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Champion Operated Nwa Flight 8/10 Dtwdfw

Ken MacTiernan said:
js, if you wish to stir something try putting your hands in your pocket. You are willing to fly a struck carrier makes you a scab's cousin. You haven't flown on a 727 lately? I wonder when the last time one of the future scab workers have worked on one. I'm sure there are all sorts of spare parts for these scabs to troublshoot with.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't FedEx and UPS still fly a few 727s? It's not like it's a DC-3.

Probably more than a few mechanics who are very adept at fixing 727s.

At least Ken didn't call JS a coward. That's the usual retort for anyone not posting using their real name.
JS said:
I have a NW flight from MEM to MSP to FAR on Labor Day weekend. I frankly don't care whether it's operated by NW or Champion Air. Actually, Champion Air would be kinda fun since I haven't flown on a 727 since the majors retired them.

You people need to wake up and face reality. The days of overpaid union jobs and featherbedding are gone.
A family member of mine flew a charter Champion Air 727 junk to Mexico a few years ago. Apparently the A/C packs were not working too well on the 100 degree ramp for the very full return flight. People were passing out and vomiting from the extreme heat in the cabin. I warned him about his; "I only want the cheapest fare" mantra as being unwise, and should not be the only consideration when you fly. The aircraft was grounded and they had to wait all most a day and a half for Champion Air to send another junk 727 because they have very few aircraft. From what I have heard from others with Champion Air experience, this happens frequently.

Remember, you "frankly don't care" when and if something happens. Have a nice and hopefully safe trip. 🙂
FWAAA said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't FedEx and UPS still fly a few 727s? It's not like it's a DC-3.

Probably more than a few mechanics who are very adept at fixing 727s.

At least Ken didn't call JS a coward. That's the usual retort for anyone not posting using their real name.
Right, but FedEx and UPS fly cargo, and of course from a corporate perspective, some expendable union pilots and maybe a company employee or two.

I have worked on some 727's years ago maintained by a major airline that were junk then, I can only imagine what some of them look like now at a small and cash strapped carrier.

Do you think a box of car parts or passenger cares more about a sudden loss of cabin pressure at 30,000 feet?
Of course, NW has NEVER had mechanical delays. I guess the two hour mechanical delay I had going to MEM a while ago was just a figment of my imagination.

Only Champion Air or any other "scab" airline has mechnicals, never union carriers, right?

JS said:
Of course, NW has NEVER had mechanical delays. I guess the two hour mechanical delay I had going to MEM a while ago was just a figment of my imagination.

Only Champion Air or any other "scab" airline has mechnicals, never union carriers, right?



Gentlemen, Gentlemen, Save your breath and not waste it on a "NINCOMPOOP" like JS.

How in the HEL* can you argue with an Anti-Union IMBECILE, who thinks that Wal-Mart treats it's employees well, that minimum wage increases are BAD for the economy, That BUSH was elected "fair and Square", and (probably) thinks that EVERYTHING his Pastor tells him politically, from the pulpit is correct ????????

quote NewHampshire Black Bears,NewHampshire Black Bears Today, 12:12 AM

Gentlemen, Gentlemen, Save your breath and not waste it on a "NINCOMPOOP" like JS.

How in the HEL* can you argue with an Anti-Union IMBECILE, who thinks that Wal-Mart treats it's employees well, that minimum wage increases are BAD for the economy, That BUSH was elected "fair and Square", and (probably) thinks that EVERYTHING his Pastor tells him politically, from the pulpit is correct ????????


Black Bear, some where in this forum I made a post about supply and demand. I recomend you find it and read it.

If you do not like the way a company treats you, then you quit. If you don't like the way it is run, you become a manager and change it. If you can't do that, you start your own buisness and run it the way you want. If you can't do none of the above, you live with it. If you can't live with it, go get you a bottle and cry in it.

No one forces anyone to go to Wal-Mart and apply for a job. No one forces you to accept that job if it is offerd to you. How much should one expect to get paid to buff floors, stock shelves and run a register? People take these jobs because they are uneducated. Then they blame the company because they can't buy a new playstation or live in a $350,000 house.

Black Bear, do you hold an A&P?
Do you have any college?
Why did you choose the aviation industry for your career?
How much did you expect to make working as a mechcanic?
Why did you apply for a job at Northwest?

I'm honestly trying to learn the union mentality here and I'm having a difficult time here because all I get is uneducated type insults. I thought maybe you could enlighten me.

keeptheodds,Aug 15 2005, 06:52 AM]

How much should one expect to get paid to buff floors, stock shelves and run a register?

A livable wage.

Its funny how you right wingers believe that we should accept an "every man for himself attitude" but then expect those at the bottom to be willing to lay down their lives for the same people who want to starve them to death.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:

Gentlemen, Gentlemen, Save your breath and not waste it on a "NINCOMPOOP" like JS.

How in the HEL* can you argue with an Anti-Union IMBECILE, who thinks that Wal-Mart treats it's employees well,


that minimum wage increases are BAD for the economy, That BUSH was elected "fair and Square"

Wrong (Bush is an idiot!)

, and (probably) thinks that EVERYTHING his Pastor tells him politically, from the pulpit is correct ????????


Bob Owens said:
keeptheodds,Aug 15 2005, 06:52 AM]

How much should one expect to get paid to buff floors, stock shelves and run a register?
A livable wage.

Its funny how you right wingers believe that we should accept an "every man for himself attitude" but then expect those at the bottom to be willing to lay down their lives for the same people who want to starve them to death.


Huh? Low wages = military service? Do you have a point to make, because it sure isn't very clear (other than the "livable wage" nonsense).
JS said:
Huh?  Low wages = military service?  Do you have a point to make, because it sure isn't very clear (other than the "livable wage" nonsense).

So the concept of "a livable wage" is nonsense?

The point is that you act as if its the right of some people to exploit others. In our regular day to day living we owe each other nothing right? We all stand seperately on our own merits, the strong rise and the weak sink to the bottom. If the smarter richer people can grind the less fortunate even deeper into the groud its survival of the fittest right? Dont like it? Become rich, as simple as that. But when the business interests of those same people are put at risk all of a sudden its "WE must defend OUR interests".

WE meaning every American, OUR in reality (but of course not said) meaning "their" interests.

Freedom is usually substituted for "interests" because its a better selling point than "interests" but the fact is that the "freedom" of those at the bottom will not change no matter what happens. All of a sudden idividualism goes out the window and those who do not really benifit that much from the system are expected to die for it.

The raise up the American Flag and claim its "our" country! Those who have the smallest stake in it however are expected to be willing to sacrifice the most while those who have the biggest stake stay at home and go awol from the National Guard, get five deferrals, get a medical for a pimple on their a$$ of have Mom and Dad keep them in college.
Bob Owens said:
keeptheodds,Aug 15 2005, 06:52 AM]

How much should one expect to get paid to buff floors, stock shelves and run a register?
A livable wage.

Its funny how you right wingers believe that we should accept an "every man for himself attitude" but then expect those at the bottom to be willing to lay down their lives for the same people who want to starve them to death.

Bob, you hit the nail square on the head.
FWAAA said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't FedEx and UPS still fly a few 727s? It's not like it's a DC-3.

Probably more than a few mechanics who are very adept at fixing 727s.

At least Ken didn't call JS a coward. That's the usual retort for anyone not posting using their real name.

I have worked a second job on 727's (thanks to twu negotiating powers) that belonged to ExpressOne. These aircraft were DOGS. How long before these aircraft will break down with a scab + no parts is stuck at a gate? The 727 is not a DC-3. Yet.

As for js being a coward. Using an alias doesn't make a person a coward. Using an alias while personally attacking someone does. Very simple.
JS said:
Of course, NW has NEVER had mechanical delays. I guess the two hour mechanical delay I had going to MEM a while ago was just a figment of my imagination.

Only Champion Air or any other "scab" airline has mechnicals, never union carriers, right?

Not what I was saying what-so-ever JS. Any mechanical device or electronic component can malfunction. You try to reduce it as much as possible with quality maintenance.

What I am speaking to is the chances you take with your life when your squeaky cheap carriers junk fails in mid-flight because the public now demands to fly Walmart Air coast to coast for $98 round trip. That sure is a great deal. That is until the Blue Light Special your riding in can't pull over at the nearest airport because its slightly out of control.

Experts predict with the continued outsourcing of heavy maintenance, and the inability of the FAA to oversee the chop shops, more tragic incidents will follow. As someone who has been in the aircraft maintenance profession over 20 years, I can see it coming.

Did you see the news today on that Greek Boeing 737? Bodies frozen solid, must of been an extreme loss of cabin pressure at 30,000+ feet. Very sad news.
Bob Owens said:
So the concept of "a livable wage" is nonsense?

The point is that you act as if its the right of some people to exploit others. In our regular day to day living we owe each other nothing right? We all stand seperately on our own merits, the strong rise and the weak sink to the bottom. If the smarter richer people can grind the less fortunate even deeper into the groud its survival of the fittest right? Dont like it? Become rich, as simple as that. But when the business interests of those same people are put at risk all of a sudden its "WE must defend OUR interests".

WE meaning every American, OUR in reality (but of course not said) meaning "their" interests.

Freedom is usually substituted for "interests" because its a better selling point than "interests" but the fact is that the "freedom" of those at the bottom will not change no matter what happens. All of a sudden idividualism goes out the window and those who do not really benifit that much from the system are expected to die for it.

The raise up the American Flag and claim its "our" country! Those who have the smallest stake in it however are expected to be willing to sacrifice the most while those who have the biggest stake stay at home and go awol from the National Guard, get five deferrals, get a medical for a pimple on their a$$ of have Mom and Dad keep them in college.

Your rambling argument does not make any sense. Exactly what do you propose to ensure a livable wage? If you think "government is the answer" you would be wrong. Legislating a livable wage, by raising the minimum wage to $10/hour or $15/hour or whatever the definition of livable is, will destroy jobs and drag everyone's standard of living down to the lowest common denominator.

If you want unions to produce a livable wage, I have no problem with that. My comments on industrial unions are that they are stuck in the past with respect to the ability of the company to pay these high wages. By making unreasonable demands, unions have chased off manufacturers overseas and are now threatening the survival of legacy carriers in the new LCC environment.

Something in between Wal-Mart's illegal aliens & mandatory off-the-clock work (a.k.a. slavery) and featherbedding work rules & monopoly power wages would be nice.
JS,Aug 15 2005, 08:25 PM]
Your rambling argument does not make any sense. Exactly what do you propose to ensure a livable wage? If you think "government is the answer" you would be wrong. Legislating a livable wage, by raising the minimum wage to $10/hour or $15/hour or whatever the definition of livable is, will destroy jobs and drag everyone's standard of living down to the lowest common denominator.

Bull. Are you saying that just because a job pays little that the work is unneccisary? If the work did not need to be done then a high minimum wage might cause those jobs to be eliminated but not too many of those jobs really exist, except perhaps in the government and the government usually pays more than the minimum wage of any state. Areas that have legislated minimum wages have lower unemployment rates than areas that dont.

If you want unions to produce a livable wage, I have no problem with that. My comments on industrial unions are that they are stuck in the past with respect to the ability of the company to pay these high wages. By making unreasonable demands, unions have chased off manufacturers overseas and are now threatening the survival of legacy carriers in the new LCC environment.

The fact is there are more jobs and more people working in the US than when we were primarily a manufacturer. The change is part of the change that comes with the Information era. The LCC ruse has been around longer than any of the LCCs have been around.

Something in between Wal-Mart's illegal aliens & mandatory off-the-clock work (a.k.a. slavery) and featherbedding work rules & monopoly power wages would be nice.


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