
Does AMFA have no shame?

UAL Mechanics may see dues reduction and refund


Received: 01/21/04 22:40:25 EST
Name: Jim W.
TM - I sent you an email to upload the 25 dollar dues cap that everyones upset about.

Hope it works for you.
Yes, I received the file, thank you. I will post it tonight.
BTW, the only persons 'upset' are industrial union cult members anxious to create adversity, and divert attention from their Flag desecration stunt, and the fact that they were again caught lying about Brian Connors. This particular rubbish surfaces about every 12 months, or whenever an AMFA filing is imminent. The flyer was written for UAL in 1994, (note that Bill Sturm was then Assistant National Director) and any claim that a $25 dues rate was promoted at NWA, SWA, UAL, Horizon, or ATA is deliberate deceit spewed by desperate scam artists. - TM

TM even admits it was promoted at UAL

You decide
Long Term AMT said:
Does AMFA have no shame?

UAL Mechanics may see dues reduction and refund


Received: 01/21/04 22:40:25 EST
Name: Jim W.
TM - I sent you an email to upload the 25 dollar dues cap that everyones upset about.

Hope it works for you.
Yes, I received the file, thank you. I will post it tonight.
BTW, the only persons 'upset' are industrial union cult members anxious to create adversity, and divert attention from their Flag desecration stunt, and the fact that they were again caught lying about Brian Connors. This particular rubbish surfaces about every 12 months, or whenever an AMFA filing is imminent. The flyer was written for UAL in 1994, (note that Bill Sturm was then Assistant National Director) and any claim that a $25 dues rate was promoted at NWA, SWA, UAL, Horizon, or ATA is deliberate deceit spewed by desperate scam artists. - TM

TM even admits it was promoted at UAL

You decide
Is that all you have?

A flyer from 1994???

I've been hosed by the IAM/ESOP/Peternutts for 10 years and this is your 'proof'?

Get a grip!!!

So let us look at this. The dues rate was $25 then "democratically" voted on and changed to 2x base rate. So please tell me exactly what the dues structure at TWU represented carriers is? At UAL it was 2x "highest base rate" PLUS per capita tax and of that LESS than 20% was kept at the LOCAL level.

BTW Mr Conners was inaccurate in his statement that AMFA gave away OAK and IND. The IAM gave them away BEFORE the AMFA vote. People please let us discuss facts and not the standard drival that some would try to purport.
BTW Mr Conners was inaccurate in his statement that AMFA gave away OAK and IND. The IAM gave them away BEFORE the AMFA vote. People please let us discuss facts and not the standard drival that some would try to purport

Hi there Air Art...may I call ya Air Art? Hmmmmm..prior to the AMFA vote huh? Refresh mah mammory ...wasn't it the amfa organizers on the UAL floor demanding of the membership to turn down the concessions and force the company into BK? Looks like a familiar stance of the organizers...go in while a union has the floor as a bargaining agent and go after the emotions of mechanics and related that face tough challenges....THEN...when they do as ya'll axe ya point the finger to the incumbants....nice business ethics....makes me want ya even more.

United in Bankruptcy or American Out of Bancruptcy

For many months AMFA has published charts purporting to show that AA Mechanics are last among major Carriers. To begin with, the charts conveniently omit USAIR, America West, and AMFA repped ASA.. all of which have significantly lower mechanic pay than AA. However, the majority of the remaining UAL Mechanics also have lower pay than AA. This is true despite the fact that (a.) UAL has closed two maintenance bases, (b.) has the right to outsource it's remaining heavy maintenance, and (c.) now has 1.01.90 system protection date.

In a 9.12.03 AMFA meeting in TUL Alf stated that an answer to FM would be in 2 months...please check your calendar Air...did he mean in 04? BTW...let's not discuss the retiree's medical the BK courts are going after now...

Ya'll thrill the heck out of'll see your "Line mech " only amfa soon at this rate....Oh..can ya get ole Davey a welder's job at UAL?...HAHAHAHA
Daffy Duck, how fitting for you P!
I believe UAL mechanics got to keep their sick days and vacation and gave up less pay after BK. Meanwhile the TWU bends over and takes it in the kiester like a cheap $2 crack ho. This is business as usual for the TWU. Sonny making over $200K and Little making over $130K didn't flinch. It doesn't effect them.The ones that are feeling the reaming is YOU and I Doofy. Tell me you don't mind less sick days, with the added bonus of not getting full pay the first 2 days. Tell me you don't mind less vacation time and less pay. GET REAL, clown! :down: :down:

Daffy Duck, how fitting for you P!
I believe UAL mechanics got to keep their sick days and vacation and gave up less pay after BK. Meanwhile the TWU bends over and takes it in the kiester like a cheap $2 crack ho. This is business as usual for the TWU. Sonny making over $200K and Little making over $130K didn't flinch. It doesn't effect them.The ones that are feeling the reaming is YOU and I Doofy. Tell me you don't mind less sick days, with the added bonus of not getting full pay the first 2 days. Tell me you don't mind less vacation time and less pay. GET REAL, clown!

*Psssst*.....did ya read the part about the 2 base closings? Do those without jobs have any sick days available? Do you mind having a job Tony? With all respect mah bruddah I axe ya...
TonyB said:
Daffy Duck, how fitting for you P!
I believe UAL mechanics got to keep their sick days and vacation and gave up less pay after BK. Meanwhile the TWU bends over and takes it in the kiester like a cheap $2 crack ho. This is business as usual for the TWU. Sonny making over $200K and Little making over $130K didn't flinch. It doesn't effect them.The ones that are feeling the reaming is YOU and I Doofy. Tell me you don't mind less sick days, with the added bonus of not getting full pay the first 2 days. Tell me you don't mind less vacation time and less pay. GET REAL, clown! :down: :down:


Slithering Snake. . .how fitting for you TonyB! (Sorry, just takin' up for my fellow union brother! Oh, I'm sorry, you don't know what that means do you?! Oops!)

So tell me, when was the last time you checked to see how much Delle makes, or how much they pay the McCormick fellas or Seham and Seham, who with all due respect (yeh right) practically run your little organization, make. The TWU has far more members then does AMFA. You are comparing apples to oranges TonyB

Tell me you don't mind less sick days, with the added bonus of not getting full pay the first 2 days. Tell me you don't mind less vacation time and less pay. GET REAL, clown!

And I would leave it to an AMFA supporter to compare the devastation of having less sick days to NOT HAVING A FREAKIN' JOB!!!!!!!!!! Brilliant I tell ya', just brilliant!!! What else you got??????? Who's the "clown" now??? :shock:
twuer...ya cannot and must not blame the ignorance of our bruddah amfa supporters...HAHAHAHAHA..they cannot see the woods for the forest...but they can hit font and color...whooppeeeeeeeeee....
PDiddyQuill said:
BTW Mr Conners was inaccurate in his statement that AMFA gave away OAK and IND. The IAM gave them away BEFORE the AMFA vote. People please let us discuss facts and not the standard drival that some would try to purport

Hi there Air Art...may I call ya Air Art? Hmmmmm..prior to the AMFA vote huh? Refresh mah mammory ...wasn't it the amfa organizers on the UAL floor demanding of the membership to turn down the concessions and force the company into BK? Looks like a familiar stance of the organizers...go in while a union has the floor as a bargaining agent and go after the emotions of mechanics and related that face tough challenges....THEN...when they do as ya'll axe ya point the finger to the incumbants....nice business ethics....makes me want ya even more.

United in Bankruptcy or American Out of Bancruptcy

For many months AMFA has published charts purporting to show that AA Mechanics are last among major Carriers. To begin with, the charts conveniently omit USAIR, America West, and AMFA repped ASA.. all of which have significantly lower mechanic pay than AA. However, the majority of the remaining UAL Mechanics also have lower pay than AA. This is true despite the fact that (a.) UAL has closed two maintenance bases, (b.) has the right to outsource it's remaining heavy maintenance, and (c.) now has 1.01.90 system protection date.

In a 9.12.03 AMFA meeting in TUL Alf stated that an answer to FM would be in 2 months...please check your calendar Air...did he mean in 04? BTW...let's not discuss the retiree's medical the BK courts are going after now...

Ya'll thrill the heck out of'll see your "Line mech " only amfa soon at this rate....Oh..can ya get ole Davey a welder's job at UAL?...HAHAHAHA

Good twist.
However, I still cannot find an AMFA T'Shirt with the:

'Will Strike if Provoked'

You can blame AFMA as much as you'd like, but your 'hypothesis'
(as that is all it is) is flawed.

If you are going to 'talk' tough then be 'tough' our shut up!!!

Gadsen Flag

Keep digging that hole, twuer. I know you can't help yourself. That so called "slithering snake" which you mock was a symbol of the American Revolution. It is known as the Gadsen flag. Unlike the "Will Strike if Provoked" snake of the TWU, the Gadsen snake had teeth!

Not only does TeAAm TWU desecrate the American flag but they ridicule American history. :down:

Keep up the good work, though. Thanks to your childish antics the card count has now risen to 55.3 %

Click on the link, you ignoramous and let me educate you!


TonyB said:
Gadsen Flag

Keep digging that hole, twuer. I know you can't help yourself. That so called "slithering snake" which you mock was a symbol of the American Revolution. It is known as the Gadsen flag. Unlike the "Will Strike if Provoked" snake of the TWU, the Gadsen snake had teeth!

Not only does TeAAm TWU desecrate the American flag but they ridicule American history. :down:

Keep up the good work, though. Thanks to your childish antics the card count has now risen to 55.3 %

Clock on the link, you ignoramous and let me educate you!


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! You will spin just about anything won't you Tonyboy!! I didn't mock anything. I just said the slithering snake was fitting for you. And I guess my point has been proven once again.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Tonyboy gets my vote for the most name calling!!! If you think I am joking, check out his posts sometime. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
TeAAm TWU suffers from spousal abuse syndrome. Women who are abused by their husbands (Dennis Burchete cmes to mind) often defend the actions of their abusers. They blame themselves for the actions of the abusive husbands. If they don't anger him maybe she will not get beat.
TeAAm TWU thinks that not angering the company and doing what ever the company wants will prevent another beating.
Seek help, TeAAm TWU! It's out there! Sign an AMFA card and stop the cycle of AAbuse!

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