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Big Announcement Coming Next Friday

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I concede that. But now you have to argue over who was first with self-appointed powerhouse CM, who is also claiming to be first.

Nuhuh .... CM said it years ago. We've got Statute of Limitations here..... 😛 Go back and see my post from a month ago ..... You-kno-who had a gag order .....:bleh: :bleh: :bleh: and actually still does. I just went on airport hearsay ..... Nobody EVER specifically told me (or my group) I/we could not say anything to anyone, whereas, others were told to HUSH IT 😛h34r:

HunNee go back and read it 😉 Like I said, I called it! Muwah XoxO
Furloughd4now for now was the first person to report specific information regarding the rumored Delta LGA transaction, although, there was a report before his or hers regarding a substantial NYC corporate transaction (NYCCT) announcement shortly before Furloughd4now made his or her comment.



Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk.

If you think like that, there's nothing to do but tie you up 😛h34r: you like silk??? :up:

Mr. AB 320 Pilot .... please enlighten me/us with the post. From what I can glean from your vague post, it sounds like something from PANYNJ, in which case it would be public information..... (you did call it an announcement concerning a "transaction") besides NYC is not connected to PANYNJ. If you don't believe me just go look at the shenanagins going on at the Tower site downtown.

Thank you very much. Then when I'm wrong you can tie me up 😱

Best Regards,

Native NewYorka
Folks, Final Warning.

Keep it on topic--which is the rumored announcement. DO NOT make it about specific posters, and DO NOT use any poster's real name or initials. It doesn't matter who said what first.....

Next off topic post gets the thread closed.

PANYNJ is the acronym for Port Authority of New York and New Jersey who is a participant in the disucssions. The NYC (that stands for New York City) announcement I discussed on this board was the potential Delta-US Airways corporate transaction. I elected to not go into detail because discussions were in their early stages in May and then June, it was unclear how the deal would proceed, and I was sensitive to employee concerns because there are 5 or 6 different transactions being discussed by the parties.


I elected to not go into detail because discussions were in their early stages in May and then June, it was unclear how the deal would proceed, and I was sensitive to employee concerns because there are 5 or 6 different transactions being discussed by the parties.

Gimme a break. You decided not to go into detail simply because you had no details, not out of your "concern" for anything...especially the employees.

Admit it. You know little, if nothing, more than anyone else who trades in rumor until the facts come out at which time everyone knows as much as you do.

Actually LGA A320 Captain John Vahlakis was the first line employee who heard about the potential Delta transaction. John is a Queens Boro Councilman who is also a US Airways pilot and gets information that others do not hear. John was the first non-senior management employee in NYC to hear about the potential deal and he told a number of people in the station.

The reason I wrote about NYC and not specifically LGA is that there are 5 or 6 different transactions/scenarios being discussed between the parties, which include JFK, and I did not want to provide a specific scenario because discussions are fluid and encompass more than LGA, i.e., NYC. Thus, why create employee discord until the deal's final make up is complete, if at all?

Then when flying through LGA a few weeks later as the rumors began flying even more Furloughd4now heard about the news from LGA CSA personnel and he posted his information on this board.

As station discussions grew the executive suite elected to have Robert Isom and other senior executives brief station management on the 5 or 6 different transactions/scenarios being discussed on July 9 in the Shuttle Confernece Room. People in attendance signed a confidentiality form and only bits and pieces of additional information is coming out as the Station Managers and Ramp, CS, Admin, & Maintenance Department Heads are not talking about the potential deal.



Actually LGA A320 Captain John Vahlakis was the first line employee who heard about the potential Delta transaction. John is a Queens Boro Councilman who is also a US Airways pilot and gets information that others do not hear. John was the first non-senior management employee in NYC to hear about the potential deal and he told a number of people in the station.

Hmmm. I know John. Funny, his name doesn't appear on the list of city council members from Queens.


I do know that well-known rumor mongers get played all the time by those seeking mischief and seeking to spread disinformation. And we all know who the prominent case in point is.
John has held a position within the Queens local government. As to his exact status I do not follow his political career. Regardless, John was the first person in LGA outside of management to know about the NYC Corporate Transaction, he told a number of people about a potential deal, and he even called both Chief Pilots involved in the discussion, Sid Clark and Ed Schmidt.

As far as people getting played I agree. That occurs when people are too stupid to understand the facts or understand the players, which happens to the pilots all the time. In fact, when the union hires a financial, legal, or merger experts and then acts on their "gut feelings" against the advice of their consultants we know "those seeking mischief and seeking to spread disinformation. And we all know who the prominent case in point is."

As I indicated in the end of June, "Do not be surprised if there is another major announcement, broader in scale that involves NYC and other operations, which could be announced in the not-to-distant future," which has now been identified as the rumored Delta-US Airways NYC Corporate Transaction (NYCCT) in this thread.


Gimme a break. You decided not to go into detail simply because you had no details, not out of your "concern" for anything...especially the employees.

Admit it. You know little, if nothing, more than anyone else who trades in rumor until the facts come out at which time everyone knows as much as you do.
I agree 100% with The NYC Bus Driver. :up:
So the announcement will be made tomorrow?

From slate.msn.com -
Friday Night Blights
The foolish companies that try to hide their bad news on Friday.

"Investors and journalists have long complained that companies release bad news—a failed product trial, a recall, a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation—on Fridays, particularly after the market closes. The Friday release is a transparent attempt to evade fallout by burying bad news ahead of the weekend."

Whether it's good or bad news, no one will know until it's announced, so attempting to take it further without any facts is foolish and stress producing. Unless it is something that is forbidden by labor contracts, the rank and file really have no say over it. So why stress?
Whatever the deal is, it's not so big as to inspire any discussion on the Delta board.
They are too busy trying to figure out if fat flight attendants will be allowed to wear the red dress.
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