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Charlotte Utility Employee

Everyone needs to hug their Dads today.....

Happy Father's Day for many....for those of us whose Dad's are gone, peace and good thoughts.
From a coworker of Kent and member of his Church:

In the words of Laurie, "Kent was both young and young at heart. He worked soooooooo hard to provide for his family. He worked countless swap days and overtime when he was in Stores. He worked so much he would often fall asleep at the wheel, which at least once got him into an accident. What I'm trying to say is that he was so unselfish. And again, this terrible accident was because Kent did what came natural to him, thinking about someone else."

Condolences and words of comfort are also offered to his friends and colleagues as well. Is there any way for the US Aviation community to respond?

If there is any kind of memorial fund, or anything like that would you be kind enough to let us know?

I spent just under 20 years as a firefighter, all of which was volunteer, and lost some close friends in similar circumstances-I know how hard it is and how senseless it seems. Kent is a hero--and will always be remembered as such.

Thank you and God Bless.......
Art, thanks for the kind words.

There are collections being taken up, when I go to work tomorrow I will find out more and post or PM the details.
700UW said:
There are collections being taken up, when I go to work tomorrow I will find out more and post or PM the details.
Please place me on your list to be notified, if you would 700. My sincerest sympathies to all the lives he'd touched on Earth, and to all of those he will continue to influence through his memory.

Peace -
Just spoke with USFCU and they don't set up accounts for donations, will post more when I get something set up.
My heart goes out to the family. 700, please let me know when you get something set up.
Ok folks, this is what we did, we opened an account at the Piedmont Credit Union, anyone wanting to make a donation can do the following:

Make donations payable to the Kent Sandefur Children's Fund

Piedmont Credit Union
4700 Yorkmont Road
Charlotte, NC 28208

Thanks I will be sure to post the info at work. I am sure some are already involced.
York man dies off Ga. coast
36-year-old's actions helped save boy's life,
witnesses say

By Matt Garfield The Herald
(Published June 23‚ 2004)

TYBEE ISLAND, Ga. -- They were on the Georgia coast for a summer vacation, standing on a sandbar not far from shore when the ocean closed in around them. Kent Sandefur of York was with his wife, Becky, their two children, and the two children of the Rev. Mark Crews, the Sandefurs' pastor at Life Way Church in York.

It was Thursday afternoon, and the group was in ankle-deep water on a long sandbar looking for sea shells, just as they had the day before.

Sandefur and Crews' 6-year-old son decided to venture further out from the others, ending up about 40 feet from the beach.

Suddenly, waves swept over them.

Sandefur, 36, never made it back to shore. If not for him, Crews' son might not have survived either.

"I'm joyful that my son is OK, but I'm also overwhelmed by his (Sandefur's) loss," said Crews, who was not on vacation with the group. "In the book of John, it says, 'A greater love has no one than this that he lay down his life
for his friends.' That's the epitome of what Kent did. He gave his life to save my son's."

Over the past five days, Crews has pieced together details of what happened by talking to his children and Becky Sandefur.

The water had been calm that day, Crews said. And from where the group stood looking for sea shells, posted signs warning of dangerous undercurrents were not visible.

Suddenly, due to an incoming tide or waves created by a passing cargo ship, or maybe both, Crews said the ocean swallowed up the sandbar.

Because they were further out, Sandefur and Crews' son were swept into deeper waters away from the shore. The others were pushed inward.

Sandefur struggled for several minutes to keep himself and Crews' son afloat, at one point even throwing the boy toward the shore. Soon after, Sandefur went under.

Becky Sandefur watched it all from the beach.

"She could see a single head above the water, but she couldn't tell if it was my son or her husband," Crews said.

It was Crews' son. Somehow, the boy managed to make it back to the beach after 45 minutes -- exhausted, but not injured.

The Coast Guard, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and Tybee Island lifeguards searched into Friday for Sandefur, according to
The Associated Press.

Sandefur's remains have not yet been found.

"It was evident in his life he was pleasing God," Crews said of Sandefur, who was employed by U.S. Airways as a line maintenance worker. "Just an incredible servant. Willing to do absolutely anything to help."
700: My condolences and prayers for this family. Thank you for the info. It is very tragic and sad. I certainly hope our Mangement responds accordingly and offers support and help for this family.

Peace and thoughts to you and all concerned.

There is a brief statement on the Usairways Hub about Kent under the news section.Also the same information concerning the trust fund thats set up that 700 posted. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.
Their is going to be a piece in the Charlotte Observer tomorrow and I will be attending his memorial service tomorrow.