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You can fold clothes at Wal*Mart and make $7 an hour. There has to be a happy medium between the insulting Express wages and the mainline ones. Maybe some of the LCCs have figured it out... but US still wants to do the usual slimey thing and try to push it all to the sub Wal*Mart commuter level.
WestCoastGuy said:
Most of us believe US management has it's own agenda, and that includes BK regardless of what labor accords are reached. I know of no one, and I mean NO ONE, that has any confidence in this current management group. Personally, I wouldn't give them a dime. If we had a new team and new BOD, it might be a different story.

i wonder if we could force the judge to throw this inept mgmt team out andget a court appointed trustee to run the airline's day to day operations after we file ch11? what are the chances of that happening?
robbedagain said:
i wonder if we could force the judge to throw this inept mgmt team out andget a court appointed trustee to run the airline's day to day operations after we file ch11? what are the chances of that happening?

airbiiguy said:
Everyone has had it way too easy at USAIR until the last 3 or 4 years. Now its time to realize that everyone was getting way overpaid on the mainline side of the operation for what they were doing. Look at all the folks at express who do the same job as mainliners for 1/3 the price. The express pilots, gate agents, rampers, everyone. I don't feel bad for mainliners, plus they always had a bad attitude twords the express people like we were inferior to them or something. I don'y wish that people lose their jobs but thats in the unions hands now. The company has the upper hand, and I don't like it as much as anyone here but thats the reality folks. Last pay till the last day is all fine and dandy but wake up from your dream worlds. Who the hell is gonna pay you people $20 /hr to load airplanes or check people in!! Express people do that for $6/hr at PSA!!!

Mainline employees have been taking concessions since 1992 and Express work use to be mainline, I dont feel sorry for express workers.
700UW said:
Mainline employees have been taking concessions since 1992 and Express work use to be mainline, I dont feel sorry for express workers.

Given the fact that there have been concessions since 1992 goes to show just how far out of balance the contracts were to begin with. Don't expect the express workers to feel sorry for the mainline people such as those that are cleaners and stores workers then either. I'm sure there are many express people chomping at the bit to walk past those picket signs and clock in on their way to clean that mainline jet.
And I bet you are one of them!

The Scab
"After God had finished the rattlesnake, the toad, and the vampire, he had some awful substance left with which he made a scab."

"A scab is a two-legged animal with a corkscrew soul, a water brain, a combination backbone of jelly and glue. Where others have hearts, he carries a tumor of rotten principles."

"When a scab comes down the street, men turn their backs and angels weep in heaven, and the devil shuts the gates of hell to keep him out."

"No man (or woman) has a right to scab so long as there is a pool of water to drown his carcass in, or a rope long enough to hang his body with. Judas was a gentleman compared with a scab. For betraying his master, he had character enough to hang himself." A scab has not.

"Esau sold his birthright for a mess of pottage. Judas sold his Savior for thirty pieces of silver. Benedict Arnold sold his country for a promise of a commision in the british army." The scab sells his birthright, country, his wife, his children and his fellowmen for an unfulfilled promise from his employer.

Esau was a traitor to himself; Judas was a traitor to his God; Benedict Arnold was a traitor to his country; a scab is a traitor to his God, his country, his family and his class."

Author --- Jack London (1876-1916)

If it meant the difference in feeding my family and crossing your little line you bet your sweet bippy I'd cross it. No questions asked, no regrets, no excuses. If it meant smiling at you while I did it I'd leave for work 5 mins. early to make sure you saw me! You kill me with your chest thumping. Fact of the matter is you're just as scared as the rest of the chest thumpers wondering what you're going to do to replace your bloated wage.
I am not scared, unlike yourself, I have made plans in case this place goes away.

And glad to see you would be a scab, and you wonder why wages and benefits are being driven downward.

I guess you would rather live in fear then to die with dignity.

People died and got injured over the years to give workers dignity, respect and a say in the workplace. Glad to see you would give up a 100 years of people's sacrifices and be a scab. Guess Jack was writing about you.
Man O man... this company is not going away... Mgmt gots ya right where they want ya.. Fighting for your rights is tough.. Keep your pimp hand strong.
Word out of Crystal City is that a couple hundred people in management got their termination notices, effective immediately.
No fear here at all. I have nothing to fear but fear itself. Do you have a cut and paste of those famous words? The fact of the matter is I don't have to be a "scab" as you call it. I make a living in a non-union environment that bases it's rewards to those that strive to do their best and perform to the top of their abilities. I don't have to summon a union steward to go in and talk to management if there is a problem. We handle it fair and above board. If you're a slacker and non-performer where I work you won't be there very long therefore we make record profits year over year and we are rewarded for it.
All you're doing is holding the union line and posting what they want you to post. Dignity is something I've always had and I've never lived my life in fear of anyone especially the likes of you and your goon squads. I've served my country and was injured while doing it. If I had the chance to do things differently I would choose the exact same path even knowing the outcome.
What you are doing is living off the gains of the past 100 years by your grandfather and great grandfather and supplying nothing to better the job environment for your so called brothers and sisters for the next 100 years. The union movement will stand here 100 years from today and look upon you and your leaders as the group who did the least, sacrificed the least and expected the most. Your actions or more like inaction has been the catalyst for the union membership in this country to plummet to historical lows and those actions alone are to blame for the undoing of and disrespect to those that gave their lives so you could sit back and coast on easy street. What you've done is ruin all they stood for and yet you want to stand and take credit for it. I guess that surprises most but it certainly doesn't surprise me.
You have no clue.

Go ask the FSAs and CSAs how nice the company was to them back in 1992 when they were non-union.

Companies abuse of workers is what caused unions to come into exsistance to balance the power in the workplace.
I was there in 1992 so don't preach to me. I didn't like it so I left on my own and bettered myself. All that those before you have sacrificed you and your union leaders have wasted. What you can't stand is they blazed new trails for you and rather than keeping it clear of new growth you sat down and rested relying on holding onto their gains rather than adding your own. You and people like you are the reason for the conditions of todays unions and your actions alone are what has caused the movement to retreat what your forebrothers died for. Hope that makes you feel better.
700UW said:
You have no clue.

Go ask the FSAs and CSAs how nice the company was to them back in 1992 when they were non-union.

Companies abuse of workers is what caused unions to come into exsistance to balance the power in the workplace.

I will BIG TIME second that one
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