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The Right Thing Is Costing Arpey Millions A Year

mjk said:
$25 slap in the face? The way I see it, none of us should get a dime for finishing sixth.
You are absolutely right! Labor should be given back every stinking dime that was taken from them a year ago. THEN, and only then, will the executive get the comeuppance it deserves and stop laughing at the stupid labor union votes over the 3.7 billion they now have rat holed after hocking the entire future of the airline and everyone that works/ed for it!

Give your 25 bucks back as I suggested, perhaps it will clear your conscience and you'll feel better about yourself . . . even though you're in sixth place!

Arpey tries to prove that he's different but he's just another AA cookie-cut exec.
Too many bridges on his way up.

We need 'out-of the- box' thinking here, a true visionary for the future.

Oil prices are climbing, the 'interneters' wanting less fares, more service and we're all choking on JetBlue fumes.

Employee concessions are on the menu at HDQ again.

Save your bonus money.
Wow, Wing. That's a lotta anger for an investor to have over massive paycuts. 😀

You keep harping on the large cash balance as though you assume it all came from unionized employees. AA borrowed over $2 billion last year, and has borrowed over $10 billion over the last 3 years to fund operating losses and capital commitments.

Are you unhappy that AA hasn't paid down more debt with its excess cash? It would, except its execs are afraid that if AA needs it back, no one will lend it again. Sometimes holding onto excess cash makes sense.

AA's unionized employees have contributed, so far, about $1.4 billion of the amount. Without the concessions, no one would lend AA any more money. Which would you have prefered, investor Wing? B)
goingboeing said:
Yeah,all AA employee labor groups should work for free so that AA management and the shareholders can have more money. Ha! Ha!

This is the most foolish ststement I've heard on this issue!
Perhaps you misunderstood me. I never said anyone should work for free, but I do think no one should be rewarded for finishing SIXTH. However, that's how the program is set up, so I'll take the $25 and get a half a tank of gas with it.

As far as shareholders are concerned, the only ones that are happy are the ones that bought shares during the past three years. If you bought shares back in 2000, you ain't got "more money", you're in the hole - big time.
mjk said:
As far as shareholders are concerned, the only ones that are happy are the ones that bought shares during the past three years. If you bought shares back in 2000, you ain't got "more money", you're in the hole - big time.
Tell me about it! :angry:

The 1.35 stock was a nice buffer, but it didn't help cover the losses on much of the old stock (unless of course it was AAR preferred).
I'd actually be stunned if AA management came back and asked for more concessions. Unless oil goes to 50-60 bucks a barrel or another airlines related terrorist strike you won't see AA ask for salary cuts. I'd pretty much bet my house on that.

Will you see AA continue to look for ways to increase worker productivity, yes. Its just the way the business works now and that probably won't change. I think you will see management persue lost time issues and antiquated work rules, while trying to increase incentive pay for those who are most productive.

Just my thoughts, could be wrong..........

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