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700UW said:
I guess you cant read what Scot said.
But I have done so much to better the next generation on union members and current ones it would take me weeks to type it all up.

Weeks because you have to make it all up.
Is that the best you can do?

I dont have to justify myself to you, but come to CLT and I can show you.

Ask Coachrowsey or Delldude, the can tell you.
700UW said:
Is that the best you can do?

I dont have to justify myself to you, but come to CLT and I can show you.

Ask Coachrowsey or Delldude, the can tell you.

I live in CLT and know many who know you and their take on you is your nothing to be proud of.
I work for piedmont and i also believe that the management team is the worst in the airline business and has been for many years.But i also fault the iam for signing such a weak contract with wages that started for me at $6.85 per hour.It is now two years that i have been with the company and my pay rate is $8.25 per hour.The iam has got moxie to collect dues for such a total company sell out of a contract.I have been looking for other work but so far a few interviews and some ask the kiss of death question "how old are you?".I work in the stores dept and the moral in the whole base is terrible.People are leaving when an oppertunity comes and the rest of us keep looking.
No amount of give backs can save us air,i have watched them for years squander good oppertunities for entering new markets and building an expanded customer base.In the past i have worked as a travel agent and company travel manager and really tried to use us air as i favored the underdog but their attitude toward the customer was poor.Remember the not giving out the full can of soda,that really went a long way to saving the airline.As was stated in previous posts,the list of blunders over the cannot be overcome and us air will cease to be.
I wont be losing much when it ends and it will afford me the time to work at looking for another job.
Last year the parts manager from the home office came to roa because of worker problems and confided in asking me why are we having so many worker problems i.e. coming in late,leaving unfinished work for the next shift,calling in sick when something else came up.I said what type of people can you attract with wendys wages.The manager got the point.I wish all well and i have a small bit of advise that has worked for me for years now.Keep your life simple,many are chasing a life style that cannot be satisfied.I drive older cars,have a tv antenna and no cable,no cell phone and other things that eat at your finances.When did luxuries become necessities? I have also become happier being satisfied with my lot in life.
I have met some nice people at piedmont and enjoyed working with them and a few others that have a reputation as slackers that i will not miss.

So long for now.
And warning not heeded........by ANYONE! Topic is now closed.
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