Boston Base

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again, we see the histrionics of AA's fanclub who can't any more accept that there are principles that apply to the way the airline industry operates that AA and Parker want to violate just as he did with US - and DL handedly exerted its "superiority" on creating a situation in which Parker signed away 125 slot pairs at LGA for $$60M.

AA does NOT have a competitive int'l route system with DL and UA as much as you want to argue otherwise until the cows come home.

the majority of AA's TATL capacity is in the UK with the biggest chunk outside of there at CDG; US has a minimal presence on the continent for an airline the size of AA and again a large chunk is in Star hubs.

Feel free to argue with the market realities about who is dominant and who is not and who has the right to add capacity or not - but I will remind you how hard you fought me tooth and nail about NYC and AA's BK and not only did I prove to be right but you now are forced to justify AA's actions by saying "we can be just fine as a niche carrier" - I'm sorry but that is a copout in the US' largest market which was AA's former home.

If US is so strong in continental Europe and outside of the UK, then why this urge to add capacity?

go ahead and add flights into the hubs of oneworld partners that are on the verge of either BK or being rescued by a middle east airline that really has sites on controlling your network.

If you can't grasp that all of these great network strengths you talk about AA having can go up in smoke very quickly, then I can't help you because you simply do not understand even the most basic principles of business strategy.

if AA wants to continue to dump capacity in the market and do it in markets where other carriers are far stronger, they will see the very same done to them - and as much as you want to think otherwise, AA is nowhere near a majority of the market.
UA is not going to roll over and play dead regarding Asia and ORD and DL and WN will vigorously grow its presence in other key AA markets.

I'm getting more and more ready to see the amount of damage that WN will do to AA in its hometown.
The detachment from reality - and histrionics, indeed - continue unabated.  Well it must be Friday.  Keep digging.
commavia said:
Precisely.  A perfect example of the standard myopia that undermines all the B.S. logic.  Who cares if JFK-DUB is "on top of Delta?"  It's also on top of United, and Aer Lingus, the carrier with the most capacity in the market.  But this isn't about them.  It's about Delta, and it's about the pathological need to constantly re-validate its dominance and superiority, even in situations where Delta is neither dominant nor superior.  Again - it's so transparent, and has been for so long, that it's just funny.
WorldTraveler said:
again, we see the histrionics of AA's fanclub who can't any more accept that there are principles that apply to the way the airline industry operates that AA and Parker want to violate just as he did with US - and DL handedly exerted its "superiority" on creating a situation in which Parker signed away 125 slot pairs at LGA for $$60M.

AA does NOT have a competitive int'l route system with DL and UA as much as you want to argue otherwise until the cows come home.

the majority of AA's TATL capacity is in the UK with the biggest chunk outside of there at CDG; US has a minimal presence on the continent for an airline the size of AA and again a large chunk is in Star hubs.

go ahead and add flights into the hubs of oneworld partners that are on the verge of either BK or being rescued by a middle east airline that really has sites on controlling your network.

I'm getting more and more ready to see the amount of damage that WN will do to AA in its hometown.
You really want to go down the road and talk about fanclubs and histrionics?  Really?  Take a look in the mirror son then give your head a shake!
I know it pains you greatly, but AA does indeed have a competitive route system.  As you well know, the USA-UK is by far the largest trans-Atlantic market.  Period.  In that market, DL is probably #3 out of 3 U.S.A. carriers, right?  And skyteam is probably the #3 out of the 3 big alliances at LHR, right? 
Having a competitve network does not mean flying from ATL to every secondary and tertiary city/market in Europe.  Being the "largest USA-based airline in Germany outside of FRA" is not winning. AA has a sizeable presence where it matters (i.e. LHR) and then a presence in all other manjor European cities.
Also, do you really want to talk about European alliance partners in financial trouble?  Lets discuss AZ. How are they doing?  How about OK?  Do you really want to have that discussion?  Think carefully before answering. 
Again, do you really want to talk about WN and the damage it can do to AA in northTX - go ahead while ignoring the WN hub at ATL.  
Yeah, you're all about WholeTruthTM - more like BS!
commavia said:
The detachment from reality - and histrionics, indeed - continue unabated.  Well it must be Friday.  Keep digging.
It looks like WT started drinking the caipirinha's a bit earlier than usual today ... ... ... :lol:
feel free to deny that I speak about market realities of which you two have not only no clue, but repeatedly denied would take place in NYC and regarding AA's BK.

the whole truth is that, when the industry is in a flat to no-growth mode and when a single carrier decides to add capacity, esp. in other carrier strength markets, the industry has a long history of deciding to reallocate capacity into the "offending" carrier's markets.

and there is more than enough history to show what other carriers did in key US markets when Parker pulled some of the same stuff.

other carriers are telling Wall Street that there is too much capacity being put into the int'l market. AA is adding more capacity than any other carrier to/from the USA = foreign or otherwise.

you can argue about the strength of AA's network and the weakness of others, but we have repeatedly noted on here that AA has some of the richest markets in the industry - including at DFW and MIA which are core profit centers - and where there is little competition.

all of those handsome profits could go up in smoke if DL or UA or WN decide they aren't going to watch their capacity discipline and higher yields go down the drain because AA decides they now need to fix their network which clearly wasn't what it needed with the merger.

I make no decisions about where the industry adds capacity and don't talk to those that do.

I don't expect you do either but I honestly don't know because I don't know who you are.

I am telling you that there are basic principles of business strategy that aren't hard to see for anyone that wants to open their eyes.

if Parker wants to push the envelope of capacity growth esp into other carrier markets, you shouldn't be surprised to see all of these strength markets that you talk about all of a sudden with a whole lot more competitive capacity including at BOS.
Again - much as some people want to keep repeating their own fantasies over and over to try and convince themselves, it is, indeed, a two-way street: "all" of Delta's "handsome profits" could "go up in smoke" if AA decides to exert pressure.  AA isn't the only airline that's vulnerable ... the horror!  Getting lectures about "capacity discpline" from a disciple of the airline that is dumping massive amounts of superfluous capacity into SEA, and was going to start flying dozens of daily RJs from Love Field so it could allegedly "win in N. Texas," is priceless.
And yes, actually AA's network is "what it needed" with the merger.  AA is now connecting dots, selectively optimizing and restructuring the combined network, and that will continue.  But AA's network today is an incredibly impressive powerhouse, very competitive with Delta, and United and Southwest.  And that fact is becoming impossible to deny - which is precisely why we're being treated to the daily diatribes trying to explain it away.
For years we had to hear about how Delta's network was so amazing and its network advantage over competitors was so insurmountable.  Then that advantage was ... surmounted, first by United and then by AA, to the point where today there is really no region - domestically or internationally - where Delta is in any discernably better competitive position than either or both of those airlines.  Then it was all about how well, yeah, other carriers also have strong networks now, but they can't make money the way Delta can.  And then ... AA started posting record profits and now is on track to potentially produce margins in excess of Delta.  Since the level of denial and detachment from reality required to rationalize these heresies is growing with each passing day, it's now becoming a daily adventure to wait and see what rhetorical gymnastics, revisionist history, and heavily-caveated predictions for the future are trotted out to try and explain it all away.
Fear, fear, fear.
first of let me give you a little clue, son.

If you want to talk about business issues on the internet, then have the ability to do so without the need to trash anyone who disagrees with you.

I have absolutely no fear of you or what will happen with the airline industry and I am certain no one at DL does.

Your incessant attempts to frame any business discussion into a personal onslaught highlights why you are not only so easily to be played but why you continually come up short in your arguments.

grow up and have the maturity to discuss the issues which you seem to want to discuss in a mature fashion or walk away.

again, it is clearly you who does not understand either the state of the industry or the principles that apply to competitive industries.

AA, DL, and UA have SIMILARLY sized networks but they ARE NOT COMPARABLE in every region of the world. As much as you want to believe otherwise, AA is far weaker to Asia and continental Europe, UA is weaker to the UK (because e of a lack of a JV partner) and to Latin America, while DL is weaker to Latin America.

that is just on the int'l market. every carrier has domestic weakness as well. '
That is not the point OTHER THAN the fact that none of the mergers completely solved the strategic weaknesses that any carrier had prior to the merger.

Let's be clear that AA had a pretty decent int'l network even before US and US basically only added service from CLT and PHL to continental Europe which AA didn't have. US contributed a lot of domestic mass but very little int'l.

The issue which you can't seem to understand is that EVERY OTHER AIRLINE has been willing to accept that they cannot solve their strategic shortfalls coming out of their merger - except AA.

During BK and now since the merger, AA added capacity into key markets where AA was weak and where other carriers were strong.

You can justify that JFK-DUB was not DL's market but it sure as you know what isn't a place where AA has had any strength.

If AA's network was so strong, then why did they need to add JFK-DUB when serves Ireland from PHL - even though you have repeatedly derided US' hubs as being inferior to AA's?

to be fair, I don't think Parker has made any decisions about expanding AA's int'l network since he took charge... all of those decisions, again, IIRC, were made by nAAtive mgmt. before the merger closed.

I can absolutely assure you, though, that if Parker continues the same type of expansion of AA's network while saying that AA sees no weakness even though its int'l LF is dropping more than any other carrier based on far more capacity, then I can assure you that all of those strength markets which you proudly tout are where AA prints is money won't be quite as profitable in the future.

I don't have to be a part at all of any of the decision making process today to know that is what has repeatedly happened in competitive industries when one carrier chooses to add capacity into other key markets when the same is not happening.

If AA is so confident about its ability to add capacity and have it profitably absorbed in the marketplace, then do it to LHR, DFW, and MIA.
Hahahahahahaha.  Lecturing others on "understanding business" and not needing to "trash others" who disagree.  As always - classy, priceless, and completely devoid of any sense of hysterically funny irony.  I would say pot calling the kettle black, but that really doesn't even begin to cover it.
But back to what all of this is really about: like the parrot in Monty Python, Delta's reign as the undisputed leader is over - it is "is no more", it "has ceased to be", it is "bereft of life, and it "rests in peace."  The competitive advantages Delta had five years ago are being progressively dismantled, piece by piece, if they even still exist at all.  I can deal with that reality, some people can't.  That's fine.
WorldTraveler said:
first of let me give you a little clue, son.

If you want to talk about business issues on the internet, then have the ability to do so without the need to trash anyone who disagrees with you.

I have absolutely no fear of you or what will happen with the airline industry and I am certain no one at DL does.

Your incessant attempts to frame any business discussion into a personal onslaught highlights why you are not only so easily to be played but why you continually come up short in your arguments.

grow up and have the maturity to discuss the issues which you seem to want to discuss in a mature fashion or walk away.
I'll tell you what champ,
I'd be more than happy to talk about business on the internet.  There are 3 problems, howver:
1)  your incessant need to force-fit all discussion into a DL-centric narrative.  It gets nauseating after the first 1000 words, especially when reading it on a WN, US, UA, or AA forum.
2)  your 'loose' interpretation use of statistics, selective data picking, fabrication of definitions, and numerous qualifying statements & disclaimers results in you often reaching (wildly) incorrect conclusions.
3)  inability to admit a mistake when caught
Until you're cured of widget fever you'll never be able to hold a mature discussion.
Good day!
BTW:  how is all this relevant to AA and Boston?  Lock this thread.
and this is why you two can't demonstrate any intelligence in a discussion.

thank you for confirming that you neither know anything about even basic strategy in competitive businesses.

lest you think it is all DL, can you explain why AA's PARTNER CX didn't want to agree to a partnership on DFW-HKG and then proceeded to add ORD and EWR to HKG and add more LAX-HKG service?

how does that tell you about their thoughts on AA adding service to their home?

And let's not forget that it is KE who decided to increase its service from 3-4 times per week to daily at the same time AA did so the market so a quadrupling of capacity right before AA decided to add HKG and PVG, both from DFW.

did I mention that ICN sits very conveniently between DFW and much of Asia? Fares from DFW to Asia seem to indicate that KE knows it.

Again, you two are clueless about the industry, are dead set to try to turn everything both personal and about DL to diffuse the fact that nAAtive mgmt. was clueless about strategy and don't mind further eroding the network advantages AA once had because of stupid decisions to dump capacity into key industry markets.

Parker might be smarter... let's see.... but when multiple carriers in the industry are saying that there is too much capacity in the industry, Parker better do his share in cutting back some of his "investment flying" or find that those great hubs you love to talk about might not be so AA-dominated in the future.

but, hey, I'm just on the sidelines watching w/ my popcorn. I make NO decisions.
WorldTraveler said:
first of let me give you a little clue, son.

If you want to talk about business issues on the internet, then have the ability to do so without the need to trash anyone who disagrees with you.
You are the king of the Hypocrites on the board.
You either have a mental illness or a few screws loose, you insult and attack people more than anyone.
You really need to get some professional help, maybe Pastor Tim can counsel you at SHPC, because you certainly need help.
And Parker is way smarter than you, he is the CEO of the World's Largest Airline and you are a  retiree who was in ACS and ended your career in revenue management, and all you do is collect a frozen retirement check, while Parker is running the World's Largest Airline and making millions.
excuse me... but I could point out THOUSANDS of business related threads that deteriorate because we have a bunch of AAirline employees who have absolutely no clue about goes in the business and wear their loyalty to their employer on their shoulder.

When AA loses hundreds of millions dollars per year flying the Pacific, it is public knowledge, and people on here engage in hate campaigns and attempts to publish information about my personal life it is not me who has the problem.

as for you, 700, if you could accept the basic reality that the labor movement that you hold so dear to your heart is BROKEN and UNWANTED by the majority of people who have repeatedly voted against it, then we could have a conversation.

but you and the AA fan club are no different in that you can't accept any criticism of any kind about any subject without launching into personal attacks.
Ah yes - ever the business expert, and yet didn't understand even the very basics of goodwill accounting (as but one of "THOUSANDS" of examples).  Those in glass houses ...
nice deflection to CX and KE and Asia
real mature
PS.  Can anybody tell me if there is a thread where AA's Boston base plans (current/future) are discussed?
or both!   he will never admit his wrong  nor he wont ever admit the fact that he interjects DL into every thread.   As for AA/Bos  Is it possible that AA would restart BOS-LHR or may be BOS-MAD at some point
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