BOS,LGA,andLAS bases to close in 2010

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Anyone know how many mainline departures US is running today out of DCA?
According to FlightStats, there are 69 mainline departures tomorrow (Thur 10-29) including Shuttle the number would vary by day of the week). Of those 31 are Shuttle.

Just wait until Southwest finally starts service in and out of CLT!!!? :eek:
The jewel of the Southeast will be no more. Retreat, Retreat!! We have an intruder. "Doensn't make business sense to have all the flight departures do to competion. We are so sorry employees, our hearts go out to all affected by this difficult decision."
Sound familar, PIT and LAS folks?? :angry:
At America West, LAS was the money maker for years. Nobody is safe in this environment. Next targer, PHOENIX!!!!
History is not in favor of this Airline. I just hope they don't make the mistakes and completely isolate the WEST, again!!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :down:
So, this is speculation after skimming this topic so if I get flamed out it will just be rude. But what caught my attention was that there really is a lot of griping (to be expected) but those being affected aren't really represented as the gripers. I think this is because in the FA division, these people are junior enough to have been furloughed once already after 9-11. they probably kept their resumes updated as all responsible airline employees should. Also, I've been out for most of this year and even I saw this coming as the company trimmed the schedule. Especially with the LGA DCA swap.
When the week's weather forecast comes on Monday and says rain likely on Friday, anyone who paid attention and then ran out Friday with no umbrella would have a sucky situation but should have been prepared.
Unfortunately, around here the forecast is always rain. Just keep that umbrella handy.
They'll be fine, as we all will. It's definitely not personal. Especially at this airline. Blah!
I'm glad someone caught onto my sarcasm by now!

Obviously you were already biased reading my post...and *Moderators* S/He just attacked me on this forum in blatant public view...

You might think I'm miserable and an incredible jerk...truth be told I've never been happier over at Continental Land...What do I care about a miserable flight attendant on this forum that constantly complains about everything, in fact I bet you're one of these lazy flight attendants that berate our Customers day in and out and complain just about everything...NEWS FLASH...It's almost 2010 this isn't the America West or US Airways you knew...I don't care if people think i'm an incredible jerk but don't think I don't really feel sorry for anyone because I do feel bad that the times are changing and a structural unemployment is occurring in the Airline Industry...

NEWS FLASH...Republic FAs make 14k a year and you're all pissing and moaning about making what? 40k a year...Not to sound like a complete butthead but wake up and smell the coffee grounds.

Low even for me...maybe but you didn't need to call me out as an incredible jerk...I wish you the best of luck...OTOH
"The majority of people on this site have an unhealthy fixation with US Airways. If you're really done with US Airways then for the love G-d move the f*ck on. I'm not interested in hearing your constant bellyaching about a carrier you supposedly no longer fly." (From your profile)...why don't you just stop being a hypocrite and MOVE ON REALLY...
interesting comments, if you truely are at continental, good for you and I whish you luck, however I feel you also still have an "unhealthy fixation with US Airways" so why don't you just move on and enjoy continental........bye bye :down:



and I am probably missing some that were before my time......SAD

FLL (for a bit), DAY (after PI for a bit)

Since they say they are still finalizing plans for 2010, and "strengthening the core", what markets receive additional service? Anyone know?
I know no one in corporate has thought this far but...will they have the base transfers figured out in time (haha) for the January primary bids or are they going to have everyone on reserve for the month?? And will they have all that time siiitng in "open time" or have extra secondary lines??? The January timeline for primaries -for bidding-would be from the 17th of Nov thru 23rd of Nov. Time for popcorn!!

I think if you read the press release carefully, LAS and LGA close on the THIRTY-FIRST of January. That means the displacements won't take effect until February 1st, and primaries for January will proceed as scheduled.
I think if you read the press release carefully, LAS and LGA close on the THIRTY-FIRST of January. That means the displacements won't take effect until February 1st, and primaries for January will proceed as scheduled.
They will still drop the ball scheduling wise IMHO. Now put your laptop away and drive!! :up:
It is just amazing to me how the cuts always seem to come from one of the lowest paid, if not THE lowest paid work groups. It is truly amazing, I would want to see heads roll from the sandcastle and see top level positions eliminated. This is a hard blow, and once again, a very good reason NOT to give up your life for an airline people!!!
At America West, LAS was the money maker for years. Nobody is safe in this environment. Next targer, PHOENIX!!!!
History is not in favor of this Airline. I just hope they don't make the mistakes and completely isolate the WEST, again!!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :down:

LAS was a money maker for years, but not any more. There are just not that many passengers going into LAS now and it doesn't make sense to keep all that flying. It was great to have 300+ flights there, but even then the margin was razor thin.

I have no doubt you'll see SWA rethinking LAS soon.

And I wouldn't be too worried about PHX.
It is just amazing to me how the cuts always seem to come from one of the lowest paid, if not THE lowest paid work groups. It is truly amazing, I would want to see heads roll from the sandcastle and see top level positions eliminated. This is a hard blow, and once again, a very good reason NOT to give up your life for an airline people!!!

+1. I can totally understand downsizing and shedding unprofitable routes. I'm not faulting US for making this move. But if the company is bleeding red ink, I would think they could find some deadweight in the high level executive ranks that would at least make the whole process seem more egalitarian.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but when the Old US went into Chapter 22, didn't all executives over a certain level also take an across-the-board paycut? I am not a fan of across-the-board paycuts; I think that picking off your under-performers is the far better solution.......but at least during Chapter 22 all employees could at least feel like they were in it together.
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