Chicago: The mess that Democrats made

Glenn Quagmire said:
It is people like you, and comments like those, that elected our current POTUS twice.

Keep it up turnip. You will succeed in promoting the person you hate the most in this world to be the leader of our country.

You and your ilk are just dumb enough to alienate everyone in the primary process....Those people who will be needed in the general election to actually win.

I am sure you don't understand that 80% of the voting bloc in the general election are women, latino, black, or other minority. All of which have been dumped upon by the leading republican candidate.

The other electable republican candidates have had to feign crazy to keep up.

This will be a very ugly general election.

Good luck.
I don't know if I'd jump in that puddle.
Your left wing fringe which has co-opted the Democrats and moderately poisoned the GOP, has finally gotten the apathetic majority to open their eyes and see what they have let in the door by lack of participation in the process.
You got about three non affiliated candidates on the right that people, not the GOP want to vote for.
GOP and the entire Congress are supposed to represent the will of the people. This ain't happening.
This election is going to be very exciting and dynamic for the country if the right people are elected.
Your left wing fringe has also freaked out many Dems.
I repeat.

Good luck.

I will be here to admit that I was wrong if we have a President Trump...

Or a Republican for that matter.
Glenn Quagmire said:
I repeat.

Good luck.

I will be here to admit that I was wrong if we have a President Trump...

Or a Republican for that matter.
Look what the establishment left has done to the country.... includes GOP
Wake up 
delldude said:
Look what the establishment left has done to the country.... includes GOP
Wake up 
Maybe dell.
But I'm going to counter you with this.   To Show you just how FRIGGED_UP the GOP, and thier so-called leaders are, for you, this Really hits-home).......just mere miles from where you reside, is the state of...  O  H  I  O, where the Governor of OHIO is a candidate for POTUS.   The GOP powers to be, should be promoting John Kasich  like Crazy, but that man is Languishing in single digits.   I mean, God Forbid the A-holes in the party, realize that that man is a looooong time highly qualified person who was very successfull in congress,....God Forbid  that those same  A-holes  realize that  the GOP has NEVER won a POTUS election WITHOUT carrying the state of OHIO,....So I guess I'm saying...ol' friend, that I'll sit back and wait for your learned response.
(Maybe it's because John K.  is Not  E V A N G E L I C A L enough, or GOD FORBID, the man is a Catholic )  !!!!!!!
southwind said:
Where's the African American running for the DEMORAT nomination?
Speaking of which, where is the female running for that nomination?
If you had made it out of sixth grade before you aged out of school you could have taken those advanced courses on boys and girls.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Maybe dell.
But I'm going to counter you with this.   To Show you just how FRIGGED_UP the GOP, and thier so-called leaders are, for you, this Really hits-home).......just mere miles from where you reside, is the state of...  O  H  I  O, where the Governor of OHIO is a candidate for POTUS.   The GOP powers to be, should be promoting John Kasich  like Crazy, but that man is Languishing in single digits.   I mean, God Forbid the A-holes in the party, realize that that man is a looooong time highly qualified person who was very successfull in congress,....God Forbid  that those same  A-holes  realize that  the GOP has NEVER won a POTUS election WITHOUT carrying the state of OHIO,....So I guess I'm saying...ol' friend, that I'll sit back and wait for your learned response.
(Maybe it's because John K.  is Not  E V A N G E L I C A L enough, or GOD FORBID, the man is a Catholic )  !!!!!!!
You just unwittingly highlighted the problem within the GOP.
The GOP powers that be have no business promoting anyone but what the electorate choose and will support.
Why do you think they have such a lousy turnout?
Think Trump/Carson/Cruz and what the people want.
Glenn Quagmire said:
I repeat.
Good luck.
I will be here to admit that I was wrong if we have a President Trump...
Or a Republican for that matter.
Its been said that 40% will vote democrat no matter who it is. 40% will always vote republican. Its the 20% of the independent voting block that will decide. Thus, after 7 years of Obammy failures, his "transforming of America" to a third world country has many of that 20% very upset.
The Hildabeast has multiple felonies hanging over her cankles, the FBI will charge her at some point in my opinion. The emails keep coming.

So Quagtard, your thinking that independant 20% is going to overlook her extensive history of lies, the Bengazi debacle, and not to mention the Clinton political circus for the last 30 years?

It won't be president Hildabeast in 2016....just prison.

Return to your cartoon world now.
Glenn Quagmire said:
It is people like you, and comments like those, that elected our current POTUS twice.
Keep it up turnip. You will succeed in promoting the person you hate the most in this world to be the leader of our country.
You and your ilk are just dumb enough to alienate everyone in the primary process....Those people who will be needed in the general election to actually win.
I am sure you don't understand that 80% of the voting bloc in the general election are women, latino, black, or other minority. All of which have been dumped upon by the leading republican candidate.
The other electable republican candidates have had to feign crazy to keep up.
This will be a very ugly general election.
Good luck.
Really! Why does the GOP, you know, the party of old white guys, have an African American and a woman running for the nomination, yet the Demorats don't?
southwind said:
Really! Why does the GOP, you know, the party of old white guys, have an African American and a woman running for the nomination, yet the Demorats don't?
The sitting President is an African American, the leading candidate is a woman, both Democrats.  Let me know when Carson and Fiorina beat the old White guys.
Dog Wonder said:
The sitting President is an African American, the leading candidate is a woman, both Democrats.  Let me know when Carson and Fiorina beat the old White guys.
Yeah but 'Dog,....just DON'T Hold Your breath until they do  !
Dog Wonder said:
The sitting President is an African American, the leading candidate is a woman, both Democrats.  Let me know when Carson and Fiorina beat the old White guys.
The Las Vegas odds as of 1/1/16 are as follows;
If you want to bet 'HILL to become POTUS, you buy a $100.00 ticket  that costs you or I...$ 110.00  !!
If you want RUBIO (for $100.00) you'll get back  " $ 500.00 " if he wins.
If you want TRUMP (for $100.00) you'll get back  " $600.00 " if he wins.
If you want CRUZ (for $100.00) you'll get back  " $750.00 "  if he wins.
So question.  How come LAS  NEVER LOSES   ???
The GOP.
The GIFT that (always) KEEPS on GIVING  !!!!   :rolleyes:   :rolleyes:   :rolleyes: