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Callsign change date near

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I can't wait for the callsign change date! I am so tired of hearing "USAirs" why the S on the end anyway?? I can't just dog them because many flight officers from many other carriers seem to do this. Adding that S on the end of the callsign seems lame. Not to worry though because CACTUS doesn't need another S. I guess they could say CACTI :unsure:
Dead in the water!!!!!!!
I could not imagine giving up before I saw AW nail the coffin door shut on a once proud airline. 😉
I can't wait for the callsign change date! I am so tired of hearing "USAirs" why the S on the end anyway?? I can't just dog them because many flight officers from many other carriers seem to do this. Adding that S on the end of the callsign seems lame. Not to worry though because CACTUS doesn't need another S. I guess they could say CACTI :unsure:

I've gotten sick and fully tired of smarmy. essentially stupid, and always chickensh-t little geeks like yourself. Would you kindly check out my open wager, via "callsign Cactus" to ANY AWA "tigers"? :lol: My honest guess is that you're both a pathetic excuse for a "man"...and an even worse excuse for a "Pilot".

Up for a little fun?

5-10 Grand suggested stakes. Actual flying required😉

"Woosie Callsign Cactus: "I'd pit my airmanship/experience against yours any day pal. You being older only means your weaker and slower. Get over yourself." But, immediately therafter:
"It was not a "challenge" oh great one " I see then "oh punkazz/cowardly one" It was merely a typical AWA weenie/I'm great..just ask me!!" BS attack on a "Better"😉?

"I'll save you from the embarrassment." Sounds much akin to a 15 year old getting himself off via BS to his contemporaries I'm not 15 years old punk, and I'll give you fullest exemption via any "embarrassment" I might suffer at your awesomely skilled hands...said with almost a straight face😉

"Besides, I prefer to remain anonymous and not reveal my credentials in public. "
Whew!!..That's a relief...I've so few "credentials" to offer myself that I find it kind for you to nobly do such "sir" ROTFLMAO BTW: I'm assuming you to also be ex military..or I'd offer odds😉

"I would gladly share my world experiences with you over a brewsky"
Ummm...NO THANKS PUNK....I've flown/fought along side with, and certainly heard more actual Aviators in conversation than you can imagine...and I don't count you as being amongst the company of such, nor much worthy of listening to.....How about "sharing your experiences" via a test of skills????

IF you've insufficient nads for the task...kindly just shut tha' fugg up as per your imaginary abilities and skills...especially when affronting some "weaker and slower" old man

Callsign Cactus: ""I'd pit my airmanship/experience against yours any day pal. You being older only means your weaker and slower. Get over yourself."

EastUS: You're an utterly pathetic joke punk. Put up or shut up. If the 5-10 grand stakes put you running to momma....suggest your own.

And..the wager stays on the table😉 ANY other "Badazzed" AWA "Tigers" out there?

Callsign Cactus: ""I'd pit my airmanship/experience against yours any day pal. You being older only means your weaker and slower. Get over yourself."
Callsign Cactus:"It was not a "challenge" oh great one "

Sigh..apparently NOT..it was just some utter PUNK running his AWA mouth off...Heavy Sigh: what's new?"`

The key point/phrase herein = "it was just some utter PUNK running his AWA mouth off...Heavy Sigh: what's new?"
I've gotten sick and fully tired of smarmy. essentially stupid, and always chickensh-t little geeks like yourself. Would you kindly check out my open wager, via "callsign Cactus" to ANY AWA "tigers"? :lol: My honest guess is that you're both a pathetic excuse for a "man"...and an even worse excuse for a "Pilot".

Up for a little fun?

5-10 Grand suggested stakes. Actual flying required😉

I don't want to search just say what it is!! You will be using cactus soon and please end with your weak insults. I would be more than happy to tell you when and where to find me.
I could not imagine giving up before I saw AW nail the coffin door shut on a once proud airline. 😉

We are not trying to kill you but rather bring you up!!! USAir hasn't been proud since the mid 80's Give it up sheep you will conform!!!!
I don't want to search just say what it is!! You will be using cactus soon and please end with your weak insults. I would be more than happy to tell you when and where to find me.

Sigh..I later realized that such would require you to do actual reading, and that it clearly wasn't fair of me to demand any such of you :lol:

"I would be more than happy to tell you when and where to find me"

Excellent "sir"...I'm wagering 5-10 grand on outflying any AWA PUNK....interested? :up: I've noticed that you guys are properly "ranked" as naught but "Major Mouthoffs"...and that's apparently where your BS starts and ends😉

As for "using Cactus soon"....is that as monogrammed toilet paper? or what?

Ummm....no response AWA320?....busy trying to figure out how to simulate "flying" with your keyboard BS? ROTFLMAO

PS Cactus/Cockroach320...I just tried a "personal message"/challenge without success...it's apparently more difficult to "find you" than you let on😉...Typical for any AWA it seems😉
Does it really matter what the callsign is? It's still won't improve things at Sandcastle. They should use old ValuJet's callsign, "Critter". That would be more fitting.

Actually, and with some historical basing=Cockroach would be more apt :lol:
Meow! What a cat fight we have going on here over a call sign?

Usair it is ! Just about the only thing they didn't take away from us! It is no use guys, westies will always be bitter "critters".
I think the call sign from EastWind Airlines would be better.........STINGER ,sense the Sand Castle keeps Biting us in the A$$ everyday!!!!!
Meow! What a cat fight we have going on here over a call sign?

Usair it is ! Just about the only thing they didn't take away from us! It is no use guys, westies will always be bitter "critters".

Well..be fair gentlemen..if we'd had to fly around using "Cactus" as a "Proud Callsign" all our airline lives..well/etc..we might be equally desperate for some small validation for the years of continuous self insult :lol:
Sounds like you're ready to snap old fart. Maybe if I push a few more buttons we can inheret one more cpatain spot. :lol:

Since the discussion has degraded to third grade name calling....blow me you has been. You're a consummate moron at best, and not worthy of my time.

Now go change your depends, pop a Viagra, and take your pent up aggression out on the rest of the sheep in the east. Oh, and take your wager and shove it up your ### - that's how much I think its worth.

I'm done with you for good, oh great one...what a putz.

I've gotten sick and fully tired of smarmy. essentially stupid, and always chickensh-t little geeks like yourself. Would you kindly check out my open wager, via "callsign Cactus" to ANY AWA "tigers"? :lol: My honest guess is that you're both a pathetic excuse for a "man"...and an even worse excuse for a "Pilot".

Up for a little fun?

5-10 Grand suggested stakes. Actual flying required😉

"Woosie Callsign Cactus: "I'd pit my airmanship/experience against yours any day pal. You being older only means your weaker and slower. Get over yourself." But, immediately therafter:
"It was not a "challenge" oh great one " I see then "oh punkazz/cowardly one" It was merely a typical AWA weenie/I'm great..just ask me!!" BS attack on a "Better"😉?

"I'll save you from the embarrassment." Sounds much akin to a 15 year old getting himself off via BS to his contemporaries I'm not 15 years old punk, and I'll give you fullest exemption via any "embarrassment" I might suffer at your awesomely skilled hands...said with almost a straight face😉

"Besides, I prefer to remain anonymous and not reveal my credentials in public. "
Whew!!..That's a relief...I've so few "credentials" to offer myself that I find it kind for you to nobly do such "sir" ROTFLMAO BTW: I'm assuming you to also be ex military..or I'd offer odds😉

"I would gladly share my world experiences with you over a brewsky"
Ummm...NO THANKS PUNK....I've flown/fought along side with, and certainly heard more actual Aviators in conversation than you can imagine...and I don't count you as being amongst the company of such, nor much worthy of listening to.....How about "sharing your experiences" via a test of skills????

IF you've insufficient nads for the task...kindly just shut tha' fugg up as per your imaginary abilities and skills...especially when affronting some "weaker and slower" old man

Callsign Cactus: ""I'd pit my airmanship/experience against yours any day pal. You being older only means your weaker and slower. Get over yourself."

EastUS: You're an utterly pathetic joke punk. Put up or shut up. If the 5-10 grand stakes put you running to momma....suggest your own.

And..the wager stays on the table😉 ANY other "Badazzed" AWA "Tigers" out there?
Callsign Cactus: ""I'd pit my airmanship/experience against yours any day pal. You being older only means your weaker and slower. Get over yourself."
Callsign Cactus:"It was not a "challenge" oh great one "

Sigh..apparently NOT..it was just some utter PUNK running his AWA mouth off...Heavy Sigh: what's new?"`
The key point/phrase herein = "it was just some utter PUNK running his AWA mouth off...Heavy Sigh: what's new?"
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