Blasts rock Brussels airport/subway station

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The Allies, of course.

With the benefit of hindsight and massive advances in technology, something like Dresden is unnecessary.
FrugalFlyerv2.0 said:
Remind me again:  during WW2, when Dresden was bombed, who were the good guys?
You're wasting your breath witness unicorn and rainbow liberal's,

Their solution to everything is a selfie and some spiffy hashtags.
You have to take a lesson from the Mossad, you cut the head of the snake.
Just like they did with the Swords of Gideon Operation after the 1972 Munich Murders.
And why do you think the French pulled out of Vietnam?
You cant fight guerilla warfare and terrorists like a conventional war, what we have been doing since 9/11 hasnt worked.

But he remember the Aircraft Carrier Landing where "Mission Accomplished" was declared and more US soldiers died AFTER that statement than before.
700UW said:
You have to take a lesson from the Mossad, you cut the head of the snake.
Just like they did with the Swords of Gideon Operation after the 1972 Munich Murders.
And why do you think the French pulled out of Vietnam?
You cant fight guerilla warfare and terrorists like a conventional war, what we have been doing since 9/11 hasnt worked.

But he remember the Aircraft Carrier Landing where "Mission Accomplished" was declared and more US soldiers died AFTER that statement than before.
There's no way in hell with our current PC culture, we would do anything close to what Mossad does. Who you trying to kid?

You two are a joke.
townpete said:
There's no way in hell with our current PC culture, we would do anything close to what Mossad does. Who you trying to kid?

You two are a joke.
The only joke is you, as you NEVER gave your plan of how to stop and defeat ISIS.
You would just rather someone else die, get wounded or maimed, as long as its not you.
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700UW said:
You have to take a lesson from the Mossad, you cut the head of the snake.
Just like they did with the Swords of Gideon Operation after the 1972 Munich Murders.
And why do you think the French pulled out of Vietnam?
You cant fight guerilla warfare and terrorists like a conventional war, what we have been doing since 9/11 hasnt worked.

But he remember the Aircraft Carrier Landing where "Mission Accomplished" was declared and more US soldiers died AFTER that statement than before.
I wonder how much Mossad style stuff happens that we never hear about? I have to imagine quite a bit.

And don't be too hard on TownPete; she just writes what her husband tells her to...
Kev3188 said:
I wonder how much Mossad style stuff happens that we never hear about? I have to imagine quite a bit.

And don't be too hard on TownPete; she just writes what her husband tells her to...
As much as she posts, he must be her SAFA partner or supervisor, DL is getting ripped off.
Kev3188 said:
I wonder how much Mossad style stuff happens that we never hear about? I have to imagine quite a bit.
And don't be too hard on TownPete; she just writes what her husband tells her to...
Well since our current politically correct administration shuttered any and all looking into Islamic terrorists to cells, events like San Betnadino happens.

Remember the DHS whistleblower?

So keep up with that fantasy of Mossad-like events that never happen.
Kev3188 said:
I don't see anyone here calling for submission. Not do I see anyone advocating standing idly by. But fear based reactions are /exactly/ what they're hoping for. And excessive force of course only bolsters their skewed ideas of martyrdom.
Kevy, the Koran calls for your submission, either you submit or die. Fear based reactions on what? The reality of 9/11, or the Paris shootings, or maybe Iran firing missiles calling for (writen in Hebrew) Israel to wiped off the map? All that is just fear tactics and we shouldn't pay any mind. The fact is your hero Nobammy has let in 700,000 friendly Mooslims since 2009, all for what? What did America gain? Great citizens that only what to assimilate into our culture, not to demand Sharia Law and put the Islamic flag on the White House. Its only just our fear, don't give in to fear, Islam is the religion of peace.
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Dog Wonder said:
ISIS smells your fear, or maybe some thing is decomposing inside you.
Ya gotta love these "patriots." A school gets shot up, well that's just the price of freedom.

Some a-holes set off a bomb in an airport, and suddenly all bets are off...
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Western Europe Muslim populations.

1. Germany..............4,760,000
2. France ..............4,710,000
3. United Kingdom.......2,960,000
4. Netherlands..........1,000,000
5. Belgium................630,000
6. Denmark................270,000
7. Sweden.................430,000
8. Norway.................120,000
9. Ireland.................50,000
10 Finland.................40,000
Kev3188,...............What I'm trying to point out with these muslim population numbers here is, that if your country is say  # 1-5 on this list, your country is screwed because of the huge numbers in tiny countries. (Yes germany is a larger country)
If your country is say number 8-9-10, don't allow them to immigrate ANY FURTHER than what you've got.  Track EVERY visa to see if it's expired. Do Anything and Everything to let those that are already in the country KNOW that they're being Watched/Followed.
One of the Brussells bombers WROTE that he was sure that he'd 'be grabbed' anyday. In other words, put those bas--tards on Ultra high Alert !  Belgium is a TINY country with over  " 600,000 " of them.  Holland is a TINY country with over a MILLION of them.  Countries on the list with HIGH concentrations of them  have  " Do NOT go into zones".  Thats  F'd - up  !!!!
Kev, there's a time and place for everything, which also means that there's a time and place for isolationism,  in this case muslim isolationism !  Sadly in 70% of that 'list', it's TOO  LATE  to close the barn door, because the houses have ran away. (in this case RAN  IN ) !

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