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Chicago Teachers Want a 30% Pay Increase Over Next 2 Years!

Perhaps it's time for the parasite Public School Teachers to take a trip in the real world.

I don't know much about parasitic public school teachers, can you expound on that?
My nephew became a teacher.
Turned out he worked his ass off and taught in inner city schools to make his tenure and continued education to get his Masters.
Now he is a principle in an inner city school and still works his ass off.
There is a lot more to being a teacher than a 9-5 job.
PTA meetings (that most parents don't attend), social gatherings, community work, mentoring, supporting and participating in sports events.
I do not see how his life of dedication is parasitic, please clue me.
B) xUT
You know Kev,

I do the Corporate Training gig so I too am an educator and rest assured I'm NOT getting a 30% raise. Let these crybaby teachers work my week for my salary and they'll never ask for a raise again. A typical week would be.

Sunday Evenng: Pack for travel, bring Instructors guide, hand outs, props (if needed) Make sure all students are in the LMS and have taken the on line course. Time = 2 hours,

Monday: Awake at 03:30 get dressed eat (or not) breakfast, Drive 88 Miles to PHL for a 5:55 flight PHL-DFW. Arrive late, pick up rental car and drive 65 miles to the dealer. Met with Dealer Principle & Sales Director. Set up class room for the following day. Drive to hotel, check in. Check both e-mail and voice mail. return phone calls until 6:00PM, Get dinner, return to room flip on the channel with the Law & Order Reruns while responding only to critical e-mails. 10:00PM crash into a deep sleep

Tuesday: Answer 6:00AM Wake up call, jump in shower get dressed and grab the buffet breakfast. Arrive at dealer 7:30AM, Connect laptop and make final preparations for class. Any "free" time reply to e-mails. 8:00AM - 8:30AM great students, Start introductions and expectations. Noon: Grab 2 semi warm slices of Pizza and respond to e-mails while the student get an hour lunch

Wednesday: Repeat Tuesday and add packing because guess what? You have an evening flight to CLT and guess what? It's delayed for 1.5 hours so you now arrive at 10:00PM Drive to hotel, check in. and take an hour to answer e-mail while wolfing down some fast food slop you bought on the way to the hotel. by the time you get to bed it's midnight.

Thursday: You're up at 5:30 today so you can get to the dealer by 7:00AM and quickly set up the room. Talk to the Sales Director and back class off until 9:00AM. , Connect laptop and make final preparations for class. Any "free" time reply to e-mails. 9:00AM - great students, Start introductions and expectations. Noon: Grab 2 semi warm slices of Pizza and respond to e-mails while the student get an hour lunch. Drive to hotel, check in. Check both e-mail and voice mail. return phone calls until 6:00PM, Get dinner, return to room flip on the channel with the Law & Order Reruns while responding only to critical e-mails. 10:00PM crash into a deep sleep

Friday: Short class day so you do what you did before. Pack and set up for and conduct class until 3:00PM. Drive to airport, return rental car and pass through security. At least you'll be in F because your upgrade cleared and it's a non stop flight which for once leaves on time. Only to arrive to PHL early and you sit on board for 15 minutes waiting for a gate to be cleared. Almost done except for the 88 mile drive home.9PM finally home. God I love my job.

So cry me a freakin' river IL Teachers.

You sound like Ron Paul with your whining whimper.

How about you get an airline job. BTW here is my donation to your cause:

Just making a point regarding the pay and work disparity between public sector and private sector. I also find it amusing that private school teachers often earn far less yet their student perform better. Money does NOT equal quality.
I'm all for smaller classes, just not for smaller classes + higher pay................especially 30% !

And stop acting like this is all for the benefit of the 'lil chiden !

Did you read the article you posted? They're looking for an increase in return for having their workday lengthened.

Investment in quality education/educators is priceless.

I don't know much about parasitic public school teachers, can you expound on that?
My nephew became a teacher.
Turned out he worked his ass off and taught in inner city schools to make his tenure and continued education to get his Masters.
Now he is a principle in an inner city school and still works his ass off.
There is a lot more to being a teacher than a 9-5 job.
PTA meetings (that most parents don't attend), social gatherings, community work, mentoring, supporting and participating in sports events.
I do not see how his life of dedication is parasitic, please clue me.
B) xUT

Silly you, bringing in both logic & and a real world example in to bust stereotypes... :lol:
I'm all for smaller classes, just not for smaller classes + higher pay................especially 30% !

And stop acting like this is all for the benefit of the 'lil chiden !

Of the " LIL CHIDEN " !!!!!!!!!!!

TEXTBOOK Response from a White Southern'r !

You ROCK southwindBAG !!

' The SOUTH will......R I I I SE.....AGIN '

Lincoln Deserved to get Shot for coming up with ' RECONSTRUCTION ' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just making a point regarding the pay and work disparity between public sector and private sector. I also find it amusing that private school teachers often earn far less yet their student perform better. Money does NOT equal quality.

Hey Sparrow,
Maybe if you were in a UNION, you'd be making MORE $$$$$$$$$ !!!
That's what I see. Most of these 'underpants' see no problem with 600% increases in CEO and executive pay but whine if a 'union' guy gets a raise.

Maybe Josh will chide in and give some sage advice... :lol:
B) xUT

While I agree that like many others 600% pay increases for CEO's are outlandish, you and I don't employ them, nor sign their paycheck...........no dog in the fight !

While public school teachers ARE employed by us and WE do sign their paychecks and although I don't live in Chicago, I believe it's total stupidity for a Union President.......( whom I sure is use to a FAT raise once in awhile )..........to make comments like, "This won't be discussed in public!"

Just who the hell does she think signs HER employers paycheck !
Private schools pick their students.

Public schools get what is left.

Why not issue school vouchers so Parents can pick and choose which school to send their child to. A school that might actually educate them.....................my bad.............the teachers union won't have any of that bullsh!t goin' on !
Hey Sparrow,
Maybe if you were in a UNION, you'd be making MORE $$$$$$$$$ !!!

Highly UNLIKELY as my organization would simply do away with a non revenue producing department like training. Form a Union and watch 43 field instructors lose their jobs, Yeah that will work.

They laid off 108 people last year and 107 of them were over 50. The one who wasn't was 49. PLUS they made everyone sign a release promising not to sue to get their severance package. That's how a free market works. A Union would only eliminate my job in order to pay the increased cost of doing business.

In the government there is no free market counterbalance and wages are skewed artifically high as are unfunded pension liability which I'll remind you that YOU pay for with your inflated taxes.
While I agree that like many others 600% pay increases for CEO's are outlandish, you and I don't employ them, nor sign their paycheck...........no dog in the fight !

I disagree. We sign their paycheck through our labor. Without workers, there are very few CEO's. Every time we submit to a reduced salary, they get raises and bonuses.
How does a company make money without employees?
Sorry, but we do have a dog in this fight, you just choose to ignore or justify it.

While public school teachers ARE employed by us and WE do sign their paychecks and although I don't live in Chicago, I believe it's total stupidity for a Union President.......( whom I sure is use to a FAT raise once in awhile )..........to make comments like, "This won't be discussed in public!"

Maybe a foolish statement but it will be discussed in public.
But then again, this "is" Chicago... :lol:

Just who the hell does she think signs HER employers paycheck !

We don't, we are a republic, we pay taxes and all we sign is our tax return so the fools that are elected spend our money and make decisions on our behalf.

We can all #### and moan about it but it doesn't do squat.

Next time you get a speeding ticket, point your finger in the cops face and let him know you sign his paycheck and see how far that gets you... :lol:
B) xUT
Just making a point regarding the pay and work disparity between public sector and private sector. I also find it amusing that private school teachers often earn far less yet their student perform better. Money does NOT equal quality.

Does that include Nun's?
I hear they work pretty cheap... :lol:
I'm all for smaller classes, just not for smaller classes + higher pay................especially 30% !

And stop acting like this is all for the benefit of the 'lil chiden !


NO reply to this post after I called you on it (in post # 21 ) ???????
Private schools pick their students.

Public schools get what is left.

Nope. Private school must sell & recruit each student. Catholic HS tuition is now about $11K per kid per year.

How about giving everyone vouchers and let the market sort it out? Then I bet you won't find public schools employing $100K ass't principals and $70K secretaries.

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