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Any News On The Oct 12 Hearing?

NeedForSpeedNFS said:
Even IF this place survives, you will all be working for peanuts!!!!!.........GOOD DAY!!!!!
See what we have here are employees who believe they are elephants so peanuts are a good thing.....

I agree on the spare me the woe is me crap-ola, single mom, why is she single?

She can't run her own life now blame it on somebody else! Like I said, elephants.
cavalier said:
See what we have here are employees who believe they are elephants so peanuts are a good thing.....

I agree on the spare me the woe is me crap-ola, single mom, why is she single?

She can't run her own life now blame it on somebody else! Like I said, elephants.

i am a single dad raising a special needs boy who is 2 yrs old and my city went to mainline express. although it is tough i am surviving by what i call check to check. that is all i can do. been doing it since last year when we got sold down the river without the life preservers
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
PITbull, Please spare us this "single mother with children" crap!!! A choice between selling the house, or losing it, blah!!, blah!! #1, with all due respect to whomever your referring to, there are plenty of other oppertunities for a single mother to "make it". If she is TRULY worried about "the children", and she is single, maybe she should not even be a F/A, which requires her to be AWAY from her kids!!!.........#2, there are many employees in precarious situations, and of course the company is trying as hard as they can to dismantle as much of labor as they can!!! That's why they are in BK!!!! Thats why EVERYONE should be seeking OTHER oppertunities!!! Even IF this place survives, you will all be working for peanuts!!!!!.........GOOD DAY!!!!!

I don't have to SPARE you anything!

these are the existing realities. We also have married couples that both work here and 23% is what they can't endure.

This is what we are presenting..real life issues.

PITbull said:
I don't have to SPARE you anything!

these are the existing realities. We also have married couples that both work here and 23% is what they can't endure.

This is what we are presenting..real life issues.

I'm not un-happy, quit the contrary!!!! I;m DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!! Your pounding your chest, going to "fight the fight"!!!!.......Good luck!!!! 2 people both working here???? Still???? Under these circumstances??? One or both of those married couples needs their head examined!!!! Talk about all your eggs in one basket!! No, Pitbull, the reality of REAL life, is that if you want to stay, fine.....good luck. On the other hand, people should be looking to leave a sinking ship, especially a married couple that both works here!!!! That's downright suicide!!! GOOD DAY!!!!! So....To "Freaking" Bad to whatever happens to those who do not choose the correct path!!!!!! 😛
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
I'm not un-happy, quit the contrary!!!! I;m DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!! Your pounding your chest, going to "fight the fight"!!!!.......Good luck!!!! 2 people both working here???? Still???? Under these circumstances??? One or both of those married couples needs their head examined!!!! Talk about all your eggs in one basket!! No, Pitbull, the reality of REAL life, is that if you want to stay, fine.....good luck. On the other hand, people should be looking to leave a sinking ship, especially a married couple that both works here!!!! That's downright suicide!!! GOOD DAY!!!!! So....To "Freaking" Bad to whatever happens to those who do not choose the correct path!!!!!! 😛
Looks like you pissed of the "one" now hell fire is sure to rain down on you speed.

I agree whole heartedly with your opinion.

Yep, U employees are getting it in the shorts, under the arms and anywhere it can be inserted and the ones staying know this is happening so bitching about how unfair it is, is silly.

Management from hell lead by Satan is something I personally don't won't to be around to B_I_T_C_H about. And soon I will have no right to B_I_T_C_H because I will no longer be a part of any of this insanity.

Good luck to the one who want to stay, don't know if you're brave or insane.
On Oct. 11, 700UW said "If you read the SR VP of MTC's depostions, he will be on the stand tomorrow and lets just say the IAM attorney has a surprise for him.

Can you say the word Perjury boys and girls?"

So, where is the "secret" weapon?
Lets just say he devated from his depostion and told the real truth.
I do not think that the best labor arguement before the judge would be a single employee that would in financial trouble with the company's imposed 23% paycut. The judge would surely be thinking that person would be much worse off with no
company and no job. The better arguement, I believe, would be to point to the management raises last spring (to the degree it occured) and to the management paycuts of 5-7.5% to all but the top level managers. This % with the other changes for management would be a FAIR and EQUITABLE solution. Also, wouldn't it be more logical for the company to tie financial agreements with BOA an ATSB to specific dollar amounts on hand in the future and NOT to a favorable ruling from the judge on granting the WHOLE company request as some have posted is the case?
[PITBULL, Did anyone ask her what would happen if she lost the job all together??? Hmmm?

"Also, wouldn't it be more logical for the company to tie financial agreements with BOA an ATSB to specific dollar amounts on hand in the future and NOT to a favorable ruling from the judge on granting the WHOLE company request as some have posted is the case?"

If you look at the proposed agreement, this is what it does. There is no mention in the agreement of paycuts - either temporary or long term.

Now one could presume that the company argument is that without at least temporary pay cuts they will not meet the requirements of the new agreement with the ATSB, but that is different than saying that the ATSB is requiring the pay cuts.


ps - there are also earnings requirements (over $200 million EBITDAR for Sept-Nov) and capital spending limits ($20 million or less).
jimntx said:
That being said, I don't think that will happen yet. I don't think US Airways has reached the point where protection of the creditors is best served by liquidation. It could reach that point rapidly if the burn rate for cash on hand doesn't slow down, but it's not there yet.

If I am reading this correctly, you are saying that Liquidation should occur when we get to some smaller asset base, and distribute those lesser assets to the creditors, vs. more if we just shut down today? From a creditor perspective, that doesn't seem rational.

I agree with you, that we are not at Liquidation yet. But that is because Management, BK court, and lenders still believe that they could recoup more of their claims by US Airways remaining a going-concern. I have stopped believing this long ago. This company has done on minimal transformation, other than employee costs, and while I hear a big talk, i see very little action. While huge ships turn slowly, this ship was not set on a course to turn until years too late.

If I were a creditor, I'd be calling for Ch 7 already, because the economics of the situation dictate it (both macro and micro).

Can't disagree with what you said. One of the many things I find interesting is the end date of the new agreement with the ATSB - Jan 14, before the lease payments on the planes is due. The money for those payments would still be in the company coffers and the ATSB could pull the plug before it's paid out if things don't look like they'll turn around.

Of course, there are other (and earlier) possible reasons for them to pull the plug if things aren't going well too.

jimntx said:
You read it right, but it is written wrong! It's a badly constructed sentence. The duration of the pay cuts is for 6 months, not the postponement of the judge's decision. Kind of like the title of that new book on the worsening of English grammar, The Panda Eats, Shoots, and Leaves. :lol:

That makes much more sense now. Thanks

Boeing Boy... I see ATSB's logic... But then again, the ATSB is what I'll call "double secured" (i.e. secured with cash restrictions + collateral)... If I were GE, or RSA, or PIT airport, or some other creditor, I'd be in the "off with their heads" category.

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