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April/May 2013 IAM Fleet Discussions

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Fleet didnt pay dues until you ratified your first contract in 1999, negotations started in 1995.

Maintenance was part of 141, when NW went AMFA, AMFA started raiding United and US, so in order to try and stop the raid, they came up with the idea of a mechanic and related district, they did create one for NW, but it was too late to stop the raid and NW M&R went AMFA.

So there was a vote for the mechanic and related at 141 to create its own district, which is why 141M was created.

When UA went AMFA US Mechanic and Related wasnt large enough to sustain itself, so we were placed into 142 as they were the only district to have mechanic and related in it all ready.

And 141 used the current AGCs which were all mechanic and related at US to help negotiate, Bill Freighberger and Tony Giammarco with rank and file members of Fleet, being greivance committeemen, I know Greg Bonar was one, and John Carr also, not sure of the rest of makeup of the committee. When 141M was created it removed Freighberger and Giammarco from fleet's negotiations.
When 141M removed Freighberger and Giammarco US Fleet AGC Tom Miklavic became the the senior AGC on the Negotiating Committee. Tom had been the Grievance Chairperson in PIT with the Teamsters under Business Representative Vince Hickman. When the Teamsters had lost out on the first election between the Teamsters, both the IAM and Steelworkers solicited his support in the runoff election. Tom chose to throw his support behind the IAM. Subsequently, the IAM gained immeasurable support from former Teamster members and won the runoff. Even after Freighberger and Giammarco were removed Tom relied heavily on their opinions and guidance in negotiations. In the years leading up to the original IAM 1999 Fleet Service agreement MTC. and Fleet Leadership worked closely together. We have strayed, since then, and have been collectively worse off for it IMO.
I even noticed the straying when Canale was in charge of 141, it was difficult to get him to meet with us, we did meet with NC members from 141 and Tom Brickner who was assisting 141.

Sito needs to put out a mandate and get both districts working together and start some solidarity between the groups.

The best solidarity was in 1999, both districts had been negotiating for over 4 years and voted down agreements, since chapter 11 has hit twice the members are beaten down and both districts need to do something about it.

Doug wants a merger agreement, not two new CBAs for US Fleet and M&R, and the unions need to start working safe to put pressure on US.
Just because you are different districts doesnt mean your not still together, you are all IAM members and still all under the Transportation Department.

Okay, we were in different districts in 1999 and there was plenty of solidarity between the groups, and both groups got a CBA because of it.

And in the same locals.

Just different for District which is contract negtotiations.
Different Districts and different Bargaining Units as the NMB sees it. For this reason, even if DL 141 were to ask to be released in the Fleet Service negotiations, the chances are slim to none the NMB would release two bargaining units (MTC. & Related & Fleet Service) within the industry at once, let alone two bargaining units on the same property at once. That's not to say there is any harm in DL 141 filing to be released also. It may demonstrate to the NMB the pattern of US not negotiating in good faith with either unit. This is not the Districts' fight alone. Their is only so much, legally, they can do. Responsibility, to work on a united front, is also up to the members of both groups. There is much we could accomplish on our own... without the "official" directive of the respective districts and NCs.
As you know the membership is so apathetic its pathetic, they have been beaten down so much, I think they really dont care anymore and dont trust the company nor the IAM and the IAM needs to start building solidarity from the ground up.

We did it with the airbus outsourcing, we did it in the 99 negotiations, so it can be done.
As you know the membership is so apathetic its pathetic, they have been beaten down so much, I think they really dont care anymore and dont trust the company nor the IAM and the IAM needs to start building solidarity from the ground up.

We did it with the airbus outsourcing, we did it in the 99 negotiations, so it can be done.
I'm not so sure that the memberships are as apathetic as you may think. The leadership of IAM141 texted me, specifically the S/T suggesting as such, but I think he was shocked just how quick solidarity between several groups can be raised, not raised by him of course. Just think how much more solid the union would be if the leadership trusted the membership. Atkinson texted me "how do you trust a membership" two weeks ago. I texted him back and said, "as a leader, you don't have any choice but to trust otherwise management is going to continue kicking your ass." regards,
I still think they are apathetic, but they see US making money, and both the US and the UA, as well as the sCO members want returns and are tired of working under chapter 11 or concessionary agreements.

Especially since they see that Doug doesnt care and went out and negotiated with the TWA, APA and the APFA.

Its time to turn the heat up on Doug.
I still think they are apathetic, but they see US making money, and both the US and the UA, as well as the sCO members want returns and are tired of working under chapter 11 or concessionary agreements.

Especially since they see that Doug doesnt care and went out and negotiated with the TWA, APA and the APFA.

Its time to turn the heat up on Doug.
Once again... apathy and the building of solidarity are the core issues that must be overcome with the membership in both groups. It's going to be up to the members of both bargaining units to realize there is truly strength in numbers. It's going to be up to the members to accomplish this. It's time the membership leads and the District Leaderships follow before it's too late for all of us. If both are addressed and corrected we, as a collective group, have the leverage we need in negotiations. It occurred in the past... it is time, now more than ever, to return to solidarity. There is much, both groups can begin doing, to send a message of solidarity to the company. NC teams and District Leadership Teams are only as strong as their members' resolve. We need to get coordinated with a grass roots campaign. We don't have the luxury of time to wait for the respective district leadership teams to make it happen. Based on past history... they have let the two groups stray from one another. They have let us stray from our true strength.
its beyond time to ratchet up the heat on dp i dont know what so hard about folks not seeing what is happening here.. come one now company makes offer to aa and their unions... they walk away from the tables claiming they dont have time but i also have to level the blame at the union leadership as has been pointed out why cant they just simply file with the nmb for release.. even though as has been explained to me but just to file and have it rejected could be used as a tool i would think or may be going to the news media and portray how things are btwn the company n union something has to work... and for sure solidarity has to be built up its been done before and i firmly believe it can be done again...

in my station the mgmt wants to eliminate 4 full time lines... already short staffed as it is im not sure how that will work but i do know it wont work too well in the past 2 or so yrs weve lost over 14 people only 2 part timer hired and theyre on day shift as usual
Kev he is actually a pretty good guy for such an old goat!....lol I am just busting on you, roa I really hope you enjoy a well deserved retirement!

Thanks Rat— I will certainly be glad to spend more of my time on the farm with the wife…

Guys… I'm not in here raisin' hell for my health... money... fame... attention… and certainly not to be elected! I'm doing it because I care about the workers in this industry-- The same one I was able to make a career of! I simply do not want you guys to be lead astray of the collective goals you wish to achieve. I’m sorry, but I just do not subscribe to the ideology that every single union leader we elect is a POS, and must be replaced! Union Leaders are just a catalyst for the membership, and ultimately it is the membership that directs their own future not the leaders.

All of this "burn the union down" and lynch the leaders is counter productive… and sends a message of division to the company-- Which of course is more than happy to exploit the perceived weakness in negotiations!

Who knows… maybe I’m wrong… we’ll see in a few years!
Just a reminder to everyone. 142 mechanics started negotiating 6 months prior to fleet. They just asked to be released last month. We at fleet, even though we started 6 months later, are probably now only about a month behind them. Lets see how the April meetings go, if no progress is made, you may see fleet asked to be released IMO. A mediator has the final say so, on whether or not we can be released. But it is no coincidence I can assure everyone, that we are only a month behind 142. Things are being coordinated, much to the disbelief of some.
Congrats. on retirement (or soon to be). I promise you it's great. I'm thankful nothing in this for me one way or the other. I just wish everyone the best.

Thanks Harry... you have been in here for a long time, and I value your opinion. Who knows... I may get bored, and go to law school. My sister is almost done with a Masters Degree that she started on at age 47... it's never too late!
Just a reminder to everyone. 142 mechanics started negotiating 6 months prior to fleet. They just asked to be released last month. We at fleet, even though we started 6 months later, are probably now only about a month behind them. Lets see how the April meetings go, if no progress is made, you may see fleet asked to be released IMO. A mediator has the final say so, on whether or not we can be released. But it is no coincidence I can assure everyone, that we are only a month behind 142. Things are being coordinated, much to the disbelief of some.

Thanks Charlie...

It seems that certain advocates of dissention function better in an informational vacuum... you just gave then less to vacuum to suck with!
Good to here from you. Regardless of what some state on here that we are in communication all the time with you, I didn't even know you had retired. Sorry about that!! I guess I've been so busy, I didn't even here about it. Glad somebody gets to retire and enjoy life!!
@Nelson, what’s up with the new blocked text? I’m not buying the-- “It’s the computer argument”! Megalomania, condensation, and childish games of deception are not virtues! Perhaps, it's the attention you long for!?
Good to here from you. Regardless of what some state on here that we are in communication all the time with you, I didn't even know you had retired. Sorry about that!! I guess I've been so busy, I didn't even here about it. Glad somebody gets to retire and enjoy life!!

Charlie... I ain't retired yet.. it's a few months away!
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