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Aviation Ground Crew Stress Study


Oct 26, 2003
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Hawaii, USA
I'm a research psychologist who's been studying stress in aircrews for the past year or so. During that time, as the Aircrew Stress Study became publicized, we received quite a few emails from folks who work in aviation ground jobs, reminding us that you have stressful jobs, too.

So, we have just launched the Aviation Ground Crew Stress Study to investigate the kinds of stress you encounter at work and in your personal life, how you cope, and the effects on your health. The questionnaire is identical to the one used in the Aircrew Stress Study except for the job-specific parts.

We'd like to have responses from people in all kinds of ground jobs in the aviation industry: dispatchers, schedulers, A & P mechanics and other maintenance people, airport staff, FBO personnel, customer service agents, rampers, air traffic controllers -- anyone and everyone who works in a ground job in aviation.

Participants in the study fill in a survey questionnaire, which is on-line. The survey is anonymous. We don't ask for your name or the name of the company you work for. The questionnaire takes about 30 minutes to fill in.

You can click on this link:


to go directly to the introduction to the Aviation Ground Crew Stress Study, or if you prefer, you can go first to:


-- our main website, that has lots of background information about our work -- and even about me (I'm the principal researcher). 😉

All of our studies, including the Aviation Ground Crew Stress Study, are independent -- not funded by any company, union, or government agency. No hidden agenda, the studies are done for sceintific, not commercial reasons.

Please pass the word along to all of your colleagues about this important study. Ask them to log on to this easy-to-remember web address:


You are welcome to PM me or email me if you have any questions.

Thanks very much for taking the time to read this message.
Very important work Doc!! Keep up the good work!!
I have been know to dabble in psychology myself from time to time!! Minored in it at the Univ of Tulsa. Was a "test case" on many occasions!! Needed the extra 5 bucks from time to time! I will certainly keep an eye on your findings from the link you have provided. Good luck with your study!!
Keep up the great Job, Stress is a major concern, The AMT is the one responsible to insure the A/C will take off and be safe in the Air.
I just had a look at our website's traffic report for the week. Looks like we had quite a few "click-throughs" from USAviation.com -- probably from you folks here looking at the stress study. Thanks! 😀
twuer said:
I have been know to dabble in psychology myself from time to time!! Minored in it at the Univ of Tulsa. Was a "test case" on many occasions!! Needed the extra 5 bucks from time to time! I will certainly keep an eye on your findings from the link you have provided. Good luck with your study!!
Did you take part in the "little Albert" study, twuer? Maybe it was a Pavlovian study. Did they put a sheep in front of you and whatched you drool? :lol: :lol:

Perhaps the good doctor can do a case study on how much stress is caused by having your wages and benefits canibalized with the aid and blessing of the union that is supposed to protect your interests. :down: :down:
Very, very interesting. Herr twuer "dabbles" in psychology. Und zo tell me twuer, do you love your mother? Auf wierdersehen! 😀
Checking it Out said:
Keep up the great Job, Stress is a major concern, The AMT is the one responsible to insure the A/C will take off and be safe in the Air.
Yes and thats why the TWU made sure to put as much additional stress as possible on those working at the high cost of living line stations by making them take the biggest cuts in pay.

CIO, is it only the AMTs responsibility to ensure that the aircraft are safe?
You amfa boys crack me up!! :lol: Always have to have the last word!!! I'm sure the good doctor would be happy to do an analysis on the mind of an amfa supporter. :huh: It would be a very short analysis to say the least!! And not that hard to analize!!! :shock:

Keep those comments coming boys!!! Where shall we send your results?? Local 12??? Or is it still open for business?? 😱
twuer said:
You amfa boys crack me up!! :lol: Always have to have the last word!!! I'm sure the good doctor would be happy to do an analysis on the mind of an amfa supporter. :huh: It would be a very short analysis to say the least!! And not that hard to analize!!! :shock:

Keep those comments coming boys!!! Where shall we send your results?? Local 12??? Or is it still open for business?? 😱
Just wanted to make sure you did not get the last word.

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