I would find it hard to believe that AA's (originating)International 777's are not properly cleaned in F + C.
Well Bear, at JFK where the heavy international traffic occurs, they can't get it right. The F/C area where the big bucks $$$ are paid, little is done any different than main cabin. I have yet to see a tray top in F/C, not because I don't want to clean them but, at JFK these are treated as turns, not lay-overs. Incidentally, lay-overs are contracted out to a third party. Contractually speaking, the contractor could possibly contest AA employees cleaning lay-overs. Imagine that? Thanks to the TWU. So the passenger who pays the most, suffers equally. That's what I like about American, all passengers are created equal, very patriotic, heh?
Meanwhile, back in the fierce competitive world, known as the Aviation industry. OALs such as Singapore Airlines, have a F/A assigned inflight to freshen up the LAVS in F/C between each passenger use. Fat chance of anything like that at AA. AA's inflight culture most change with the environment, we're trying to become a Global carrier, but we continue to show our AArrogant side. Asian businessmen, ( women ) will only be fooled once into buying on AA.