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Chicago Teachers Want a 30% Pay Increase Over Next 2 Years!

OH horse crap. The government sets standards for airlines so there are not private airlines? It sets standards for cars, as well as safety standards for the workers so there are no private auto manufactures? OSHA standards apply to every business and public building. To argue that accreditation means they are not private is just stupid.

I'm going the opposite (go figure). I want to get rid of all the local school boards and want a federal standard for the schools. Perhaps there can be some sort of state board that interacts with the Fed so that local requirements can be addressed. I do not like that the idiots here in TX control the content of school books for the entire state. Last year the TX school boards successfully altered history and amended the book content. Since we have one of the largest school districts, the entire country gets to use the books created here in TX by a bunch of narrow minded neanderthals. I am also against any type of voucher system. I am not paying for a private education. You wan to send your kid to private schools, knock your self out but it wont be on my dime. I want the fed to supply the funds and the standards. How thew schools fulfill those standards will be up to them. The funds only cover education. Sports are not covered. If the schools want a sports program they can fund that them selves.

I have seen nothing to indicate that vouchers will involve parents in their education. Most house hold have two working parents where the parents cannot participate even if they wanted too. A voucher is not going to change that.

Throwing money does not work. Actually using money for what is needed might. Schools need computer labs, physical education programs, reduced sizes, more teachers, computer aided learning, field trips, and the list goes on. Money is needed but it needs to be targeted not just thrown out.

I do not understand why you think local government is more efficient than Federal government. They are only as efficient as the people involved. Local government here in TX has screwed up so much crap I have no idea where to start. The idea that local government is always better does not hold water with me. Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

As for accreditation, not sure how you want to do it that would be better? That's like buying concrete with no standards? You're going to trust the manufacture to tell you the truth about their products? I suppose you believe infomercials then too huh? I want to make sure that when I buy concrete rated at a certain PSI that is is in fact up to that standard. Same with schools. With out an accreditation, an employer has no idea what they are getting for an employee and that diploma does not mean anything. That puts the education from Liberty University on the same level as MIT, Yale or UCLA.
OH horse crap. The government sets standards for airlines so there are not private airlines? It sets standards for cars, as well as safety standards for the workers so there are no private auto manufactures? OSHA standards apply to every business and public building. To argue that accreditation means they are not private is just stupid.

I'm going the opposite (go figure). I want to get rid of all the local school boards and want a federal standard for the schools. Perhaps there can be some sort of state board that interacts with the Fed so that local requirements can be addressed. I do not like that the idiots here in TX control the content of school books for the entire state. Last year the TX school boards successfully altered history and amended the book content. Since we have one of the largest school districts, the entire country gets to use the books created here in TX by a bunch of narrow minded neanderthals. I am also against any type of voucher system. I am not paying for a private education. You wan to send your kid to private schools, knock your self out but it wont be on my dime. I want the fed to supply the funds and the standards. How thew schools fulfill those standards will be up to them. The funds only cover education. Sports are not covered. If the schools want a sports program they can fund that them selves.

I have seen nothing to indicate that vouchers will involve parents in their education. Most house hold have two working parents where the parents cannot participate even if they wanted too. A voucher is not going to change that.

Throwing money does not work. Actually using money for what is needed might. Schools need computer labs, physical education programs, reduced sizes, more teachers, computer aided learning, field trips, and the list goes on. Money is needed but it needs to be targeted not just thrown out.

I do not understand why you think local government is more efficient than Federal government. They are only as efficient as the people involved. Local government here in TX has screwed up so much crap I have no idea where to start. The idea that local government is always better does not hold water with me. Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

As for accreditation, not sure how you want to do it that would be better? That's like buying concrete with no standards? You're going to trust the manufacture to tell you the truth about their products? I suppose you believe infomercials then too huh? I want to make sure that when I buy concrete rated at a certain PSI that is is in fact up to that standard. Same with schools. With out an accreditation, an employer has no idea what they are getting for an employee and that diploma does not mean anything. That puts the education from Liberty University on the same level as MIT, Yale or UCLA.

Why follow the COTUS on Education? We don't follow it in foreign affairs so why establish a precedent.

It's not real difficult to track the rise in Federal Involvement in Education to the decline in performance. Federal "investment" rises while scores decline.. Districts with the highest ratio of two parent families do better regardless of teacher salary. You can look it up as I have over the years.

It's not only an issue of local government efficiency, it's a matter of parents having CONTROL over their children. Local being better or worse is not at issue. What IS at issue is the rights of individuals to have control over their offspring free from the toxic influence of government. A poor school in a free market will act much the same as the poorly poured concrete. It will ultimately fail. While Government OTOH just continues merrily on it's spend more of my confiscated wages on ill conceived schemes that do nothing.

Being on the corporate side of education I can tell you that there is nothing more motivating then the student having "Skin in the game". Go back to the old way where parents had skin in the game and watch Little Billy thrive. Government NEVER adds value, it merely cost taxpayers more money..

All of the above is nice but the bottom line is I'm responsible for my kids NOT the US Dept. of Education. If I had kids today I'd home school them. They'd learn about Austrian Economics, be able to find Lincoln, NE on the map and write 500 words at the drop of a hat on most any topic. How by giving them the skills they need to thrive not some one size fits all approach from the Education Industry and their thugs from the NEA and AFT.
There is no way to track federal involvement in education separate from all the other influences that have occurred.

There are single parent families, they exist and we have to figure out a way to deal with it. Wishing them away will not make it happen. Educations levels in Beverly Hills are better than they are in South Central LA as a whole. Look it up as I have. Money does have an affect, it is not a magic bullet though.

What makes the influence of local government better than that of the Fed government? TX government has screwed up text books for decades. A free market will go where the money is. This is why we have the US postal service. They go every where and service every one. Grocery stores are usually not in poor neighborhoods because the money is not there. Same will be for schools. Public schools have to go everywhere and accept all students, not the one they pick and choose. They have to go where the money is not.

A government supplied voucher does not put skin in the game. Personal finances may but then we go back to a education system for those who can afford it and that is detrimental to the well being of society as a whole.

You have always been responsible for your kids education. I went top public school and when I got home we talked about what I learned. If my folks did not agree they gave me their POV. They both worked so home schooling was not an option. It's not an option for most families as both parents work in most house holds. A majority of the people have received a public education. Mine did quite well. If you have the resources to home school your kid, go for it. There is nothing stopping you from doing so. Most folks do not have the luxury.
Teachers are the reason why we have finally empowered the ignorant. Smaller classes and a sizeable paycheck is just what they deserve. Society is getting dumber and expectations are smaller.

Here's a secret:Most school districts are unaccountable and will fight tooth and nail to keep everybody out of their spending affairs. Then they will cry and bring their battle to the public if they are threatened with funding cuts.

No I don't think there is anything about this anywhere, this comes from my line of work. Government employees, believe it or not, are having everything checked and cut by a system that checks on spending and are held accountable. When the urban government wants to install the system in the school district, they successfully fight it. The school district is always overspending, but because they can hold children hostage, sort of speak, they have parents coming out in droves to support them.

But we don't want parents to decide our pay raises. Wake-up already!
Of the " LIL CHIDEN " !!!!!!!!!!!

TEXTBOOK Response from a White Southern'r !

You ROCK southwindBAG !!

' The SOUTH will......R I I I SE.....AGIN '

Lincoln Deserved to get Shot for coming up with ' RECONSTRUCTION ' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow...here's someone who doesn't look in the mirror and proves it takes a racist to spot a racist.
Private schools don't care if you have a voucher.

They have reputations to uphold.

Yeah, the dumbifying of society. I still believe Ebonics has a chance, unless they are already teaching it and we just don't know it.
Providing an education to all citizens who are capable is a benefit to all of us. The idea that only those who can afford and education should get one is something I find to be.ignorant and short sighted.

If someone want to sendz their kid to a private school they may do so.with out the use of my tax dollars. I am not in favor of subsidizing religious schools or.schools for the wealthy.

What about the tax dollars they pay to a public school?
It is their choice to have their portion fund their child in a school of their choice.
They are not subsidizing in any way, they are paying a tuition.
Simply getting the best bang for thier tax dollar buck.
Unionized teaching hasn't got the best rap going.
" WHYYYY............... some of MY best ....FRIENDS..... are....B L A C K " !!!

Talk about the sound of fingernails dragged slowly across a chalkboard !!!!!

Y S M-F ! !

“I shouldn’t make fun of the blacks,” Rickles said, and then proceeded to do just that: “President Obama is a personal friend of mine. He was over to the house yesterday, but the mop broke.”
Public schools are free, private schools cost money.

You get what you pay for.

Except as I pointed out there really is no such thing as a true private school. A truly private school could define its own course of study. They can't today as they must be accredited by?????? The Government. Now they may be privately funded but they are government indoctrination camps as surely as any public school.

We are supposed to all in favor of diversity yet according to the government we must educate our children according to a prescribed notion of what knowledge is required regardless of personal faith and a host of other reasons.

When it comes to public schools I want RESULTS not reasons why things aren't improving and if we can't get them with the current crop of educators then perhaps we need to evict the current educational regime and replace it with one that will deliver results.
Except as I pointed out there really is no such thing as a true private school. A truly private school could define its own course of study. They can't today as they must be accredited by?????? The Government. Now they may be privately funded but they are government indoctrination camps as surely as any public school.

We are supposed to all in favor of diversity yet according to the government we must educate our children according to a prescribed notion of what knowledge is required regardless of personal faith and a host of other reasons.

When it comes to public schools I want RESULTS not reasons why things aren't improving and if we can't get them with the current crop of educators then perhaps we need to evict the current educational regime and replace it with one that will deliver results.

SH, you actually proved that home schooling isn't such a bad idea. Since you don't pay Uncle Sam his education tax, it won't be recognized. But there is a true private self-efficient school that costs you $0 taxes. The downside is that if your parents are dumb, you're doomed. If they are street, you leech off society.

Teachers often throw it back to the parents when their kids don't succeed, so why not cut out the middleman?

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