So the concept of "a livable wage" is nonsense?
The point is that you act as if its the right of some people to exploit others. In our regular day to day living we owe each other nothing right? We all stand seperately on our own merits, the strong rise and the weak sink to the bottom. If the smarter richer people can grind the less fortunate even deeper into the groud its survival of the fittest right? Dont like it? Become rich, as simple as that. But when the business interests of those same people are put at risk all of a sudden its "WE must defend OUR interests".
WE meaning every American, OUR in reality (but of course not said) meaning "their" interests.
Freedom is usually substituted for "interests" because its a better selling point than "interests" but the fact is that the "freedom" of those at the bottom will not change no matter what happens. All of a sudden idividualism goes out the window and those who do not really benifit that much from the system are expected to die for it.
The raise up the American Flag and claim its "our" country! Those who have the smallest stake in it however are expected to be willing to sacrifice the most while those who have the biggest stake stay at home and go awol from the National Guard, get five deferrals, get a medical for a pimple on their a$$ of have Mom and Dad keep them in college.