Bob Reardon, oldest FA at Delta, is retired against his will on 8/30

AGAINST HIS WILL? or he couldn't PASS CQ (continuing qualification)
rumor is that he brought his lawyer to CQ and the FAA was also present.
He didn't pass. He had been given a "pass for years".   If he wanted to go out gracefully he could of.  He could have
retired and had a wonderful send off.  He gambled and lost.  He wanted
to pass away while on a layover so Delta would ship him back to the states.
it didn't work out that way.  
I've been on flights which Bob served; in fact, he served the aisle on which my wife was seated.

He provided good service but there is a point at which everyone has to be willing to recognize a chapter in life has closed.

I wish him well in his retirement.... may it be long, happy, and productive.
AGAINST HIS WILL? or he couldn't PASS CQ (continuing qualification)
rumor is that he brought his lawyer to CQ and the FAA was also present.
He didn't pass. He had been given a "pass for years".   If he wanted to go out gracefully he could of.  He could have
retired and had a wonderful send off.  He gambled and lost.  He wanted
to pass away while on a layover so Delta would ship him back to the states.
it didn't work out that way.  
Some of those rumors are  as crazy as the ones saying it was a conspiracy so that a PMDL person could be #1 on the list...
Either way, lots of "mean girl" type stuff being said about him on the interwebs. It's needlessly cruel, CQ fail or no.
For a company that uses the word "family" as much as this one, you'd would think some sort of emeritus (for lack of a better term), or ambassador type gig would've been an easy fit. Also would've made for one of the good news stories our benefactor so loves to create...
Guess it's easier to just put him on an ice floe and give it a shove, eskimo-style.
Shame, really...
again, there are lots of people who come to the place in life when they know a chapter is finished and choose to walk away.

No one needed to know what happened in CQ if he had simply said that 62 years or whatever was enough.

Why should he be given an honorary position when others are not and cannot be given one?

again, congrats to him on a great career.... I'm glad I got to meet him and watch him work. I'm sorry that he isn't going out in grand style.
Let's see...I'm 69 so by this standard I've got another 21 years.  Right?  (Except I have a f/a friend who tells me on a regular basis that if I hang around past "the leaving time" (and we all know that as WT said, there is a point at which it is time to go), she was going to get us a trip together and when the plane reached cruise altitude, she would open a door and shove me out.  LOL)
Even though I really like my job, and I'm in incredibly good health, I pray every day that when the time comes to leave I will not only know it, but act upon that knowledge.
AGAINST HIS WILL? or he couldn't PASS CQ (continuing qualification)
rumor is that he brought his lawyer to CQ and the FAA was also present.
He didn't pass. He had been given a "pass for years".   If he wanted to go out gracefully he could of.  He could have
retired and had a wonderful send off.  He gambled and lost.  He wanted
to pass away while on a layover so Delta would ship him back to the states.
it didn't work out that way.
You know all this how?

Do you have access to all of his personnel records?

His will?

Nice post about a coworker who obviously loved his job and was dedicated to it for a long time.
how often does the FAA show up for requal for any licensed employee?

how often does an employee bring their lawyer?

those are both pretty public acts and if they are true it is indication that it was apparent what was coming.
at age 70 CQ would be difficult, let alone 90.  Again, 
he gambled and lost.  
Of course the first thought is to throw Delta under the plane
and blame them.  I know it is hard for some here to imagine
but their is something called personal responsibility.  As the OP
of this thread boasted rumors and has no idea what happened,
neither do any of us.  I posted the rumors circulating around HIS
PEERS. btw I left a lot out.  
WorldTraveler said:
how often does the FAA show up for requal for any licensed employee?

how often does an employee bring their lawyer?

those are both pretty public acts and if they are true it is indication that it was apparent what was coming.
---a few times a year at both SLC/ATL
---First I have ever heard of a lawyer called in.
Weather or not he called in a lawyer because he heard the FAA was going to observe
or weather Delta called in the FAA because they heard he was bringing in a lawyer.  We
will never know.  What many are saying is that he failed (you get three tries) and was told to come
back. reschedule another day.  That is when he failed yet again.
I was told that the f/a at AA who was the #1 on the seniority list for many years got to the point that once down on the jumpseat she couldn't up without help.  Yet, she would not retire.  Finally, Captains started refusing her as a member of the crew in her presence (which is their right to do as PIC) telling the Purser to call Crew Scheduling and get a replacement for her for safety reasons.  Would you want that or something similar to happen with Bob?
Kev3188 said:
For a company that uses the word "family" as much as this one, you'd would think some sort of emeritus (for lack of a better term), or ambassador type gig would've been an easy fit. Also would've made for one of the good news stories our benefactor so loves to create...
Guess it's easier to just put him on an ice floe and give it a shove, eskimo-style.
Shame, really...
So quick to throw your employer under the bus huh?  
How do you know Delta didn't try to work with him?
It seems ever since he came to Delta, Delta bent over backward
keeping him "qualified"
Your distain for OUR company is noted, sadly yet again.
Question .... Have any of you flown with him? Do any of you know him ? Have any if you dealt with him? I have...... Natira Bob. Was a horrible flight attendant. Disliked and resented by his crew members. ( and they were ALL former NWA ) He insulted them and was verbally abusive. He may have been a good flight attendant at one time but that was long ago. He could barely stand and was feeble. Many captains tried to have him removed but DL would not allow it. One friend said either he goes or I go.... And guess who won that battle...... Bob did. He was protected and DL offered him many incitements to leave but his stated goal was to DIE in the galley on the way BACK from NRT. Good riddens
meto  it also makes 1 wonder why did DL bend over backwards for him    would they have done it for any one else     I just hope that person enjoys his retirement   sorry it occurred this way   but I do not even think a lawyer will win that battle but stranger things have happen