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Still Working, Still Worrying

insp89 said:
I agree with you to a certain extent, What is your opinion of a CORPORATION filing bankrupcy because they didn't make solid financial decisions ?
When individuals file BK, its look down upon; however, when corporations decide to plunge in to BK its applauded and sanctioned and considered a "fresh start and sound business practice.

Major "double standard"! :angry:
insp89 said:
I agree with you to a certain extent, What is your opinion of a CORPORATION filing bankrupcy because they didn't make solid financial decisions ?
It's no different. If a corporation files bankruptcy it's because their business plan is failing and they haven't adjusted it to fit into the current business climate. The same is true of individuals. You have to adapt and part of that adaptation is not spending every last cent of each paycheck.
PineyBob said:
What I have learned the hard way is that you have to work backwards from the assumption that NOTHING is forever and you had best operate under the worst case scenario if you want to survive financially.

Where is it Written that you must carry a car payment?

Kids worked their way through college for years, it strengthened their work ethic and sense of accomplishment. Why do parents OWE their kids an education beyond high school?

Why does everyone have to live in a 2200 square foot, 4 Bdroom colonial?

There is no disgrace in honest labor, but you have to live within your means and it is your job to forecast your future.

I prefer a shack...how about you? B) Sure beats "tent" living. 😛h34r:
cavalier said:
NO, they made their decisions based on the fact they believed Dave's lies, believed they would be working and making X amount, then all of a sudden it didn't happen.
Your assumption is that the U employees are fools and never learned how to handle simple finances, it’s more than just that, but of course you will never see that because you don’t want to given your bias thinking process.

Like I said, it's real easy to sit on the sidelines and judge.
So based on your logic because they believed they were going to be making X over the next how ever many years they can go out and spend all of X and not plan for the future?
Cav you really have become dilusional. Please provide me a quote where I said U employees were fools.
Do we need to review what happens when one assumes something about someone else Cav or do I need to break it down for you? How do you say it?? You don't know me so how do you know what I'm thinking.
As for judging from the sidelines that is exactly what you have been doing for a long time so when you speak about it being easy to do I guess it's because you're so good at it.
PITbull said:
BS...According to you, no one should have purchased anything the last 10 years...house car, education etc.... We should all have your Crystal ball... :lol:
According to me.....hmmm...so Pitbull how about you telling me what I'm thinking right now. One thing you and Cav are so good at is putting words in peoples mouths and if you don't have a rational answer to a legitimate question you try to shout down the poster.
What is so hard about people living within their means? It's always someone elses fault and never any personal responsibility for peoples actions. No wonder this country is in the shape it is. People like you going around and supplying excuses for those that refuse to take personal responsibility for their actions. Pardon me if I don't sit down and join you and your pity party.
PineyBob said:
What I have learned the hard way is that you have to work backwards from the assumption that NOTHING is forever and you had best operate under the worst case scenario if you want to survive financially.

Where is it Written that you must carry a car payment?

Kids worked their way through college for years, it strengthened their work ethic and sense of accomplishment. Why do parents OWE their kids an education beyond high school?

Why does everyone have to live in a 2200 square foot, 4 Bdroom colonial?

There is no disgrace in honest labor, but you have to live within your means and it is your job to forecast your future.
You're right on Bob. If it isn't on a silver platter a lot of kids don't even want to see it.
MrAeroMan said:
According to me.....hmmm...so Pitbull how about you telling me what I'm thinking right now. One thing you and Cav are so good at is putting words in peoples mouths and if you don't have a rational answer to a legitimate question you try to shout down the poster.
What is so hard about people living within their means? It's always someone elses fault and never any personal responsibility for peoples actions. No wonder this country is in the shape it is. People like you going around and supplying excuses for those that refuse to take personal responsibility for their actions. Pardon me if I don't sit down and join you and your pity party.
It’s a blessed thing that you live in a perfect world where everything fits exactly into place and what doesn’t fit is to thrown out as defective, sort of like how a mutation is treated. May you have long and lasting health of body and mind least your perfect world comes crashing down upon your perfect self.
MrAeroMan said:
According to me.....hmmm...so Pitbull how about you telling me what I'm thinking right now. One thing you and Cav are so good at is putting words in peoples mouths and if you don't have a rational answer to a legitimate question you try to shout down the poster.
What is so hard about people living within their means? It's always someone elses fault and never any personal responsibility for peoples actions. No wonder this country is in the shape it is. People like you going around and supplying excuses for those that refuse to take personal responsibility for their actions. Pardon me if I don't sit down and join you and your pity party.
Mr. AeroMan,

"Brothers keeper" friend. That is what we are...

So, now that we are blatantly polorized, if it was up to you, "living in your means" means living with no means, or very little. I guess from your perch..."Elitist attitude" abounds. B)
PineyBob said:
Stop the grandstanding you know what I meant!

There is an overwhelming sense of entitlement that I just can't stand anymore. Everything is always somebody else's fault. If it's not Dave it's the evil Republicans. When does it end, when do people stop blaming others and take a look in the mirror.

No excuses...JUST SICK TO DEATH OF THE ELITISTS TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THE WORKING CLASS, and taking from them so the few can prosper.

Just feeling a little over used and over done already.... :lol:
Ya, know what I think. We should have a USAviation Forum Get-to-gether. A Picnic this summer. Send out invitations via this Forum for all to come and meet. Everyone bring a covered dish and BYOB. We could even camp out. Bring tents!! 😉 Build a big bon-fire and sit around a discuss the same ole same ole. Bring boxing gloves only. NO weapons. We could even get a Bookie to place bets on whether it would end up a LOVE Sit In or HATE Sit in. I'll bring the Hotdogs. :lol: 😀 😛
PITbull said:
Oh yea, sort of like what corporations do.... :lol:
Because when corporations go bankrupt they don't have to continue eating. Unless you're planning on killing yourself and your family if you go bankrupt, I'd strongly suggest that you not draw that analogy.

And, FWIW, it's no secret that bankruptcy is easier on companies than on people.

Carrying a mortgage, car payments and education loans are not considered "light debt".
Big difference between secured and unsecured loans. With extremely few exceptions, your exposure in a traditional mortgage is very small. Compare this to unsecured credit card debt, which has nothing but exposure, and you'll see what I mean.
PITbull said:
Mr. AeroMan,

"Brothers keeper" friend. That is what we are...

So, now that we are blatantly polorized, if it was up to you, "living in your means" means living with no means, or very little. I guess from your perch..."Elitist attitude" abounds. B)
You'll never understand living within your means as long as you continue to blame everyone else for the problems of the world. Personal responsibility just isn't part of your leftist vocabulary.
Isn't it awful that some people actually believe it's better to pay cash for things rather than go into debt to get them today. It's terrible some people actually are willing to do without for however long it takes or how long they can rather than be beholden to the monthly credit card statement.
Brothers keeper.. :unsure: ..honestly with siblings like that I would hope I was an only child!
PITbull said:
...if it was up to you, "living in your means" means living with no means, or very little.
I don't see how that's true. I was living within my means when I was making less than a US Airways FA, and I was living within my means when I was making much more.

As many on this board have pointed out regarding US Airways, those that fail to plan, plan to fail. The same applies to all of us as individuals.
mweiss said:
As many on this board have pointed out regarding US Airways, those that fail to plan, plan to fail. The same applies to all of us as individuals.
But when people like CEO Dave don't plan and fail it's we and NOT him that pays!

I am so glad we have people on here who know how to plan the perfect life, which results in a perfect harmony in their lives.

Mr. Airplane man, Rush Limbaugh loves you, DITTOS!
A Great BIG DITTO to you ole boy.
mweiss said:
Because when corporations go bankrupt they don't have to continue eating. Unless you're planning on killing yourself and your family if you go bankrupt, I'd strongly suggest that you not draw that analogy.

And, FWIW, it's no secret that bankruptcy is easier on companies than on people.

Big difference between secured and unsecured loans. With extremely few exceptions, your exposure in a traditional mortgage is very small. Compare this to unsecured credit card debt, which has nothing but exposure, and you'll see what I mean.

Now, I don't agree with you on any level regarding secured debt and unsecured being worse or better or whatever you attempted to imply or infer....didn't make sense and you were far from clear.

Everything is relative. Corporations on a broader scale of debt and individuals on a smaller scale. However, BK is BK and the point made early (which you missed) is that one type is sanctioned; for the other, it is scorned.

That was the point. Had nothing to do with eating or killing yourself. You must be having a bad day.