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APA Asks Congress To Block AA/BA ATI

Funny how Blowhardstar didn't have a problem with the NW/KL ATI more than 15 years ago. He blustered about how unfair the DL takeover of his NW was and now that it's a done deal, he suddenly discovers that antitrust immunity is somehow "bad for consumers."

I'm still confident that AA/BA/IB is approved soon.
Funny how Blowhardstar didn't have a problem with the NW/KL ATI more than 15 years ago. He blustered about how unfair the DL takeover of his NW was and now that it's a done deal, he suddenly discovers that antitrust immunity is somehow "bad for consumers."

I'm still confident that AA/BA/IB is approved soon.

I agree that it will be approved, probably this summer.

I can't believe the ignorance of this idiot Oberstar. The damage he wants to bring upon the airline industry could push all the carriers into insolvency. Just what we need as the banks are collapsing and industrial production falling off a cliff.

And have we forgotten about the consumer benefits of these alliances? The mileage earned and redeemed, lounge access, efficient connections... we'll lose most or all of that if Oberstar has his way.