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ATTENTION Membership of D.L. 141-M 2ND round

It may be good business to be cozy with a union, but then later if we don't trust the company or a union that is one might feel is bought off don't blame us.
Liz has asked a very good question..If Dave believes that he can walk right in and hand a list of demands to the judge,, Why hasn't he ?? Why is he instead,allowing the confused mechanics a second chance to vote ?? I believe that a trip to the judge may be just as big of a gamble to Mr. Siegle & Mr. Glass as it is to the rank and file mechanics...We are entering unchartered water folks, If the company and union insist on voting on the SAME proposal [Instead of doing the right thing and LISTENING to the rank and file mechanic],,,My vote will have to be the SAME..NO
t-man wrote:

Keep your chin up Liz,
We'll make it through this somehow.


You bet we will; of that I have no doubt! The best way to spend the time between now and the vote on Tuesday, September 17, 2002 is to read the available information, discuss it with co-workers and family and by all means VOTE.


Liz, nobody including Dave wants to go to court. In fact, if the company wins its S.1113 motion, nobody will enjoy the pain associated with abrogating a contract and damage awards. I believe Dave keeps missing deadlines because he does not want the process to hurt employees any more than it has to.

I have a question for you.

As you know, the CIP financing, Emergence Financing, and ATSB loan guarantee require the 85 percent restructuring accords for all labor groups. Without the CWA & IAM-M agreements ratified, the company will lose access to these funds by violating the terms of the financing agreements.

Do you agree with this the paragraph above?


Joesy said: What Dave offers is fundamentally unfair in any context and nothing less than corporate greed.

Chip asks: Joesy, the debtor-in-possession (DIP) financing agreement with TPG, CSFB, & BOA require the CWA & IAM-M restructuring agreement be provided or the DIP financing credit facility, emergence financing, and loan guarantee will not be available. Do you agree with this statement?

In addition, nobody including Dave wants to go to a S.1113 hearing. I believe DAve is trying to be labor friendly by giving the IAM-M a second chance. If you want the company to survive, then vote yes.

Cavalier, you have an agenda as your posting indicates. Your pompus message falls on deaf ears after you name call. Just because Liz's husband is voting no, and thereby not buying your sell, you decided to insult all of us intelligent individuals on this board and ax-grind her by telling her that her husband will become a soccer mom. Name calling and characterization smears should not be tolerated!

As you are aware, no matter what station we are talking about, it will be a big NO vote. At this point we are pushing for solidarity purposes a block vote of over 90% NO. We might not get there but it will be close.

And our position is one of principle. What Dave offers is fundamentally unfair in any context and nothing less than corporate greed. If that means US AIRWAYS shuts down then that is something US AIRWAYS image man Dave will have to decide. It will not be our fault regardless.


I cannot help the fact the you got tweaked reading my post . I was NOT name calling or smearing anyone, if so, where is the moderator, he didn’t see what you did. You better ratchet down a few clicks old boy. I tried to lighten it all up with my, The Mechanics’ Phone Is Ringing post, but the moderator didn’t like my humor. This whole deal is tough for anyone working at U. When I was at work this evening and obviously before I read your post , I decided to live and let live and drop my crusade for a Yes vote. I realize people will do what they feel is correct for their families. There is so much anger, cynicism, mistrust and out right hatred it’s plain crazy. I found out at work tonight that in one of the support shops men almost came to blows over this mess! I truly understand EXACTLY where the No vote is coming from, read some of my early posts to verify this remark. It’s almost like trying to decide whether you should jump or shoot yourself. The deal with the mechanics was handled VERY poorly by both the company and union, BIG TIME! Many people are completely fed up to the point they simply don’t even care anymore, get it over, end it now. AMFA cards are flying like crazy, I filled mine out just this evening. A guy told me this evening, a Yes vote is ten years of oppression, and a No vote is two years of hard times, then things will get better. Who knows maybe he’s correct, whatever, but that statement made me laugh, which is good. All I can say is, arm yourself with every bit of factual information you can get and make the best decision minus any negative emotions playing a factor, for you and your family. God Bless Us All
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 9/9/2002 7:30:24 PM Liz wrote:[BR][BR][BR][BR][BR]We just received Mr. Siegel's mailing today.  The company paid $1.29 in postage, untold monies for printing and labor to stuff these envelopes and all for the same information that is readily available in hard copy or on the internet.  The only new information was Mr. Siegel's letter which could have been posted on the web quite easily.  It is such a waste of company funds!  After reading it once, I dislike his tone and find it will most likely galvanize more IAM-M folks to vote NO. on this contract.----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE][BR][BR]What a lame argument. Not everybody has access to the internet and not everybody has the privilege of being able to go to the library to wait for a computer to access the internet. And if you did post the letter, you'd automatically have folks moaning and groaning about the fact that they were not personally given the letter.[BR][BR]Sorry, your lashing out is of no avail.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 9/10/2002 1:58:57 PM pitguy wrote:
[P]C'mon chip.........I can not believe  you are not going to answer.[BR][BR]Oh and two more questions.[BR][BR]-What were you doing in Oct. 1992 when the mechanics were on strike?[BR][BR]-Why should any of us listen to you?[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]Maybe because he seems to have a lot more to say than simply your rhetorical questions.[/P]
C'mon chip.........I can not believe you are not going to answer.

Oh and two more questions.

-What were you doing in Oct. 1992 when the mechanics were on strike?

-Why should any of us listen to you?

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