Do you realize that you lost the first case and only won on appeal, because of ripeness?
Ripeness alone, was so notably absent in that bizarre judge's little circus that none then dug any deeper, nor had any rational need to do so. Do YOU realize that the evident west assumption is that zero/zip/nada/none other legal faults could've even possibly been found, upon further inspection? Let's see now: Wake was sufficently inept so's not to even recognize ripeness for what it was/wasn't, but was otherwise the font of all legal brilliance...and that actually makes "sense" to you!?
You guys, as a group mind you, without assigning individual insanity to specific people, are as desperate, delusional and completely full of BS as any subset/portion of humanity I've ever studied....period.
PS: Omigosh!...A minus vote already! Sigh! I sure didn't see that coming! Sorry to burst your cultist bubble with the above post...umm..."spartans".