Bob Reardon, oldest FA at Delta, is retired against his will on 8/30

So quick to throw your employer under the bus huh?
Clearly. :rolleyes:

How do you know Delta didn't try to work with him?
I don't.

How do you know they did? Interweb rumors and/or galley gossip don't count.

It seems ever since he came to Delta, Delta bent over backward
keeping him "qualified"
See above.

If one can't pass CQ, so be it. It is what it is. Same if I can't pass the PAT test required for my job, Meto doesn't pass his medical, etc. There are other options.

Like I said, a sort of ambassador-type gig, or something similar could've been win-win all around. And if when proffered, he'd told them to pound sand, then that'd be that.
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So quick to throw your employer under the bus huh?  
How do you know Delta didn't try to work with him?
It seems ever since he came to Delta, Delta bent over backward
keeping him "qualified"
Your distain for OUR company is noted, sadly yet again.
Talk about throwing your employer under the bus:   Your allegation that DL gave him a free pass for years - hinting that he didn't actually pass his CQ for several years in a row - that's a serious allegation of wrongdoing.   Is that a widespread problem at Delta?   Giving FAs a free pass when they can't pass their CQs?    

Does DL look the other way and give members of other work groups "free passes" on safety qualifications?    
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your word's pass.... not mine.  nice try
My apologies.   
Your exact words were:   He had been given a "pass for years."   

It's clear to me that those words mean that in your view, he had been given a free pass on the annual qualification.   In other words, the Delta employees who were tasked with testing him had looked the other way. happens at every airline... Yours included

Kev ... You are right on but it may be before Christmas

Robbed. People that do not work at DL try to judge it by where they work. I'm not original DL but after. 27 years I have finally figured it out. It is not like anywhere else. You do your job get along with your fellow employees don't steal .... You can work here forever and they will work with you to keep you here. I'm sure.... no I know that DL tried everything to work with him ... But he refused. The FAA being there was more like a fellow fa dropped a dime to the FAA. My guess. DL would do anything not to expose themselves to FAA scrutiny
FWAAA said:
My apologies.   
Your exact words were:   He had been given a "pass for years."   

It's clear to me that those words mean that in your view, he had been given a free pass on the annual qualification.   In other words, the Delta employees who were tasked with testing him had looked the other way.
maybe you should re-read my original post where I stated the different rumors going around concerning him.
now if you want to ask me directly if I believe the rumors are true ?
I believe most likely Delta facilitators in the training dept coached him as they do most everyone.
They set us up for success NOT failure.  Do I believe he probably received more coaching then most.  YES. 
rumor is that he brought his lawyer to CQ and the FAA was also present.
He didn't pass. He had been given a "pass for years".
A 62 year career is quite impressive. I have no intention of working into my 70's, let alone my 90's, but we all make choices for our own reasons...

Kev3188 said:
I hate to say it (and sincerely hope I'm wrong), but my guess is he's dead by Christmas. This job was his life.
Something I've seen several times before... Hopefully it isn't the case.
There's a certain cache to having the oldest working f/a at your airline.  Particularly with the media.  However, I've heard stories from both AA f/as and a DL Onboard Service Leader (isn't that what you call the position we call Purser?) that I know that generally they were not pleasant to work with.  The AA one who would not retire was noted for the fact that she never actually did any work during flight.  She just wandered around visiting with the passengers.  My DL friend told me of a f/a at DL who was like that a number of years ago.  She was famous for "Bababooy, I need to go make a cup of hot tea for a passenger" and she would leave the cart and never come back.  My friend started assigning her a position where during the service she would be between two carts in the aisle, and couldn't escape.  After that,when she saw that my friend was the OSL, she would drop or trade the trip.  My friend passed her idea on at the next OSL conference.  When the woman found out she was going to have to work for her pay, she retired.
DL calls them pursers.

Bob worked. I was on one of his flights.

I was a passenger and not a crewmember so I don't know what went on behind the scenes.
If one can't pass CQ, so be it. It is what it is. Same if I can't pass the PAT test required for my job, Meto doesn't pass his medical, etc. There are other options.
this and only this.

the FAA doesn't show up if one doesn't get along with his/her coworkers.
You're right that FAA won't show up *just* because someone doesn't get along with their co-workers, but I suspect they might make more of an effort to show up unannounced if the POI's office is getting repeated calls questioning how certain people were able to pass their CQ's, especially if those calls are coming from one of the ALPA safety reps.
or perhaps even people at the FAA were interested to know how a 90 year old male could pass CQ and wanted to see for themselves.
WorldTraveler said:
how often does the FAA show up for requal for any licensed employee?

how often does an employee bring their lawyer?

those are both pretty public acts and if they are true it is indication that it was apparent what was coming.
if it is a person on person test I have seen it. I haven't heard of them showing up for CBTs because that normally isn't a set in stone time. 
Kev3188 said:
Some of those rumors are  as crazy as the ones saying it was a conspiracy so that a PMDL person could be #1 on the list...
Either way, lots of "mean girl" type stuff being said about him on the interwebs. It's needlessly cruel, CQ fail or no.
For a company that uses the word "family" as much as this one, you'd would think some sort of emeritus (for lack of a better term), or ambassador type gig would've been an easy fit. Also would've made for one of the good news stories our benefactor so loves to create...
Guess it's easier to just put him on an ice floe and give it a shove, eskimo-style.
Shame, really...
no it isn't. Dude was 90, time to move on. PMDL or PMNW. IMHO FAs should have an age limit on them just like pilots do. A 90 year old man is going to be completely useless in a real emergency. Personally I would love to see him lift up a overwing exit door and clear it out of the way.  
metopower said:
Question .... Have any of you flown with him? Do any of you know him ? Have any if you dealt with him? I have...... Natira Bob. Was a horrible flight attendant. Disliked and resented by his crew members. ( and they were ALL former NWA ) He insulted them and was verbally abusive. He may have been a good flight attendant at one time but that was long ago. He could barely stand and was feeble. Many captains tried to have him removed but DL would not allow it. One friend said either he goes or I go.... And guess who won that battle...... Bob did. He was protected and DL offered him many incitements to leave but his stated goal was to DIE in the galley on the way BACK from NRT. Good riddens
I have heard stories of him being a big ass. 
Kev3188 said:
Clearly. :rolleyes:


I don't.

How do you know they did? Interweb rumors and/or galley gossip don't count.


See above.

If one can't pass CQ, so be it. It is what it is. Same if I can't pass the PAT test required for my job, Meto doesn't pass his medical, etc. There are other options.

Like I said, a sort of ambassador-type gig, or something similar could've been win-win all around. And if when proffered, he'd told them to pound sand, then that'd be that.
except you can't keep him around just because he is old. You set a new standard of basically keep old employees just to be nice. #1 FA gets to hang around why not the #1 AMT, #1 Rampers #1 Pilot etc.
then the number two people are going to get pissed, or once they get ready to leave then you have to keep them around too. On top of that now your giving people even more of a reason to hang around......
Opening a door you don't want to open. It was time for him to man up and leave many years ago. If the company had to force him out then it just makes it even more sad.  
metopower said: happens at every airline... Yours included

Kev ... You are right on but it may be before Christmas

Robbed. People that do not work at DL try to judge it by where they work. I'm not original DL but after. 27 years I have finally figured it out. It is not like anywhere else. You do your job get along with your fellow employees don't steal .... You can work here forever and they will work with you to keep you here. I'm sure.... no I know that DL tried everything to work with him ... But he refused. The FAA being there was more like a fellow fa dropped a dime to the FAA. My guess. DL would do anything not to expose themselves to FAA scrutiny
its that or like WT said, someone at the FAA office saw on some paper work how old he was and wanted to check it out. If i was a FAA inspector I would be at all of these 80+ year old FAs training events. 
and you are right, don't steal, don't fight and for the most part show up on time (all that depends on your leads/foreman) and you'll be at Delta forever. Damage the aircraft and they just put you in management. 
topDawg said:
except you can't keep him around just because he is old.
...Likewise, you can't terminate him just because he's old, either...

I have heard from some F/A friends that his CQ was in Jan., but he was still flying as late as May? if that's true, how does that work?