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Doug Parkers statement on philly.com

How do you quantify employees that are experienced, know what is to be done and do it, to those that are not experienced, work as hard as they are capable of, but just don't know the ropes just yet? As long as there are inexperienced personnel, you will have people that percieve that as a precident. They will exploit it. Especially after concessions and ill treatment. It's because they can and feel nothing.
They are numb. To them it is just an income. They feel no pride. Demoralized to the point of disassociation from the job they are employed for.
Give your all, (being heart, soul, life) to a company, for the "promise" of moving ahead, being reconized and the feeling of self satisfaction, overcoming a challange and mastering an ever changing ideal. People feel ripped off.

Whoops, somebody running the show screwed up and now you're concessioned.(no fault of your own)
That level of comitment will never be seen again on some levels.
Exec's getting bonuses off the backs of the lay people is untimely and sends a message to the rank, that they are not included in any windfall. No reward for their efforts.
Again it contributes to the above.
Hence, the unions. The attitude, etal.
I think $10/hr raise would just about do it. B)
If management wasn't working scared, i.e. the highest priority is covering their own arses and futures, perhaps they could treat employees well enough to improve performance.
Let's just drop the posturing for a second OK.

If the rank & file made a list of co-workers who are lazy and milk the system, I'd bet you management would have nearly the EXACT same list.

In a lot of companies, you'd be right. At US you'd need to administer sodium pentothal first.

Because most managers will list the apple polishers first.

Your evaluation at US has no correlation with your performance; it has everything to do with saying yes to the boss. Let me assure you, if you have critical thinking skills, you are toast. Even if you catch the manager off to one side, and privately and respectfully present your analysis, you are toast. Only management is allowed to have ideas (and now you have a hint at the animus towards a certain veep, Bob). At a station I am familiar with, the best customer service agents transferred to fleet to escape this dynamic - managers do not hang out around physical work.

So it's not hard to know who the slackers are, or where to find them. When a flight's on the ground, they're hangin' with the boss.
In the article on philly.com(another thread on here) "Why is USAIRWAYS big at losing" Doug Parker is quoted as saying
that he is paying market rate for labor & that he didn't think the pay level was the reason for the baggage problems.
"It;s a different world now", Parker said, "We are not going to have a work force with 20 years of experience on the ramp. Indeed we shouldn't".
Well folks if this is the way Parker feels about fleet service, we should all plan to stay home Thanksgiving & Christmas holidays with our families & let the new hires run it. Lets see what happens.
Another meltdown on the way. Hopefully other groups will join.
Management and new hires ARE running it into the ground.
Let's just drop the posturing for a second OK.

If the rank & file made a list of co-workers who are lazy and milk the system, I'd bet you management would have nearly the EXACT same list.

Aredeeyou22 as a F/A (i think) you know who in your workgroup doesn't pull their weight. C'mon now, and you also know that many who are senior will work the system for all it's worth to avoid actual work. EVERY Company has them union or not.

One thing that hundreds of Human Resources studies on hourly employees has shown very little correlation to wages and job satisfaction. A host of other more "Touchy Feely" things are equally important. Another thing those studies have shown is that if you pay someone $8.00/hr with an incentive to earn $2/hr more that person most often will outperform the person earning a straight $10/hr.

Senior Workers aren't immune from the "Screw-it" attitude either. In this case folks that made $20/hr are now making $15/hr so there is little if any incentive to do more or go the extra mile for their employer. I'd go so far as to say that many of the Sr people are so demoralized and disenfranchised that a $10/hr raise would do little to improve their productivity or attitude towards US Airways or its customers.

Most people need more than a paycheck fat or skinny to incent them to do their best on a daily basis. US Managemnt in CCY never IMO grasped that. I blame them mostly for the situation today. The Sandcastle has shown at times that they do "Get It" and we can only hope that grows and more is done to build the type of team that is needed to not only meet, but defeat the competition.
Huh? Wasn't this thread about thanking PHL ramp for a job well done one night? What does that have to do with what FA's "pull their weight", and senior vs junior? Simply pointing out that there is nothing wrong with "thanking" these guys for a job well done that night....yes, just that ONE night.... 🙄

Let's not be too dramatic and blow that out of proportion. 😉
Huh? Wasn't this thread about thanking PHL ramp for a job well done one night? What does that have to do with what FA's "pull their weight", and senior vs junior? Simply pointing out that there is nothing wrong with "thanking" these guys for a job well done that night....yes, just that ONE night.... 🙄

Let's not be too dramatic and blow that out of proportion. 😉
Wrong thread..... 😉