Blasts rock Brussels airport/subway station

Kev3188 said:
Here's what I find surprising:
Every year in this nation, 10's of 1000's of people die by gunfire. You respond by referring to anyone calling for action as a "snowflake."
Thirty four (and likely more) die at the hands of a couple of a-holes, and you basically turn into a quivering bowl of jelly. What gives?
I stand by my comment.

You know nothing.
Kev3188 said:
More inter agency info sharing, doing more to slow the marginalization of Muslims in EU countries (inclusion ideally slows radicalization). Just two to start, and by no means a cure all. If I had the total solution, we wouldn't be coworkers.

What I /do/ know is that the fear based rhetoric swirling around this country right now is the absolute wrong path.
Those evil, evil, evil Europeans!
I guess a country like Denmark, where muslims are 5% of the population but receiving 40% of welfare benefits, well clearly that isn't enough.  Surprised how tolerant those poor muslims in Denmark are, Copenhagen should be in flames for such discrimination.
And in Belgium, while jihadist Malika El Aroud was under arrest and awaiting deportation, the $1100 monthly unemployment benefits that the government was paying her wasn't enough.  Likewise, in the UK, Jihadi John's family receiving social benefits for 20 years is also marginalizing.  These benefits (or are they jiziya taxes) are so little, the poor poor poor muslims are so justified in killing and plundering and raping.
And in Germany, probably the most evil EU contry, it clearly isn't enough for muslim "refugees" to be legally allowed to work after 3 months.  Granted, during these terrible 3 months of just waiting to get into the job market but be tough!  The in-kind provided benefits such as food, accomodation, heating, cloting, healthcare and consumer household goods, combined with a basic personal needs allowance are so margenalizing.
Keep throwing red herrings out there, so whats your solution to fight ISIS?
I think, you Southwind, Eolsen and Petey should sign up with the Kurds in and fight ISIS, since none of you have a solution and you want to send others to fight and possibly die, wounded or maimed.
700UW said:
Keep throwing red herrings out there, so whats your solution to fight ISIS?
I think, you Southwind, Eolsen and Petey should sign up with the Kurds in and fight ISIS, since none of you have a solution and you want to send others to fight and possibly die, wounded or maimed.
You've said it yourself, the solution to ISIS is to fight ISIS.
Giving them grants to start up their own small business, as some have suggested, isn't going to work.
You have an organization that is hell bent on destroying everyone and everything that does not conform to them. Fighting them is the solution.  Even the Euro's are starting to slowly realize it.  There is no heart warming speech or international conference or summit that they are going to participate in and agree to leave us (by us I mean the western world they dispise) alone.
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I agree that fighting the spread of ISIS is the right thing to do; the discussion should be /how/ to go about doing that...
Kev3188 said:
Not unless one is cool with a whole lotta collateral damage...
Make up your mind bombs.....maybe you can take your ukalele over there and sing a couple of songs for 'em!
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Think about it; militants generally live amongst the general (and innocent) population.

Are you really okay with any unintended casualties a "shock and awe" style attack might bring. You really think that wouldn't actually make things worse?

ISIS didn't have any problems with civilian casualties.
I'm almost willing to bet that some of the injured and/or killed were muslims too.
So I say start with a broad non-specific, if you will, shock and awe in their training camps, then switch to a more precision-driven shock and awe campaign where they co-mingle with the general population.
War is war.  Casualties are a sad and horrible consequence
Or do you place less value on the lives of white-right handed-heterosexual-Christians?
FrugalFlyerv2.0 said:
ISIS didn't have any problems with civilian casualties.
I'm almost willing to bet that some of the injured and/or killed were muslims too.
So I say start with a broad non-specific, if you will, shock and awe in their training camps, then switch to a more precision-driven shock and awe campaign where they co-mingle with the general population.
War is war.  Casualties are a sad and horrible consequence
Or do you place less value on the lives of white-right handed-heterosexual-Christians?
Oh, and during the shock and awe bombings, etc., I would not be the least bit concerned about the resulting environmental damage (unlike the current administration).
And just to give diplomacy a chance, applying pressure on Turkey to do their part as a NATO member could do wonders too (e.g. how do you think ISIS gets their oil to the market?)

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