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Aircrew Stress Study


Oct 26, 2003
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Hawaii, USA
I'm a research psychologist who is conducting a study of stresses encountered by commercial aircrew at work and in their personal lives, how they cope, and the effects on their health. I'd like to invite all of you who are currently employed crew or recently furloughed (say, in the last year) to participate in our study.

Participants fill in an anonymous survey questionnaire which is on-line. The questionnaire is in English. All nationalities, and crewmembers from all kinds of operations (mainlines, regionals, non-scheds, business/corporate and freight) are encouraged to participate in this important study.

Details can be found at the study's webpage:


This is a scientific, not a commercial study. WE ARE NOT SELLING ANYTHING -- nor are we funded by any company, union, or other such organization.

You may PM me or email me directly (sullivan@aircrewstudy.com) with any questions you may have about the study. Thanks for reading this.
Hello Everyone -

It's time to give you folks an update on the AirCrew Stress Study. I have good news to report.

I wrote a paper based on data from the early participants in the study, and it has been accepted for presentation at an international scientific conference in Feb. 2004 -- specifically, the annual conference of the Society for Cross-Cultural Research.

I want to thank members of this forum who responded to my earlier invitation to participate in the study by filling in the on-line survey. Some of you also provided additional information by contacting me directly. I am very grateful to all those who participated, because if you had not supplied the data, I could not have written the paper. Interest in this study is really growing, and I have a feeling that this is just the beginning!

(By the way, if anyone reading this has not yet participated, but would like to do so, it's not too late! Data collection is still underway. Go to AirCrewStudy.com and then click on the link to the on-line survey.)

One more thing: I am beginning to post some of the results of the study to date to the website, beginning with the demographics -- 30 nationalities represented in the sample so far! Since this is such a complex dataset, the results will be posted topic by topic, over a period of time. Then, as more data accumultates, we'll post updates as necessary to reflect any changes.

Once again, many thanks to all who have participated in this study. I greatly appreciate your input.


Happy Landings! -- and Happy Holidays!

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