And you still connot comprehend what I have been saying all along. I could care less who is or remains at DAL LF. I have always said that if it came down to 2 LCC's then Delta would be pushed to the side as far as the DOJ was concerned for who would be awarded, as they have said, and I quote, "Delta is not a good diversture candidate for the DAL LF gates". Then once VA through it's hat in the game I knew Delta was out, AND it would be much harder for SWA. Not that SWA is scared of any comp from Delta what-so-ever, matter fact if Delta was good at the comp with SWA why haven't they fired up any head to head flights with SWA on larger aircraft? The only reason Delta is doing well, for now, is because they are using the smaller seats in order to get around the W/A restrictions. You are also very aware that I have always been about Delta not getting the 2 divested gates at LF, not if Delta will stay or go (although it is appearing more and more that they may have to leave) unless they decide to lease one of the other gates and/or share some gates...
Hoping all this is settled on the 7th...