"CRY Me a RIVER"..(that was an old song from long ago)..all you Union Haters.
First off, only an Imbecile would suggest firing "25,000" workers in such a vital position.
(Come to think of it, it WAS an IMBECILE Who made the suggestion) !
The Union must, and WILL be the LAST one to Blink. This in turn will send a STRONG message to Unions across the country to Grow a Pair of BALLS ! (Are you listening you TWU AMT's in Tulsa Okie-homa) ??
Lets see if the teachers stick by you, when your union sells you out. Gone are the times when all unions stuck by each other and supported each other in someway. Now it's every man or union for themselves. The teachers union(s) are the most powerful unions in the USA. In all hierarchies there are those that matter and those who don't. Whatever happens with a teacher's union, won't happen in most others, because your shop stupid is sleeping with the company.
Don't believe me? Talk to me after your next contract, or do you want to hear about mine?