'Bravo' ......... pure and simple !

Glenn Quagmire said:
So being a republican in the "House of Representatives" does not mean that they represent the Republican Party?

Why not just say that they do not represent your views? Or do they?
Here, they're supposed to represent their constituents first and foremost. Personal and party views come last.
You are splitting that hair very fine. I do not agree with some things Obama has done but that does not mean he does not represent the dems on many issues for the most part.
Ms Tree said:
You are splitting that hair very fine. I do not agree with some things Obama has done but that does not mean he does not represent the dems on many issues for the most part.
Yeah, like pushing socialism.
I am still waiting Ms Tree. Is that offer to send the redhead to the Netherlands or Sweden still good?
No its not. It was a joke. In all likely hood she is not planning on going to the ME or Europe. She Wi stay in the US and try to make it a better place. Same reason I am not leaving.
Any Questions as to why a policy of non intervention is abetter path
Ms Tree said:
No its not. It was a joke. In all likely hood she is not planning on going to the ME or Europe. She Wi stay in the US and try to make it a better place. Same reason I am not leaving.
She is Canadian. 
Ms Tree said:
Same reason I am not leaving.
You are not leaving because you are a coward. You scream to turn the United States into a socialist country. There are several to choose from already. Go ahead Ms Tree move to one of your pre made paradises and tell us how great it is. I am sure Russia would love to have you. 
Ms Tree said:
No its not. It was a joke.
That is the difference between you and I. I was serious as a heart attack. I will pay to send her to the Middle East. I mean just think of all the "oppression" she can fight there.
You think posting it in red makes it any more accurate? You are bad joke. You know less than jack chit about me. Your assumptions are baseless and BS.

Whether or not your offer is real or not is really irrelevant. She would never consent to go to the ME. So your money is safe. kind of like offering to pay for a ticket on an Apollo mission .
Ms Tree said:
You think posting it in red makes it any more accurate? 
I wanted to make sure you saw it.
Ms Tree said:
You are bad joke. 
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Will Monica be there while Hillary is talking about WOMEN'S issues? How about PaulaGennifer?
Hillary representing women's issues after staying married to Bill after his many sexual indiscretions is like a bad joke.
The really bad joke is the dumb ass libtards that think this weak, spineless woman should be president.
Hillary is everything one could possibly find repulsive in a female wrapped up into one convenient package. 

Yeah, you can stop copying me now. 
Ms Tree said:
I see you are still trying to have an original thought.  Keep trying, it could still happen.
You were saying?
Ms Tree said:
You know less than jack chit about me. Your assumptions are baseless and BS.
I know you are a liar. I have caught you in one lie after another on here. 
Ms Tree said:
Whether or not your offer is real or not is really irrelevant. She would never consent to go to the ME. So your money is safe. kind of like offering to pay for a ticket on an Apollo mission .
She would probably call you a wonderful name for speaking on her behalf and "suppressing" her. 
Apparently your money is safe as well because the offer was a "joke", just like you.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I wanted to make sure you saw it.

Yeah, you can stop copying me now. 

You were saying?

I know you are a liar. I have caught you in one lie after another on here. 

She would probably call you a wonderful name for speaking on her behalf and "suppressing" her. 
Apparently your money is safe as well because the offer was a "joke", just like you.
Show me a single lie. Just one. Go for it.
How about a second helping?
Ms Tree said:
Lala was talking about the native being violent toward the settlers. 
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I was?
That is news to me. 
Prove it you lying scum.
Ms Tree said:
My mistake. I was thinking of Cltrat.

I reported you for the juvenile insults again. If you want to sit at the adult table and have a discussion at least try to behave like an adult. The moronic insults are past being old.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
You lie about me then report me then insult me. All in a days work aye Ms Tree.
Ms Tree said:
I did not lie about you. I made a mistake. You are the one who is fast and loose with the insults. If you act like a child with petulant and infantile behavior then I will treat you as such. Really don't give a rats ass what you think about my actions. The mods can do with you as they choose.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
There were only 5 pages on this thread when you said that, and you have a quote button. Are you too lazy to verify?
Narcissists rarely do.
Ms Tree said:
Chit happens. Get over it. (especially lying from Ms Tree)

Then I guess you are a narcissist as well because I am pretty sure you could not give a rats ass about my opinion either.
That is two in one day.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Show me a single lie. Just one. Go for it.
Ms Tree said:
I'll pay for her ticket to Netherlands or Sweden.  They are the highest ranking in gender equality.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I am still waiting Ms Tree. Is that offer to send the redhead to the Netherlands or Sweden still good?
Ms Tree said:
No its not. It was a joke.
Your inability to understand sarcasm is not my fault.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
How about a second helping?

That is two in one day.
Misquoting you is not a lie.

I'm not taking up any more band width with this stupidity.