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BaRack, Worst President Since WWII

Just for the resident racist bigot hater Southwind:
700UW said:
He is one because he shouldnt be allowed to reproduce.
The NAZI Party had amazingly similar beliefs, in that they, also without the slightest basis, assumed themselves magically "superior", and thus fully entitled to observations identical to yours regarding other human   beings. How truly "surprising" it is to find a "liberal" so much in agreement with them. I'd gently suggest that "liberals" in general, should be very grateful indeed that no early-life intelligence testing for "defects" and "cleansing" purposes was ever required in America.
How many drinks have you had tonight?
And you dont understand sarcasm?
And look right in the USA and Google Eugenics, US had done it for a while.
700UW said:
..... Google Eugenics, US had done it for a while.
No offense, but while my estimation of devout "liberals" necessarily includes severe laziness, fundamental stupidity and general ineptitude, which I thank you for again generously demonstrating....I'd still prefer to permit you the fullest opportunity and latitude within which to make your case....? Per the NAZI Party?....I'll have to feebly begin with haplessly offering merely Auschwitz and the mass murder of many millions in equally charming facilities. Go ahead with your undoubtedly brilliant counter as to the "evils" of America...? "Google" away at your earliest convenience....?
And what you are saying has nothing to do with the topic and comparing it too the nazi have another shot there bud.
And my Stepfather is a survivor of Auschwitz, you have no idea.
700UW..... Google Eugenics, US had done it for a while.
700UW said:
And my Stepfather is a survivor of Auschwitz, you have no idea.
Ah! The standard-"touchy-feely-in-lieu-of-a-child-actually-having-any-semblance-of-a-rational-mind response/"argument"?...And anyone can ever wonder at how difficult it truly is to perceive "liberals" as anything other than infantile idiots? Sigh! I've also known survivors of the Holocaust, but have no more personal and direct experience with death camps than you have. Neither you nor I were there.  "Liberals" = Pathetic creatures that pretentiously presume personal "experience" through watching TV, at best reading a book, or hearing from others,...or "Google"? 😉 Now; about your supposed "argument"...? "700UW..... Google Eugenics, US had done it for a while."...? Still waiting, or do you need to sniffle awhile, and pretend yourself truly "understanding" of your stepfather's (NOT yours) actually experienced horrors first, before you can even pretend to "think"?
EastUS1 said:
700UW..... "Google Eugenics, US had done it for a while."
"Liberals" = Pathetic creatures that pretentiously presume personal "experience" through watching TV, at best reading a book, or hearing from others,...or "Google"? Now; about your supposed "argument"...? "700UW..... Google Eugenics, US had done it for a while."...? Still waiting, or do you need to sniffle awhile, and pretend yourself truly "understanding" of your stepfather's (NOT yours) actually experienced horrors first, before you can even pretend to "think"?
Perhaps you should call your stepfather to the thread here. I'd be all-ears to hear what a survivor of Auschwitz, now evidently moved to America, has to say about "Eugenics" and how the "US had done it for a while."..? I'm guessing that "Google" wouldn't be ANY part of his thoughts, nor would your sort of sorry nonsense be offered. Seriously: Do NONE of you "liberal" sorts actually have even the slightest understanding of the real world that you live in?
EastUS1 said:
 Do NONE of you "liberal" sorts actually have even the slightest understanding of the real world that you live in?
No. Did you even have to ask?
You are talking about a group of people that want the American taxpayers to fund an invasion of illegals into their own country after all.

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