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Aviation Community 9/11 Project


Oct 26, 2003
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Hawaii, USA
Hi folks -

I'm a research psychologist who has been studying stress in aircrews for the better part of the past year. In the course of that work, I have been told many stories about 9/11 by the 700 or so pilots and flight attendants who participated in the Aircrew Stress Study. They have told me what it was like for them that day, in the early days after Sept. 11, 2001, and how those events have changed their jobs and there lives.

It seems that, while people working in the aviation industry were the most immediately and acutely affected by 9/11 -- personally and professionally -- very little attention has been paid to all of you by the media. This is a sore spot with a lot of aviation folks. They feel like they've been ignored, even while they were the ones who lost their jobs or took cuts in pay and benefits.

Does this sound familiar?

We have decided to give people in the aviation community an organized way to tell their stories about 9/11 and the aftermath, and the how their lives have been affected. The Aviation Community 9/11 Project is an effort to document those times and events from the point of view of the aviation community.

We are collecting stories by means of a questionnaire on our website. Participation is open to anyone with any connection to aviation, in the broadest sense. This means ground personnnel as well as aircrews.

I can only imagine what people like dispatchers, A&P mechanics, crew schedulers, ATCs and ramp personnel went through -- not just on 9/11, but in the days that followed when all those aircraft had to be repositioned, and all those people and all that freight had to be sent along to their destinations. If you would like to contribute your story to this project, please visit our website for more information:


Participation is anonymous. You can write a few sentences or several paragraphs. You are free to choose what you want to tell about, and how much you want to say.

We plan to compile the contributed stories into an "in-depth" magazine article, or perhaps a book, depending on how much material we are able to collect. We'll also post some of those stories, or parts of them, on our website, after data collection is finished.

Please consider participating in this important project. And please pass the word along to others you think may be interested.

Thanks very much for taking the time to read this.

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