You all make it sound SOOOOOOOOOO easy for UAL, like your making loads of cash to funny!

Wait till the dust truly settles here in DENVER. The city is even worried that your not going to exist here in the capacity that you are today . And, I don't think that to many carriers will be chomping at the bit in coming to DENVER to rapidly with the costs here. We handle the costs well, and we get along with Denver city officials here.
Remember the time Frontier told DENVER that we needed gate space and UAL refused to budge on any of the A concourse gates that they NEVER used. City had to step in and settle that one, it went in OUR favor.

We got the gate space till we get our NEW ones built. UAL has tried many times to put F9 out of business here, but we remain steadfastly only to be a thorn in UAL’s side.
That reminds me even before this BIG airport opened how UAL drug their feet on signing a lease. Continental signed on first for Concourse A and UAL went bananas. Tried to get the Continental lease for themselves, but Denver said SORRY.

And then UAL tried to get the city of DENVER to close off the glass on the bridge so their customers couldn't see Continental planes. Incredible the gall of UAL management AS ALWAYS. Things don't go their way, they cry like a baby.
UAL thinks they brandish so much power here, but for 10 years Frontier has proven over and over again that UAL isn't going to put them out of business. You'll go on and on about F9's demise, but AGAIN we'll still be here IN DENVER celebrating our 20th.