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Ben Carson hops on the crazy train again.

Dog Wonder said:
What you get when you click on scholarships at usma.edu
Loose yet?
I'm not really too loose, Dog.
But you lost the argument.
Well, Tree, if the pyramids were built 90% solid stone a couple of dynastys or so before Joseph was even supposedly maybe there - and that is by definition a myth, and one that is in dispute by a good number of His Chosen People at that - then that is two really frickin' obvious clues that The Good Doctor is Determined to insist that his religious beliefs or as he says his "feelings" trump history, reality, science and the exceedingly obvious in plain sight truth.
Ifly2 said:
Well, Tree, if the pyramids were built 90% solid stone a couple of dynastys or so before Joseph was even supposedly maybe there - and that is by definition a myth, and one that is in dispute by a good number of His Chosen People at that - then that is two really frickin' obvious clues that The Good Doctor is Determined to insist that his religious beliefs or as he says his "feelings" trump history, reality, science and the exceedingly obvious in plain sight truth.
Alas, we (barely... ) survived W, and he/they were no better...
I love a couple agnostic/atheists arguing over Joseph and the pyramids....
delldude said:
So that makes Obama and HC ISIS?

How a sane mind gets from Cruz's people proclaiming Him as The Messiah to O or C "being" ISIS, I have no clue - but, No, it doesn't. Their daddy didn't claim that either one was The Anointed One, to lead the country into,The End Times, or any such craziness, as Cruz' supporter/followers have.

No One did.

The derogatory "messiah" label was attached by his detractors, not by supporters that believed it to be literally true and divinely bestowed.

Thet right there is some damgerous juju to a free people and a republic

Not either of the same things

Look it up

And, it's not an argument, sane adults can discuss things, see different angles and perspectives and even disagree and it is ok.
The Good Doctor is Determined to insist that his religious beliefs or as he says his "feelings" trump history, reality, science and the exceedingly obvious in plain sight truth.

The Important Part
Some voters, yeah for sure...

The low information, lacking critical thinking skills, hook-line-sinker taking lemming kind that find it "comforting" to identify with the "conservatives" who use their own work, money, faith, patriotism and good intentions against their very selves.

(Yeah, there are big dummies on the left too...)
Ifly2 said:
Some voters, yeah for sure...

The low information, lacking critical thinking skills, hook-line-sinker taking lemming kind that find it "comforting" to identify with the "conservatives" who use their own work, money, faith, patriotism and good intentions against their very selves.

(Yeah, there are big dummies on the left too...)
You just described your average liberal college wonk Hillary supporter.
The average Fox viewer and/or Rush listener, accordi g to several studies.

Likely a portion of the average MsNBC audience, which we all know is much smaller.

The college-educated policy wonkish types you may disagree with, but they are not really the low info lemming type, on either side of the aisle.

You just go on judging all "those people" by your " feelings" though. I am sure they mean much more to you than history, logic, reality, science or the obvious truth.
Fasten your seat belt, dems have lost big time since Obama and its not going to stop.
No win at 1600 could equate into a veto proof majority.
Then what?
Obamacare vote in reverse?

People actually like the provisions of ACA that benefit them

Even if they say that they hate ObamaCare

Even the typical Repug politician knows that, regardless what they spout from the fund-raising side of their mouth

Next stop, Medicare/Medicaid Expansion.

Destination, Single Payer Universal Care

And, probably before Hillary is charged with all these crimes we keep hearing so much about
ACA is collapsing as we speak.
Go to the Kaiser Foundation website and plug in an income barely above the medicaid limit and find out how much of your qualifying yearly income loses a monthly required payment to ACA, then factor in rent, food, car insurance, possible car payment and then look at the deductible you got with the policy and then figure out what it would cost you if you had a condition requiring, say 3-5 CT and MRI scans over several months. About some $350 to $500 a scan. Then look at your monthly income.
Affordable Scare Act