Sounds like you're ready to snap old fart. Maybe if I push a few more buttons we can inheret one more cpatain spot.
Since the discussion has degraded to third grade name calling....blow me you has been. You're a consummate moron at best, and not worthy of my time.
Now go change your depends, pop a Viagra, and take your pent up aggression out on the rest of the sheep in the east. Oh, and take your wager and shove it up your ### - that's how much I think its worth.
I'm done with you for good, oh great one...what a putz.
Aww....give us a kiss pwecious widdle baby

The truth hurts doesn't it little boy" ??
"Callsign Cactus: ""I'd pit my airmanship/experience against yours any day pal. You being older only means your weaker and slower. Get over yourself."
Callsign Cactus:"It was not a "challenge" oh great one "
Sigh..apparently was just some utter PUNK running his AWA mouth off...Heavy Sigh: what's new?"`
""I would gladly share my world experiences with you over a brewsky"
Ummm...NO THANKS PUNK....I've flown/fought along side with, and certainly heard more actual Aviators in conversation than you can imagine...and I don't count you as being amongst the company of such, nor much worthy of listening to.....How about "sharing your experiences" via a test of skills????"
"Callsign Cactus: ""I'd pit my airmanship/experience against yours any day pal. You being older only means your weaker and slower. Get over yourself."
Callsign Cactus:"It was not a "challenge" oh great one "
Sigh..apparently was just some utter PUNK running his AWA mouth off...Heavy Sigh: what's new?"`
"And..the wager stays on the table
😉 ANY other "Badazzed" AWA "Tigers" out there?"
""Callsign Cactus: ""I'd pit my airmanship/experience against yours any day pal."
ANY actual TAKERS???...or just more worthless BS punks like Cactus? "Oh, and take your wager and shove it up your ### - that's how much I think its worth." Clearly..the poor boy has no funds..and here I on LOA93
Typical AWA bragadoccio..whilst ducking actual skill testing: "....Callsign Cactus: blow me you has been"...argueably actionable under different circumstances via the UCMJ, as he left out the "Blow me....Sir"
Ummm.....How about if I give you punks three to two odds?
😉 any of you AWA sorts have a spine?
PS "Callsiign Cactus" needen't have fretted over the wager...I allowed for it to be adjusted to your financial're just a mouthy, worthles, total punk that I'm glad I never had to "babysit" during anything actually "serious".
Callsign Cactus:"Since the discussion has degraded to third grade name calling...." Little didn't "degrade" to anything other than you pounding your pathetic chest, imagining your "skills"..insulting me...and then...???..just running away
😉 A "man" like yourself...that insults comrades..and runs away...would have been no one I would have tolerated in my command.
"And..the wager stays on the table
😉 ANY other "Badazzed" AWA "Tigers" out there?"