Bring Back Rakesh


Very nicely done the way you recognized the value in the skills of the airline mechanics coming from a customer has much credence.

Utility and ramp do not make nearly as much as the mechanics, they just happen to belong to the same union who have the responsibility to negotiate and administer their bargaining agreements. Their contracts are not the same just as their jobs and level of responsibility is not the same.

As far as your statements regarding my retorhic on wages of f/as, you still do not understand that our paid work week is 20 hours, but our time away from home is approx 90- 104 hours away from home. So when I speak of wages, I am not "alledging" anything.... I speak from facts because I live, eat and drink it everyday. Our level of responsibility and skills are not of the average worker in the office, but more on the line of a "nurse" without a license in the air, instead of the ground. That's the best example I can give you that comes similar to other professions in skill. Unlike nurses, the potential for an airline crash is a risk that most professions never face. And its usually fatal as well.
When you figure the wage, know that there are expenses associated with this particular job that other 9-5 jobs don't have. Our average or median yearly income is approx. $32,000 before the concessions. I will have to wait for the year end stats to come in to let you know how that has changed with the concessions industry wide.

BTW, I think you may owe me some kind of dinner, lunch, drink, car, house, vacation or something by now through all the bets we have had. You and I are VETS on these boards and our commitment to our beliefs is obvious to all by now. Once in a very blue moon, we agree in

Of course, I don't think we effect anybody.
The flight attendants do not have it easy either. Just the amount of traveling alone is rough and they do not make that great of money. I know about the sky waitress joke, but I also know (even from aviation events in history) that if things go bad I want someone to be looking out for my loved ones on the flight and they have always come through.

It takes almost a lifetime to even top out in that position.

--I would walk for them any day.
PineyBob said:
MrAeroMan said:
pitguy said:
Thanks Bob for the kind reply to my note.


MrAeroMan in reference to "like" airlines I was referring to the aforementioned article that listed about 8 to 10 of the U.S. major carriers. As you may know there are newspapers and then there is the W.S.J.
Thanks for the reply but there is increasingly becoming a larger and larger divide from the likes of AA, DL, UAL, NW, CO, and SW as compared to US, HP and the other second teir airlines and you can bet when it comes time to negotiate contracts again you will hear that coming from the negotiations.
Well said,

This area IMHO is what you need to prepare for. You know that will be a huge negotiating tactic.
well all ican say is that i hope you don't hold your breath as U isn't looking to negotiate until 2008 or 2009.all unions i believe.

What noise do I make? I am not blah, blahing anybody. I only state the facts with bits of heart and much fervor. The exercise won't kill you to sort it out.

I am an RN, and LPN makes approx. $16-20 per hour, not counting homcare which is much higher. This is in Pittsburgh. Different parts of the country is different depending on the demand and license. Just an FYI.
PineyBob said:
As someone else stated SOMEWHERE in this thread and MANY MANY times before, why are you in here. What is of such interest to you that you find if necessary to chastise EVERYTHING that others say. Everything that PITBULL/LAVMAN says you have a negative comment. EVERYTHING I say you have a negative comment. I would tell you what I think, but it would only get deleted. WHY WHY WHY are you on here?????????

I heard United's forum REALLY cool. Go check it out and let us know at a much later time.
OH please PM me and tell me EXACTLY what you think! I'm a big boy I can take it. I can even use big words in a complete sentences too.

It's rather unfortunate that you can't master the English language well enough to share your opinions with all of us.

I will however share my opinion of you with the group.

I think you are afraid for yourself, your family, all of your security job wise and finance wise is in total jeopardy. Naturally that makes you angry and consequently you lash out at anyone even dares to question your perception of the situation.

As to my interest in this board.
First, I live in a free and open society which permits me to express my opinions in many forums, this being one of them. If the free and open exchange of ideas in a civilized debate frightens you or imtimidates you to the point that you feel the need to insult or bully then that is sad.

Second, ever since I went on the picket line with my late father when I was 8, I have been interested in the labor movement. Just because I am critical and don't drink the AFL-CIO Koolaid doesn't mean I'm unsympathic.

Thirdly, I have a ton of miles with US Airways and I wish to preserve my investment. Chances are I have as many open issues with management as you do.

Fourthly, I enjoy a good debate! I know for a fact that both PITbull & the Cockroaches have had an effect on decisions at CCY. Most of them positive.

Lastly Twice Baked I don't owe you any explanation of any of my actions for any reason. Your rights end where mine begin. You can disagree with me all you wish, but you don't have to be disagreeable. Respect is earned, not demanded, perhaps when you learn that simple truth you will find yourself getting more of the respect you feel you deserve. [/quote]
Hey Piney read your private mail and see what I really think of you.
The title of this thread is "bring back Rakesh, fire Dave"
To try and separate Wolf from Gangwal regarding the manner in which this company was run, and employees treated shows that either someone was not paying attention, or, they were very lucky and were insulated from the heavy handed/oppressive tools WolfGang used very effectively. They had the regional managers shaking in their shoes, and they passed the fear right on down the line. Now since Gangwal "only" took his exit package (15 mil?) he is a great guy.
The "two peas in a pod" are gone. Thank goodness for small miracles.
Agent with family said:
The title of this thread is "bring back Rakesh, fire Dave"
To try and separate Wolf from Gangwal regarding the manner in which this company was run, and employees treated shows that either someone was not paying attention, or, they were very lucky and were insulated from the heavy handed/oppressive tools WolfGang used very effectively. They had the regional managers shaking in their shoes, and they passed the fear right on down the line. Now since Gangwal "only" took his exit package (15 mil?) he is a great guy.
The "two peas in a pod" are gone. Thank goodness for small miracles.
Agent, you have to consider the source of this topic. Lavman, of course. As you read is numerous replys to everything you will get the picture. ;)
TwiceBaked -

You said, "You do not know how to debate. You act like a child and start calling names and making immature comments about people's gramatical errors."

I would suggest that you go back and re-read your replies to anyone on this board besides PitBull and LavMan. You sir, are the one that throws tirades and stomps and screams like a child over and over. You do not have to agree with anyone on these boards, but everyone is to be respected for their opinions. Some of my best debates have been with PitBull and Bob and even though we may not agree on everything, we at least respect each others views and opinions.

Bob, as a customer, has just as much invested in this company as any employee. For you, as an employee, to lash out at him for taking a more active interest in our company is deplorable. Perhaps you should think before you type, then when you do write it, re-read it and make sure that you are speaking less out of emotion and more out of passion for your cause. Your rants on here do nothing for your credibility.

PitBull -

I just have one question for you.....

I recall being at several hangar meetings with the Great Rakesh and if my memory serves me right, I recall a certain AFA president being very vocal about her dislike for the previously mentioned executive. In fact I recall seeing the AFA president asking a question of RG and walking out of the meeting in protest because she didn't like the answers that were given. Any ideas on why the PIT AFA would have this great change of heart on wanting him to represent her group on the board? I realize that hind sight may be 20/20, but I don't recall this loving relationship when the contract negotiations were going on and he was in the building - pressing for the parity plus 1 contracts to the brink of CHAOS.

Where have you been in all this. I have been waiting for you.

First, AFA was adamently opposed to pariety +1. Second the AFA President in PIT is extremely focused on the flight attendant group, and very level headed. There were fequent times that Gangwal and PIT President didn't not see "eye to eye". But, a middle ground was always achieved as long as she wasn't asking for the "world", which she did on many occasions via the Senior Director of Inflight at the time. HE was the ONLY one that could knock some sense into her to bring her to that "middle ground" and he was our Liason. When you are dealing with reasonable people; reasonability is always achievable.

As is known, CEO's are privey to certain information that is shared among Board members that the public nor the government is privey to. THERE WAS A PLAN B. The MEC was given this information on August 7th, 2001 in a closed meeting with Gangwal. Some of the needs of the company were expressed at the time, and the need for RJs was a big part of it. But the RJs were only to replace the Turbo Props and a very small % of mainline. The AFA MEC was given a slide presentation. There was a Plan B, but Gangwal said they could not make that public as the merger was the priority according to the "stake holders" of U at that time. (You remember...Johnson and Roberts who were our major board players and also Wolf). The PIT AFA President had a private conversation with Gangwal subsequent to that meeting. He was a man of honor as I am told by the AFA PIT President and after 9/11, cared very much for the employees of U and understood their fears. In fact, the PIT AFA President via the Senior Director had asked that if the f/as were too fearful to fly, that no reprisals or infractions would be handed to the f/as for the entire month of Setember, sick calls or anything. HE GRANTED US THAT. He took care of his employees and had heart. We don't forget those things. The very FIRST Volunatary Furlough offer was his for the employees and flight attendants who were the biggest participants of the program. Great inentives with 24 month medical. Conversely, This new management no longer see a need to offer VOLUNTARY Furloughs as its too much paper work for them and they no longer want to keep track of this for the sake of the employees. I have the perception that they think we just aren't worth it, and we can just go to MAA when it opens.

Many time folks get caught up in the media hype and bad retorhic of some and perception is negative, as you investigate further, you often find the essence of the perdicament and have a new ephiphany.

He was a business man for sure, but ran the airline and did not "fight" with his employees, and met with his employees on a regular basis. Last March, Gangwal met with the AFA MEC for 4 hours regarding the Board seat.

Try having any dialogue with this new management. They're so far from us, that they don't know we exist, other than being "collateral damage" for the sake of "the plan". Whatever the hell that is. PIT AFA President has tried numerous times with this management through 100s of e-mails (and I mean literally) and dialogue to "find a middle ground". No such thing can be had for any group on the property. They are focused on that "dime" and nothing will stand in their way of lining their pockets. They have positioned the company to accomplish just that, the rest is history.

If you want to know why the AFA PIT President had a change of heart, I believe you need to ask her. I am sure you know how to reach her.
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You are dead on PITbull, Rakesh met with all of us in CLT after the merger failed and he was very candid and open and you cant BS sincerity.
Your attitude is getting you nowhere, Twicebaked. And Todd B. didn't have to say this to you.
PineyBob said:
Don't even try to argue the "Livable wage" issue because you lose me immediately!

Want a little math lesson take my G/F, $8.25/hr.with not overtime plus 3 kids. NO PUBLIC ASSISTANCE of any kind. Child support of about $900/mo. Owns her own home worth about $90,000 on a half acre lot, has a car and manages to save a few hundred dollars per year.
I'm not trying to be a smart aleck with this, really. I'm assuming other posters are correct when they say your g/f works for Wendy's. But $8.25/hour? Waffle House had an ad in our local paper hiring for $9-$12/hour, parttime or fulltime. Are salaries that much less in NJ? I'm not bashing WH, but I would've thought Wendy's paid more.


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