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BaRack, Worst President Since WWII

MCI transplant said:
No, his source came from these three Obama advisers!    
I thought that was a group photo of 700UW, Ms Tree, and Dog Wonder.
Barack Obama's single greatest accomplishment is the end result of his failure as both a leader and politician.
Barack Obama is the single largest reason for the average citizen rearming themselves. With the increase in gun sales you'd think the gun lobby would offer him a commission on the sales increase.
delldude said:
Obama can't run again unless he suspends the constitution.......
Get with the program, if Hillary is the next president, Obama will be missed.
OK, we have in invasion of illegal minors and this country is worried that I bring an apple which went on a round trip to Meh-hecko. I got busted with a Washington apple by a dog after going through customs. I pointed out the Washington Apple sticker to the very concerned fruit police guard. She wanted no part of ot threatening me with a $500 fine, while aliens grabbed their luggage unabated.

I told her that her dog was hungry and probably could enjoy a bowl of fruit loops.

Stop harassing crew members and go for the really important, dangerous things like Cuban Cigars.

Right Obama?
signals said:
Welcome to 700 Graffiti Place
Nowhere, Intheanus
That's an interesting piece of fiction. Even Ben Bernanke admitted that the Federal Reserve Bank caused the Great Depression.
The above is pure Keynesian BS from the Paul Krugman (a housing bubble is good for the economy) Robert B. Reich (i'm a little short this week) school of debt based currency.
No idea if the poll is accurate or not but how many people who are racist admit they are racist?
There's no question that  the administration is trying to hide their failures behind the race and gender cards.
traderjake said:
There's no question that  the administration is trying to hide their failures behind the race and gender cards.

Well, now that this is settled I feel much better.  Thank you.

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