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BOS,LGA,andLAS bases to close in 2010

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JetBlue/USAirways merger, with Lufthana holding a 19% stake in the combined company. 🙂

Short of that, I don't see anything else in the works.

UA really isn't a good fit now that US is out of NY considering the overlap at D.C. and PHX/DEN redundacy.

DL I doubt could get Justice Dept. signoff.

CO I doubt would want much to do with US.

AA would be an integration nightmare which (tongue in cheek) makes it most likely, but I just don't see how it would be financed, unless one goes into BK first.

Yep....US/B6 with LH and Airbus providing the capital is the way forward.

Edit....Though I still maintain that nothing happens Merger wise invloving US. Maybe Alaska/CO or Alaska/AA.
I don't see this announcement as the beginning of the end for US, nor do I see it as a prelude to a merger. With the pending slot swap, it makes (economic) sense to close the crew base at LGA. Furthermore, the competitive landscape has changed in BOS with JetBlue's build up and now with Southwest in the the market. LAS is a low-yield market where US is a distant second to Southwest. Furthermore, with the pull-down of the night flying there, it is no longer economically feasible to maintain its current size in terms of employee staffing. It is better to redeploy assets to where US Airways can generate the greatest amount of revenue, and extract a revenue premium.

The cities in which the company enjoys market dominance are CLT, DCA, PHL, PHX. Given the current economic environment, this move is a prudent one, which will strengthen the company going forward. Although it is unforturnate for those employees that will be at the affect of this restructuring, it is the nature of the beast.

American has made similar announcements with regard to STL and MCI. They are playing to their core strengths at DFW, JFK, LAX, MIA, and ORD. Nevertheless, these are actually sound business decisions that shouldn't be personalized.
Makes sense to me too, but that isn't a good enough reason to say something positive on this web board.
I don't see this announcement as the beginning of the end for US, nor do I see it as a prelude to a merger. With the pending slot swap, it makes (economic) sense to close the crew base at LGA. Furthermore, the competitive landscape has changed in BOS with JetBlue's build up and now with Southwest in the the market. LAS is a low-yield market where US is a distant second to Southwest. Furthermore, with the pull-down of the night flying there, it is no longer economically feasible to maintain its current size in terms of employee staffing. It is better to redeploy assets to where US Airways can generate the greatest amount of revenue, and extract a revenue premium.

The cities in which the company enjoys market dominance are CLT, DCA, PHL, PHX. Given the current economic environment, this move is a prudent one, which will strengthen the company going forward. Although it is unforturnate for those employees that will be at the affect of this restructuring, it is the nature of the beast.

American has made similar announcements with regard to STL and MCI. They are playing to their core strengths at DFW, JFK, LAX, MIA, and ORD. Nevertheless, these are actually sound business decisions that shouldn't be personalized.

Your rational and well reasoned thought has no place on this board. 😛
According to another sight, LAS will discontinue service to Chicago, Detroit, Edmonton, Fort Lauderdale, Minneapolis, Orange County, Sacramento, San Diego, San Jose, Seattle, Toronto, and Vancouver.

If that list is correct, that leaves: Boston, Charlotte, Dallas/Ft.Worth, Fresno, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, and Washington D.C.(DCA)
Reading over the press release, it struck me that PHX has 250 departures a day, while DCA is slated for 230 departures a day when the DL slot transaction is complete.

If one compares the terminal building infrastructures of PHX vs. DCA, as well as the ramp/taxiway layout, I have to wonder how in the h*** they are going to manage to operate almost the same number of flights from DCA as they do from PHX.

I figured that LCC would get more gate space in DCA as part of the deal, but PHX has 4 huge concourses at the disposal of LCC to operate its 250 flights. DCA will be a nightmare of epic proportions.

The same way they do today. Maybe 50 mainline flights, and 200 flights from 35A.

DCA is a hole today if it involves anything smaller than a -190.
The same way they do today. Maybe 50 mainline flights, and 200 flights from 35A.

DCA is a hole today if it involves anything smaller than a -190.

Reading over the press release, it struck me that PHX has 250 departures a day, while DCA is slated for 230 departures a day when the DL slot transaction is complete.

If one compares the terminal building infrastructures of PHX vs. DCA, as well as the ramp/taxiway layout, I have to wonder how in the h*** they are going to manage to operate almost the same number of flights from DCA as they do from PHX.

More gate space is coming as part of the DL transaction. Also, PHX is based on banks of flights and thus you have peaks and valleys. The DCA schedule is spread more throughout the day.

Also, US has already made some decent improvements in the 35A/35B area. My last 10 or so flights through there have been very smooth. And, the new screen displays showing the status is a huge help given you can rarely hear the announcements.
I'm just tired of the pissing and moaning...Sadly to an MBA Executive looking at Excels...closing LGA/BOS/LAS as a Crew Base makes sense for the company financially...it doesn't do well for employee morale at all and this will trim down the company significantly.

Oh and I stayed at Holiday Inn last night so I'm a frump.

Holiday Inn..? Oh for the good old days when we stayed at hotels that claimed they changed sheets once a week.. instead of once an hour.
Holiday Inn..? Oh for the good old days when we stayed at hotels that claimed they changed sheets once a week.. instead of once an hour.

I'm glad someone caught onto my sarcasm by now!

Did you really just make such a post. I've always thought you were an incredible jerk and this post just solidifies my thoughts about you. People are going to lose their jobs now is not the time to be making jokes at our expense. I know you're pissed off about not having anymore buddy passes but this is low even for you.

Obviously you were already biased reading my post...and *Moderators* S/He just attacked me on this forum in blatant public view...

You might think I'm miserable and an incredible jerk...truth be told I've never been happier over at Continental Land...What do I care about a miserable flight attendant on this forum that constantly complains about everything, in fact I bet you're one of these lazy flight attendants that berate our Customers day in and out and complain just about everything...NEWS FLASH...It's almost 2010 this isn't the America West or US Airways you knew...I don't care if people think i'm an incredible jerk but don't think I don't really feel sorry for anyone because I do feel bad that the times are changing and a structural unemployment is occurring in the Airline Industry...

NEWS FLASH...Republic FAs make 14k a year and you're all pissing and moaning about making what? 40k a year...Not to sound like a complete butthead but wake up and smell the coffee grounds.

Low even for me...maybe but you didn't need to call me out as an incredible jerk...I wish you the best of luck...OTOH
"The majority of people on this site have an unhealthy fixation with US Airways. . I'm not interested in hearing your constant bellyaching about a carrier you supposedly no longer fly." (From your profile)...why don't you just stop being a hypocrite and MOVE ON REALLY...
I don't see this announcement as the beginning of the end for US, nor do I see it as a prelude to a merger. With the pending slot swap, it makes (economic) sense to close the crew base at LGA. Furthermore, the competitive landscape has changed in BOS with JetBlue's build up and now with Southwest in the the market. LAS is a low-yield market where US is a distant second to Southwest. Furthermore, with the pull-down of the night flying there, it is no longer economically feasible to maintain its current size in terms of employee staffing. It is better to redeploy assets to where US Airways can generate the greatest amount of revenue, and extract a revenue premium.

In general I agree with this. I do not, however, agree with (and being in LAS I AM biased) LAS, and here's why. When US did the first round of furloughs they justifed it as the fares being too low, the economy, and oil being too high. They canceled numerous flights all over the place. Several months later they cancelled more, including a substantial number of flights from LAS to the hubs. The excuse there was that coneecting traffic had dropped. Well, I'm no rocket scientiest, but last I checked, when youcancel the flights your connecting passengers connect on, lyou lose then for the other flight as well since they can't get to the connection. Now the third round it's the economy again, and oil is too high. Well, all the "experts" (for what they're worth) says that the economy is now REBOUNDING. In addition to that, oil is down to $80 something. When we merged Parker touted that the business model was sucessful at $70/barrel. In three years they couldn't adjust for $10 more? In addition to that, why isn't WN cutting? Must be something there...
In general I agree with this. I do not, however, agree with (and being in LAS I AM biased) LAS, and here's why. When US did the first round of furloughs they justifed it as the fares being too low, the economy, and oil being too high. They canceled numerous flights all over the place. Several months later they cancelled more, including a substantial number of flights from LAS to the hubs. The excuse there was that coneecting traffic had dropped. Well, I'm no rocket scientiest, but last I checked, when youcancel the flights your connecting passengers connect on, lyou lose then for the other flight as well since they can't get to the connection. Now the third round it's the economy again, and oil is too high. Well, all the "experts" (for what they're worth) says that the economy is now REBOUNDING. In addition to that, oil is down to $80 something. When we merged Parker touted that the business model was sucessful at $70/barrel. In three years they couldn't adjust for $10 more? In addition to that, why isn't WN cutting? Must be something there...

The more things change the more they stay the same. The same thing happened in PIT. Once the largest crew base and the most departures in the US Airways system. It is now a ghost town. It is a self fulfilling prophecy in that if you reduce the number of flights traffic falls and there is not enough traffic to support HUB operations and so you reduce more. This goes on until you are a focus city, lost city, ghost town or whatever.

Because LAS is such a large center for discretionary travel it will not be the ghost town PIT has become but it will be reduced to a shadow of its former self.
According to another sight, LAS will discontinue service to Chicago, Detroit, Edmonton, Fort Lauderdale, Minneapolis, Orange County, Sacramento, San Diego, San Jose, Seattle, Toronto, and Vancouver.

If that list is correct, that leaves: Boston, Charlotte, Dallas/Ft.Worth, Fresno, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, and Washington D.C.(DCA)

You're correct but add SFO to the current destination routes and add MCO to the discontinue service.

Eliminate Services:
12/31/2009: DTW, MSP, SEA, SMF, SJC, YEG, YVR, YYZ
01/31/2010: SAN
02/28/2010: FLL, MCO, SNA, ORD

Current Services:
After March 1st, 2010 (normally 36 daily flights):
35 US Mainline Flights: PHX (9), PHL (5), CLT (5), DCA (1), BOS (1), LAX (5), DFW (3), PIT (1), SFO (5)
1 US Express Flight: FAT (1) "operated by Mesa Air Group"
Also, US has already made some decent improvements in the 35A/35B area. My last 10 or so flights through there have been very smooth. And, the new screen displays showing the status is a huge help given you can rarely hear the announcements.

There are no improvements, short of nuking it. That's like saying they polished a turd. It's still a turd.

And the screens are often wrong. You still have to hang within 20 feet of the podium and hope you hear the PA in heavily accented English and get downstairs before the bus pulls. It sucks, and it'll continue to suck unless they upgauge equipment with the slot swap.
Does this all sound familiar to those who worked those smiling aircraft? It's like a modern day PSA. For whatever reason the company has it just blows. Cut, cut and more cut. Like my signature....The incredibly shrinking airline. :angry:
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