"but deep down I don't want to walk away... "
Flyguy, don't listen to all the HateAid pushers on this board.
Flightchic's comment: We're not haters. We're just telling it like it is! Misery loves company and their lofty goals are to have everyone whine, complain and nitpick about every move US Airways makes.
Flightchic's comment: Those most definitely are NOT my goals nor the goals of others I know on this board. For them to prove themselves "right" they would have their own company go out of business. (Notice none of them ever quits to go on to greener pastures, they just show up here, like clockwork, to trash their employer. They advise you not to leave while they continue to stay and collect a paycheck. Why don't they leave with you? Because it is actually much better here then they would have you believe.
Flightchic's opinion: Um, hun! We're all here for our own reasons. Some of us are taking advantage of the free time so we can take classes and better our education or start a part time biz, and others are here because they truly love this career and they want to be here to vote on the new contract and make some much needed changes before they quit. You see, us easties are not quitters,a t least the ones on this board. They have their voices and they will work to bring about change. It just doesn't happen overnight. We all have our reasons for being here so doing judge. Also, most people who come here to complain don't act like this in real life. This is just an outlet for which to vent.
As a "westie" FA with 21 years I topped out at $37.59 an hour years ago and am more than ready for a new contract. I work about 85 hours a month which translates, with per diem, to $40,000 a year with 15 days off a month. That was pre-merger.
Flightchic's comment: Premerger, I was making $28 an hour because I was an int'l LODO. Then include night pay and per diem, and that equals a nice paycheck. I didn't have to work very much either. I still made twice as much what I make now and was never hurting for cash. I actually saved $7000 within 11 months and that includes all the shopping I did, paying rent $640, digital cable, high speed internet, etc. I didn't skimp on anything, if I wanted it I got it. Since the merger, lead flight attendant pay has been added as well as profit sharing for us westies (thank you, east!) Even without a contract, that translated for me to a $4,500 raise last year to $44,500 for the same 85 hours and 15 days off per month.
Flightchic's comment: I now make $1300 a month and can barely afford to live. We got pay cut after pay cut after pay cut. As for profit sharing, what a joke! I received a $53 check. That paid for union dues and dinner during OPR. I'm glad things are going better for the westies but things are grim for the easties.
We have 1000 hours of added flying in Phoenix in February, class after class of new F/As are being hired here. All of the east flight attendants have been recalled, so new hire classes are right around the corner in the east.
Flightchic's comment: Uh, what? We still have 800 invol furloughs and and lots and lots of vol furloughs so we aren't even close to recalling ALL the east f/as. We are so overstaffed right now I cannot imagine recalling every single person back, let alone start hiring off the street. Even if we did hire off the street, what person in their right mind is going to pay for a plane ticket to go to training in PHX. and then have to pay for accomodations in PHX during unpaid training? Major carriers give trainees a space positive seat to and from training, provide accomodations, and even pay you during training. I just don't see why anybody would pay for all that when many other carriers pay for you! They have taken away flying in PHL and added a lot of new people to the base. Couple that with blockholders flying 150 hours a month and you won't see an airplane very often. I flew around 35, 40 hours a month this fall, 40+ hours for Nov, 50+ hours for December. Nobody breaks guarantee, let alone makes it to 85 hours. I flew just about everyday in July and I still didn't break guarantee. Nice! We started 16 new European destinations last year.
Flightchic's comment: Wait until scheduling quick calls you at midnight for one of these babies. Then you rush to the airport in the middle of the night in PHL which is unsafe anyway only to find yourself on a plane fully of angry pax and no food for a 9-12 hour flight. If you do get lucky to get one of these flights from future or daily, then don't expect those old bitties to welcome you on their trip with open arms. They will try and make it as miserable for you as possible because they don't want you there. Talk about drama! Rumor has it from last weeks pow-wow of 16 more international destinations in Europe and South America including Moscow, Istanbul, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires. New international service to London and Frankfurt from Phoenix.
Flightchic's comment: I heard a rumor at a frat party last night that Britney and K-Fed were getting back together. Yeah, this America West management from Dougie on down really sucks!
Flightchic's comment: I'm not even going to go there. But I will say that dougie and his beer guzzling friends have turned this place into a total disaster. We're not the global carrier of choice anymore. We're more like the Wal-mart of the skies.
Welcome back, Flyguy, you won't be on reserve long...and don't pay any attention to the CRAP on this board.
Flightchic's comment: We still have reserves with 20 years' seniority, and even more people are losing their blocks for Feb and March. People aren't ever going to retire, so we're all just stuck.
P.S. I think this person just said all this to stir us easties up.