Oliver Twist
I think the day is coming for our industry and others throughout the western world when the employees who have been pushed to do more with less will begin to revolt against their employers. There comes a finite limit as to how much work, stress and productivity you can get out of an employee before he/she begins to fight back with resentment, poor performace and outright anger. The bottom line our managers are so worried about, the stock price, the performance in whatever fashion you care to call it will suffer as they push and push employees in pursuit of the bottom line. [BR][BR]I know my limit is yet to come, but I see it''s only a matter of time before I begin to make mistakes, provide a poor service, or god forbid, collapse from the stress or cause an accident. It''s not just our industry either. I see it all over. Pick an industry and you will see employees pushed close to or beyong thier physical or mental limits to cope and perform. Accidents will come and some innocent person will suffer.[BR][BR]I am FOR capitalisim so don''t think other wise. But I do see limits coming in the near future and its not pretty. Think of the first few years on the assembly lines (early 1900''s) when workers were pushed too hard and too fast by a speeding belt and litteraly got caught in the gears. The customer service backlash is nearer each day because idiot''s way above the floor are not in touch with the true limist of what they can ask from employees. Is the sweat shops of the new century coming? I think so.[BR][BR]How many of us have worked flights by ourselves both inside or outside? Or mechanics or crews tired? What kind of service can we really give like that? What kind of product do we produce when one gate agent is left to deal with 126 passengers because they have been cut and cut. How many bags can one ramper load by himself?[BR][BR]I can see it now. We will be cut way past the bone and when loads finally do pick up, we will have agents litterally passing out on the floor under the work/stress load. They will work us for months before they even think of calling anyone back to work from furlough. They have done it in the past and will do it again. Oh and let''s not forget that pat on the back and how great we are doing our jobs while we have ticked off passengers circling us like sharks and screaming at us.[BR][BR]I would venture to say that most of the ones who dissagree with what I mentioned above about job stress could NOT DO OUR JOBS- you dont have it in you. This business takes a special person to handle the problems and complaints and the issues and yes we are special and we don''t deserve to be treated like cattle or idiots.[BR][BR]Rant over, thanks for your time.