Why were the votes on the MOU reported by domicile?
KENNETH HOLMES - Redirect excerpts
MR. HARPER: Exhibit 308, please. Would you
highlight --
I'm sorry, Your Honor, I screwed up the screen.
Thank you. Okay.
Q. This is Mr. Stockdell's writing; correct?
A. I believe that's correct.
Q. And he's writing if the West vote for the MOU, USAPA will
bring out the Phoenix vote and attempt to use it like Ozark/TWA
in any DFR.
Has USAPA attempted to use the West vote against it in this litigation?
MR. SILVERMAN: Objection, beyond the scope of --
THE COURT: Overruled.
THE WITNESS: The vote results from the MOU
ratification were reported by domicile so they could have used
it like that, yes.
Q. And they have in this litigation, haven't they?
A. Yes.
Q. In the form of a waiver?
A. Yes.
Q. And you were asked about resolving conflicts in the
context of compromising positions in connection with contract
negotiations; correct?
A. Correct.
Q. Okay. What was inferred, I believe, in those questions is
that USAPA should also be able to resolve conflicts between the West Pilots and the East Pilots over seniority?
MR. SILVERMAN: Objection. Form of the question.
THE COURT: Sustained.
Q. Do you believe, Captain Holmes, based upon your
experience, that USAPA can resolve seniority disputes fairly
between the West Pilots and the East Pilots?
A. There's no possible way.