...and there's a much larger list of airports Southwest doesn't, can't and won't serve that AA, UA, DL, CO, NW, US serve do because they fly 50-100 seat RJ's that meet the market demand. Southwest does get some drive divert to the Providence & Manchesters of the world by not serving Boston. However, while I think it is largely because Virigin America didn't launch and they want to kill their funding, you may have noticed that they are returning to SFO. Also, instead of going to much cheaper COS, they went back to Denver.
As for the scale issue pay...would you equally support pilots moving to a single pay as well. Pilots still go by the size of the aircraft? The idea that commuter employees are not of the same quality is a joke as well. I've met countless good and bad for mainline and regionals. I don't think you'd actually find a correlation with the pay except MAYBE in hubs where they are together. Outstations typically don't have the same problems. I think you need to deal with demand and market economics not emotion and socialist we're all equal ideas that don't turn profits out. Without those, nobody has a job.