The objective of recruitment is to get one to sign on....period.
A Sharia believing Muslim would have Constitutional issues, don't you think?
----As Would a Christian, or a Buddhist, who refused to subjagate their personal beliefs to the job/constitution or even known science and reality, and Carson doesn't, he insists his dogma trumps what we know, and that is not only dangerous but contrary to what he himself said would be required of a man of faith holding tje office he seeks-----
Screw his tax plan, every campaign since I been on the planet has a tax fix that never gets done, so whats your point.
-----Ok, screw the tax plan. Pick any policy issue he has made a proposal on and examine it in the context of reality, and let us know how it stacks up. I ain't seen nuthin' yet...------
The pyramid stuff is BS too. Those long slotted vent looking portals are wave guides for a not yet understood power usage by aliens.
----Light, designed by Egyptian engineers, who understood things then that Carson still won't, because his religious dogma demands that he ignore or deny simple known facts.------
They freaked over a Catholic when I was younger.
------Maybe it's time for another one, a good Irish lad at that! --------
So he should be denied due to his Constitutionally guaranteed right to free expression thereof?