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Because Of Ted Ii

ac500 said:
If they continue to help these failed business plans carriers like Frontier and ultimately the consumer will suffer.

What government support??? What failed business plan??? Do you remember the ATSB loan that Frontier got from the government for 70 mil that we paid off years ahead of schedule. Where do you get your information??? Obviously you know NOTHING about Frontier Air Lines. Do you work for UAL HELL??? NOW, rant about failed business plans and government bail outs :up: :shock:

FORGOT, TED is nothing more than UNITED SHUTTLE in wolfs clothing. It won't last after the outside investors have their say. :shock:
mrfish3726 said:

FORGOT, TED is nothing more than UNITED SHUTTLE in wolfs clothing. It won't last after the outside investors have their say. :shock:
And FRNT is nothing but a wet dream of a UAL scab. A bunch of crappy cramped 737-200's that finally got AB and a paint job. but lets review. UAL operating profit. FRNT 3% operating LOSS. Keep your options open and your resume current Fish....

I am sorry you are such an angry, hurt, and bitter person. You have my sympathies.

I am not a UAL SCAB, I was one of the smart ones that left that F^(%$d up company. And don't forget, Frontier rose from the ashes with just two 737-200's and will host an AIRBUS fleet of 62 planes by 2008. We will still be flying out of DENVER. Remember :up: Frontier will always be DENVERS hometown airline.
:lol: 😀 😛 You believe that???? Check out my avatar!!!! Guess what? If United goes down, your job is in serious trouble......a REAL airline will take over Denver and you'll be unemployed.....AGAIN!!!! Best bet for Frontier.....United MUST stay in business or an airline with a real management team will gobble you up! (Frontier can't even begin to fill the gates United would leave if they left ..... but Southwest could :huh: ...... imagine the possibilities)
mrfish3726 said:

I am not a UAL SCAB, I was one of the smart ones that left that F^(%$d up company. And don't forget, Frontier rose from the ashes with just two 737-200's and will host an AIRBUS fleet of 62 planes by 2008. We will still be flying out of DENVER. Remember :up: Frontier will always be DENVERS hometown airline.
Never called you one. I just replied to your bomb throwing in kind, pointing out that one of your "secret" founders was a UAL scab. Proud? 62 AB in 2008? Dude you need to read the latest financials. What markets you gonna fly them in? Every new market you try, you get your arse kicked. It's coming unraveled, enjoy the ride.

Fly, you crack me up!! 😀
You all make it sound SOOOOOOOOOO easy for UAL, like your making loads of cash to funny! :lol: Wait till the dust truly settles here in DENVER. The city is even worried that your not going to exist here in the capacity that you are today . And, I don't think that to many carriers will be chomping at the bit in coming to DENVER to rapidly with the costs here. We handle the costs well, and we get along with Denver city officials here.

Remember the time Frontier told DENVER that we needed gate space and UAL refused to budge on any of the A concourse gates that they NEVER used. City had to step in and settle that one, it went in OUR favor. :up: We got the gate space till we get our NEW ones built. UAL has tried many times to put F9 out of business here, but we remain steadfastly only to be a thorn in UAL’s side.

That reminds me even before this BIG airport opened how UAL drug their feet on signing a lease. Continental signed on first for Concourse A and UAL went bananas. Tried to get the Continental lease for themselves, but Denver said SORRY. :shock: And then UAL tried to get the city of DENVER to close off the glass on the bridge so their customers couldn't see Continental planes. Incredible the gall of UAL management AS ALWAYS. Things don't go their way, they cry like a baby.

UAL thinks they brandish so much power here, but for 10 years Frontier has proven over and over again that UAL isn't going to put them out of business. You'll go on and on about F9's demise, but AGAIN we'll still be here IN DENVER celebrating our 20th. :up:
mrfish3726 said:

What government support??? What failed business plan??? Do you remember the ATSB loan that Frontier got from the government for 70 mil that we paid off years ahead of schedule. Where do you get your information??? Obviously you know NOTHING about Frontier Air Lines. Do you work for UAL HELL??? NOW, rant about failed business plans and government bail outs :up: :shock:
I believe ac500 was refering to UAL's failed business plan. Take it easy on him.

Keep things in perspective with UAL's $7mm operating profit compared to F-9's 3% operating loss. The fact of the matter is that F-9 lost around $6mm for the quarter and UA lost around a quarter billion for the quarter. Operating profits are great but they don't depict the full picture.

Also, I know that you wish demise for Frontier and you reference them as a crappy little airline, but you should really get a fresh perspective. This is not the little start-up you once knew, flying "crappy 737s" around. This is a great airline providing outstanding service and a high quality product at or near the top in domestic service, and doing so with a highly motivated happy workforce. So be nice damn it.

Thank, YOU SIR well said. I don't wish the employees at UAL the demise of their lively hood. Management their is taking care of that themselves. I was just one of the smart ones that knew UAL was going NO WHERE for me and moved on. I am happier, have no worries, and make more here at F9 than I ever would have at UAL. :up:
fish, you may well be happier but your brand of happiness makes you come off like a jerk.

I'd suggest you tone down the rhetoric, particularly since you seem able to sing only one song.
Keep things in perspective with UAL's $7mm operating profit compared to F-9's 3% operating loss. The fact of the matter is that F-9 lost around $6mm for the quarter and UA lost around a quarter billion for the quarter. Operating profits are great but they don't depict the full picture."

Let's!! You are correct, one must look at the cash equation also. for example. One airline has $250 MILLION in Depreciation every Q. that means they own stuff and it's getting older. The other airline leases almost all it's jets, and even "sold" a couple more and leased them back. this says that airline has MUCH higher cash outlays. in simplistic terms, consider two identical airlines except one has 250 million in depreciation, the other 0. considering both had "break even results", the compnay with the 250 mill in depreciation will have 250 million more in POSITIVE CASH FLOW. Am i missing something?

Simple truth, FRNT arrogantly overexpanded and unfortuantely, the workers will be the ones holding the bag. What markets do you think are ready for all those "new AB's"? Sorry Fish. out of the kettle and into the fire. You must be bad lick.....
Busdrvr said:
Let's!! You are correct, one must look at the cash equation also. for example. One airline has $250 MILLION in Depreciation every Q. that means they own stuff and it's getting older. The other airline leases almost all it's jets, and even "sold" a couple more and leased them back. this says that airline has MUCH higher cash outlays. in simplistic terms, consider two identical airlines except one has 250 million in depreciation, the other 0. considering both had "break even results", the compnay with the 250 mill in depreciation will have 250 million more in POSITIVE CASH FLOW. Am i missing something?

Simple truth, FRNT arrogantly overexpanded and unfortuantely, the workers will be the ones holding the bag. What markets do you think are ready for all those "new AB's"? Sorry Fish. out of the kettle and into the fire. You must be bad lick.....
Thank you for admitting that I am correct. Are you saying that United owns their entire fleet? Is the qtr billion loss attributed to depreciation alone? BTW, F-9 owns a good portion of its new aircraft, so your arguement would have to work both ways.

I am still perplexed with your ill will toward Frontier and your desire to see them fail. It is especially odd that you predict this amidst the much larger problems and more dire chances for success with your own airline. I, on the otherhand, wish all the employees at United the best of luck and a secure future..

Again WE applaud you for being able to point out the real truth :up: . I feel secure here at Frontier and enjoy coming to work everyday. Doing my part to see that we have the best unintterupted service for our WONDERFUL passengers. And it's been a mad house here all summer SOOOOOOOOOOOOO far :up:

Got to take a break here and enjoy a little vaction time for a honeymoon. Taking the new bride on a cruise then off to Mexico. Hope everyone is OK while I am away :up: . I won't worry to much about F9 shutting down while I am gone 😀

BUS, you keep 'em busy here till I get back :blink:

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