Fleet didnt pay dues until you ratified your first contract in 1999, negotations started in 1995.
Maintenance was part of 141, when NW went AMFA, AMFA started raiding United and US, so in order to try and stop the raid, they came up with the idea of a mechanic and related district, they did create one for NW, but it was too late to stop the raid and NW M&R went AMFA.
So there was a vote for the mechanic and related at 141 to create its own district, which is why 141M was created.
When UA went AMFA US Mechanic and Related wasnt large enough to sustain itself, so we were placed into 142 as they were the only district to have mechanic and related in it all ready.
And 141 used the current AGCs which were all mechanic and related at US to help negotiate, Bill Freighberger and Tony Giammarco with rank and file members of Fleet, being greivance committeemen, I know Greg Bonar was one, and John Carr also, not sure of the rest of makeup of the committee. When 141M was created it removed Freighberger and Giammarco from fleet's negotiations.