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Callsign change date near

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Considering we have done pretty much everything the East way. Name, seniority, training, etc, which I don't have a problem with by the way. Why are you all getting so pissed about a "word", and plant for heaven sakes!?? Cactus? Who cares. Get over it! :up:
i think this is a great one--we all know this merger stinks and the smell is not going away until everything in the Sandcastle is ripped up and thrown out.

Just admit it US1yfare, in the bottom of your ruthless heart, you can't stand being away from US Airways, or this forum. It fufills your loneliness, and life!! :lol:
I can't wait for the callsign change date! I am so tired of hearing "USAirs" why the S on the end anyway?? I can't just dog them because many flight officers from many other carriers seem to do this. Adding that S on the end of the callsign seems lame.

I have never heard ATC say "USAir's" over the radio! Where did that come from? I'm a F/A but have been in the flightdeck hundreds of times over the past 19 years and I can honestly say I've never heard it said that way! I do think the "cactus" call sign is fitting for this mess of an Airline....it's very appropriate because it shows NO professionalism like the rest of the Airline! And it should be quite funny to hear that call sign over ATC in Europe! :lol:
I have never heard ATC say "USAir's" over the radio! Where did that come from? I'm a F/A but have been in the flightdeck hundreds of times over the past 19 years and I can honestly say I've never heard it said that way! I do think the "cactus" call sign is fitting for this mess of an Airline....it's very appropriate because it shows NO professionalism like the rest of the Airline! And it should be quite funny to hear t of things to argue abouthat call sign over ATC in Europe! :lol:

Anyone know what a Springbok(sp?) is? Don't think they have trouble with that in Europe. SAA's callsign. We must be running out of things to argue about! :blink:
And it should be quite funny to hear that call sign over ATC in Europe! :lol:

Why? They've heard the word before. Latin in origin so it shouldn't be a problem. Maybe if you spoke more than one language, you'd understand.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary (Beta Version)

Arabic: صبّـار ، صَبْر
Chinese (Simplified): 仙人掌
Chinese (Traditional): 仙人掌
Czech: kaktus
Danish: kaktus
Dutch: cactus
Estonian: kaktus
Finnish: kaktus
French: cactus
German: der Kaktus
Greek: κάκτος
Hungarian: kaktusz
Icelandic: kaktus
Indonesian: kaktus
Italian: cactus

Japanese: さぼてん
Latvian: kaktuss
Lithuanian: kaktusas
Norwegian: kaktus
Polish: kaktus
Portuguese (Brazil): cacto
Portuguese (Portugal): cacto
Romanian: cactus
Russian: кактус
Slovak: kaktus
Slovenian: kaktus
Spanish: cactus
Swedish: kaktus
Turkish: kaktüs

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary (Beta Version), © 2000-2006 K Dictionaries Ltd.
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