feelings. Sometimes I feel great about US and sometimes I don't. This forum basically reflects life and life isn't always happy, happy, happy. If it was, then I would REALLY be concerned. Filter, my friend, filter.
funny then...it just happens to be the highest viewed and posted forum on USAVIATION...always has been always will.
they talk about this stuff at east/west daily. 😉
usually is the only place you can get inside info....before the company does. B)
US Airways

Topics: 9,737, Replies: 163,233
Again this thread was to point to the raise given to one that thousands of US East employees oppose. Doug is human and will make mistakes. This is a big one. Overall it seems from the employees at US West that Doug is good. I place great value on rank and file opinion. I have enjoyed reading both the pros and cons on Doug from folks that are in the know. Good luck to all of us.
funny then...it just happens to be the highest viewed and posted forum on USAVIATION...always has been always will.
they talk about this stuff at east/west daily. 😉
usually is the only place you can get inside info....before the company does. B)
What's funnier is that probably ten people on this board make up 50 percent of the posts and probably 50 percent of the topics are Union -vs- Management or Union -vs- Union.
So how exactly does one consider this a balanced source for information? Seems rather biased to me.
What's funnier is that probably ten people on this board make up 50 percent of the posts and probably 50 percent of the topics are Union -vs- Management or Union -vs- Union.
So how exactly does one consider this a balanced source for information? Seems rather biased to me.
A friend of mine used to joke that until unions offer window treatments with the contract, females could care less. It was a joke! Seriously sadly 50% of the rank and file feel they could make no difference. Men and women. One of my very best friends/coworkers used to tell me to tell her if anything important was happening. I love her but she had no clue. That is where some of the anger you see on this board comes from. People not caring till it's too late. I really feel that much can be accomplished if enough people voice their opinion in the proper respectful forum/channel. It is very frustrating to me to watch what happened at US and for my fellow employees to sit back and not be concerned with THEIR company until it was too late.
If you really feel that you cannot make a difference, then, you are right.

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